Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1358: External skills MAX3

Chapter 1358 External Skill MAX3

"What to do, Yao Yao, someone was rushed out."

Han Yiyi and Mu Yaoyao supported each other and couldn't help worrying when they saw their companions being washed away.

The water in the waterfall is turbulent, and there are countless undercurrents of sharp rocks under the water, which may be dangerous.

Mu Yaoyao said: "Don't worry, they are at most rushed out of the waterfall. When we get the heart of the water mirror, the mirror world will be broken and they will be able to come out."

Han Yiyi nodded: "Yeah."

The impact of the waterfall is really too great. The impact of one hundred thousand catties hits everyone, like countless steel needles piercing into the skin at the same time.

But a few minutes later, these demons couldn't stand it and began to complain.

"Everyone cheer up, we are all so difficult to walk, that dirty and lowly woman will only be a hundred times more difficult than us in the waterfall. Everyone will pass after you overcome it!"

Upon seeing this, Han Yiyi used secret words to transmit sound, cheering up like every companion.

The dirty and humble woman in her mouth, of course, refers to Jun Mohuang.

If it were the usual, this group of demons must not be so united.

But when Jun Mohuang, a foreign enemy, appeared, they united tightly.

"Sister Yiyi is right, that woman will only be worse!"

Yu Yanrou immediately agreed.

The other demon girls thought that Jun Mohuang was more difficult than herself, suffering hundreds of times, and her whole body was full of power.

Even if she had Chi Chi, a master of the Yuanhuang Realm by her side, the water from this waterfall weighed 100,000 catties.

Chi Chi's spiritual energy could not resist the impact of the current for Jun Mohuang.

The process of crossing the waterfall, Jun Mohuang must be more painful than them.

Not only did this group of demons think so, but Chi Chi in front also thought so.

He thought that after entering the waterfall, Jun Mohuang would definitely need his extra care.

Chi Chi is ready to cross the waterfall will be very difficult.

As a result, after entering the waterfall, Chi Chi was dumbfounded.

Under the impact of the white water, Jun Mohuang was as leisurely as walking in the courtyard.

She is light and flexible, jumping from one stone to another.

It looks like you are walking around your back garden.

What difficulty, what pain, does not exist for her, does not exist.

"Tsk tusk, what's the matter with this waterfall, how come the thunder is heavy and the rain is small, there is no strength at all."

Jun Mohuang jumped to the stone slab in front of him again, with a look of confusion.

From the appearance of this waterfall, the current has at least one hundred thousand catties of impact.

She has already adjusted the gold element all over the body, called out the protective enchantment, and prepared the tortoise shell of the old tortoise.

Only when I came in did I find it light and fluttering, and the water flow was soft like cotton.

Did she enter a fake waterfall?

"Female... Mistress, don't you feel the impact of the current?"

Chi Chi followed closely beside Jun Mohuang, and when she heard her complaining about lack of strength, she almost slipped under her feet and was washed away by the current.

Damn, this is the impact of one hundred thousand catties of water, and even a master of Yuanhuang realm can't bear it.

The hostess can't feel it, it's totally unscientific!

"I can't feel it."

Jun Mohuang nodded.

After saying this, she saw the expression of Chi Chi bitterness through the white water.

After thinking for a while, he said again: "No, this is not accurate, it's still a bit forceful. It's like the weight of a ball of cotton falling on the body."

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Chi Chi's bitter expression finally improved.

(End of this chapter)

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