Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1344: Not cute at all

Chapter 1344 is not cute at all

The woman with red eyes tried to restrain her anger.

This unfilial son is really the bigger and the less cute.

No, he has always been so unlovable since he was a kid.

"This is serious."

Di Ling's expression was not visible, but his footsteps stopped.

"Of course, I lied to you."

The red-eyed woman stroked her hair, and suddenly showed a malicious smile.

"Tsk tusk, Er smash, you haven't been pounced by Huang'er yet, have you fallen?"

When she saw Di Lingtian's body suddenly cold, she knew she had guessed it.

The red-eyed woman made a distressed first appearance: "Er smash, I said you really failed to mix, really wasting your face in vain!"

Di Lingtian just glanced at her, and said lightly: "It seems that you are living well here, and it won't be a problem to stay here for 10,000 years."

"Okay, good boy, mother is just boring, just joking with you."

The woman with red eyes instantly changed her attitude.

She must be crazy to stay in this ghost place for another ten thousand years.

"Don't joke about this kind of thing."

Di Lingtian gave her a warning look.

No matter what, this is the personal matter of him and Huang Er, and it is not for others' turn to interrupt.

Even joking is not allowed.

The red-eyed woman said: "I see."

This brat can't make any jokes and is boring.

Di Lingtian turned around, tapped his toes, and left this mysterious space by himself.

The red-eyed woman saw him leave and asked, "Hey, what are you going to do."

She told him everything that consolidating the power of the source would have unexpected benefits, why this unfilial son would not listen.

Isn't he interested in this benefit?


Di Lingtian didn't answer.

"Hurry up, don't get tired of crookedness, it's the best way to go out and consolidate the power of origin."

The woman with red eyes instantly understood his intentions.

Di Lingtian wanted to take advantage of this time to contact his future daughter-in-law.


In the air, Di Lingtian answered.

He left this space and returned to the palace.

Inside the palace, the magic is lingering.

Emperor Lingtian flicked his sleeves, dispelling the devilish energy floating in the air.

Appeared in the air for a round and a half.

The moonlight pouring down like water.

Standing in the moonlight, Di Lingtian looked at the huge half-moon in the sky, and took out the special sound transmission jade talisman that was in contact with Jun Mohuang.

The contact person in this sound transmission jade talisman is only Jun Mohuang.

Di Lingtian gently whispered the sound transmission jade with his fingertips, his eyes gradually softened.

After three months of not seeing each other, his Huang'er must have grown taller and more beautiful.

I really want to see her right away.

Di Lingtian tapped his fingertips lightly and lit this sound transmission jade talisman with aura.


Eight directions mysterious world, the first peak of Lingyuanzong.

Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen were pulled into a hole under the ground by white light. The two were separated by white light, and their bodies began to fall at high speed.

The speed of the fall exceeds 300 meters per second.

This hole is not bottomed, and if you continue to fall at this speed, you will be seriously injured if you fall to the bottom of the hole and not die.

Jun Mohuang's heart moved, the black wings spread out behind him, and his landing speed dropped sharply.

The whole person was as light as a feather, drifting and landing slowly.

A quarter of an hour later, Jun Mohuang touched a solid piece of land under his feet.

Looking around, eyes full of green.

The bottom of the hole here is actually a dense forest.

Under the clear blue sky, dense forests are lush trees and bushes.

A path extends from her feet to the distance.

Jun Mohuang looked at the blue sky above the dense forest and stood still.

(End of this chapter)

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