Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1354: Let them fly for a while 1

Chapter 1354 Let them fly for a while 1

The important things that Ling Tian wants from her family must be picked up by her herself.

"Huh, you are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue when you speak big words."

Yu Yanrou and the demon girls looked at Jun Mohuang in disgust.

"With your little Yuan Zun realm's strength in the late first stage, you still want to get the heart of the water mirror, ha ha, don't be funny."

Jun Mohuang smiled lightly: "Whether it's big talk or funny, let's just walk and see."

"Just wait and see, you think we will lose to you!"

Han Yiyi sneered, his shoulders trembling, and a pair of fiery red wings suddenly appeared behind her.

As soon as the red wings spread, Han Yiyi tapped his toes and immediately lifted off.

Her wings flew extremely fast, and in a flash, there was only a small black shadow in the air.

Yu Yanrou, Mu Yaoyao and other demon girls immediately summoned their own wings and flew into the sky.

Jun Mohuang is not their opponent, but the heart of Shui Jing can't be preempted by Han Yiyi.

After entering the mirror world, this group of demon girls did not meet with their family's large forces, and still had doubts.

At this time, Jun Mohuang was agitated, and he took off and flew directly, regardless of other things.

They all have a thought in their hearts--

You must get the heart of the water mirror, occupy a place in the heart of the emperor, and then let him get rid of Jun Mohuang when the emperor offers a reward!

"The speed is really fast."

Jun Mohuang looked at the only small black spots left in the distant sky, and put his hands on his eyes in a leisurely manner, raising his eyes to look out.

"Mistress, that group of demon girls have a high status in the Nine Netherworld Realm, and the wings they have are all of a magical level. You dare not use it to catch up!"

Seeing her leisurely appearance, Chi Chi couldn't help but get angry.

Although her hostess is a bit low in strength, she is very smart, and she keeps all kinds of ghost ideas. It shouldn't be a problem to get the heart of the water mirror.

The question is, she is left behind now, what if she gets on the ground first by the demons.

Wouldn't the hostess be laughed at by these demons!

"What are you afraid of? Let them fly for a while. It is not dangerous to explore the way forward."

The corners of Jun Mohuang's lips were clear, and there was light flashing in his eyes.

Their wings are fast, but sorry, her black wings are faster!

five minutes later.

Jun Mohuang estimated that the time was almost up, and with a thought, black wings slowly emerged from behind her.

With a light tap on his toes, Jun Mohuang was graceful and flew into the air.

Chi Chi saw a pair of black wings flashing in front of him, and when he returned to his senses, the Jun Mo Phoenix in the sky had already turned into a small black dot.

Classmate Chi Chi's eyes widened.

Let me take it, what the **** is the mistress's black wings, this speed is too fast!

It's faster than the artifact-level wings of those demons, it's simply unscientific!

This is the first time Classmate Chi Chi has seen Jun Mohuang's black wings. It is normal to be surprised or something.

No, no, he has to catch up quickly, or he won't be able to catch up with the mistress.

Chi Chi's heart moved, a pair of red wings took him into the air.


In the sky of the mirror world, a group of demons flew at the fastest speed.

This time, this group of demons are united as never before.

They never squeezed out Yu Yanrou anymore, and they started to kill each other without flying in the air, but instead focused on increasing their speed.

"Hmph, it's been seven minutes, and I haven't chased it for so long. The big talk is loud."

(End of this chapter)

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