Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1355: Let them fly for a while 2

Chapter 1355 Let them fly for a while 2

Yu Yanrou forgot to glance behind her and snort disdainfully.

She is dressed in a white veil and manipulates a pair of white wings. She has the fairy posture of being left behind and independent.

"How can she catch up? Our wings, but the emperor personally rewarded the black clan when the family had made military exploits for the emperor, and they belonged to the artifact level wings."

"That's right, with her strength in the first stage late stage of the Yuanzun realm, even if the emperor gave her wings of the divine weapon level, she would not be able to catch up."

Next to Yu Yanrou, two demon girls immediately agreed.

"Hehe, I can't catch up, and I am ashamed to say that I can get the heart of the water mirror, and I don't know where the emboldened is, it's really a laugh!"

Han Yiyi curled his lips, feeling very uncomfortable with the appearance of Jun Mohuang.

Han Yiyi has always been proud of his pure demon blood.

A lowly person like Jun Mohuang with double bloodlines can also be loved by the emperor. of

This made Han Yiyi feel that her bottom line was provoked.

Seeing that Jun Mohuang hadn't caught up for so long, Han Yiyi felt a little happy now.

But her happiness hadn't lasted for a second, and suddenly there was a familiar and pleasant sound from above.

"Of course I can surpass you and leave you far behind."

With the sound of this voice, Han Yiyi only felt that there was a shadow over her head covering herself.

She immediately looked up, but did not see anyone above.

"Where to look, I'm on your right."

Before she raised her head, Jun Mohuang deflected her wings and flew to Han Yiyi's right, and flew side by side with her.

" is this possible!"

Han Yiyi subconsciously looked to the right, Jun Mohuang's beautiful eyes were looking at her with an ironic smile.

Han Yiyi shuddered, and the wings behind him flicked. He almost lost his balance and fell into the air.

She feels balanced.

This... how is this possible!

Jun Mohuang is not in the first-stage late stage of Yuanzun realm, how can it be possible to catch up with their group of strong Yuanzong realm.

Han Yiyi almost felt that he was dazzled.

The voice of Jun Mohuang instantly fryed all the demons.

This... is the voice of Jun Mohuang!

No, it's impossible, it must be their illusion.

When they subconsciously looked in the direction of the voice, everyone's reaction was the same as Han Yiyi's. With a flick of their wings, they almost lost their balance and fell.

Fortunately, they are strong and have a wealth of flying experience. After a little adjustment, they are back on track.

"Well, don't you say that I can't catch up? How does it feel to be slapped now."

The corner of Jun Mohuang's lips made a provocative smile.

"Don't be proud for too long, so what if you can catch up!"

Yu Yanrou glared at Jun Mohuang, and then screamed.

"Everyone is ready, and she will beat them down together."

"Yes, so what if we can catch up with us, our strength is stronger than you, and we can beat you down!"

"Everyone aimed at her wings and smashed her wings to see how arrogant she is!"

Yu Yanrou's words were unanimously approved by the demons.

They began to gather spiritual energy and summon spiritual power.

"Tsk tusk, the real murderer, he started fighting at the first sight, no wonder Ling Tian doesn't like you. You play slowly, I'll leave."

Jun Mohuang tweeted twice, and the black wings behind it spread out, and the black wings suddenly increased by one third.

Raising the flying speed of the black wings to the extreme, within one second, it opened the distance to these demons by nearly a kilometer.

(End of this chapter)

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