Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1345: missed me

Chapter 1345 Do you miss me

She clearly fell into a cave hidden under the body of Shuijing Mountain. The position at this time should be underground.

Here, you can see the blue sky and white clouds.

The cave where she came here is long gone.

Obviously, this is a small space independent of the real space, just like her Huangyu space.

"How about Yinyue, Shuijingshan, and the spiritual roots of Shuijing inside."

Thinking of the Phoenix Jade Space, Jun Mohuang began to inquire about the condition of the Shui Jing Mountain that was moved to the Phoenix Jade Space.

"Master, there is no problem with Shui Jingshan and Shui Jing Linggen."

Lord Yinyue quickly checked the condition of Shuijing Mountain and Shuijing Linggen.

After being moved to the Phoenix Jade Space, the Lightening Talisman became invalid, and Shui Jingshan returned to its original weight.

The water element and aura of Shuijing Mountain and Shuijing Linggen were stable, and there was no adverse reaction after they arrived in the Phoenix Space.

"Very well, Shui Jing Linggen, please take care of this paragraph."

Lord Yinyue said flatly, "Master, no trouble or trouble, this is the duty of this dragon!"

How can it be troublesome, hehehe, with Shui Jingshan, its strength recovery speed can be doubled.

You can quickly leave that old tortoise behind. It is not a dream to get the owner's pet alone.

When Lord Yinyue thought of this, he rolled happily in the secret room of Shuijingshan.

Shuijingshan was properly placed and the mission of this line was successfully completed.

Jun Mohuang looked at the path that stretched into the distance before his eyes, and the path had disappeared.

Once it came, she was safe, she wanted to see what was hidden in this small world.

Jun Mohuang raised his vigilance to twelve points, ready to fight at any time, and set foot on this path in the dense forest.

Before I had time to start, my heart suddenly became hot.

Jun Mohuang's delicate black jewel-like eyes were full of joy, and immediately took out the sound transmission jade talisman hanging around his neck.

Sure enough, I saw the jade talisman flashing white light continuously.

This is the sound transmission jade talisman dedicated to her contact with Di Lingtian. The jade talisman is hot and shining, which means that Di Lingtian contacted her.

Jun Mohuang's actions preceded his consciousness, quickly inputting a ray of spiritual energy into the sound transmission jade talisman.


Among the jade charms, a deep and mellow voice belonged to Di Lingtian.

"Ling Tian, ​​did you leave the customs early?"

Jun Mohuang was holding the sound transmission jade talisman, and before he knew it, his heart beat a little faster.

There are only two days to three months. During these three months, she is always looking forward to hearing his voice and not looking forward to seeing her.

Di Lingtian contacted her two days in advance, does it mean that she can see him two days in advance?

It just so happened that Shui Jingshan was already in the Huangyu Space, meet in advance, and she can surprise him immediately.

"Huang'er, do you miss me."

In the Nine Nether World, Di Lingtian did not directly answer Jun Mohuang's question.

He looked at his hands shining brightly, and he could think of how happy she was at this moment.

"Um... yes."

Jun Mohuang tried his best to suppress his excitement.

Di Lingtian asked, "Think more."

"Just... just think about it occasionally."

Jun Mohuang looked at the jade pendant in his hand, his eyes flowed.

Di Lingtian hummed softly: "Little girl, you are not honest. When we meet in two days, I will let you tell the truth."

"It will take two days..."

Jun Mohuang was suddenly disappointed.

She thought she could meet two days in advance.

"Then Ling Tian, ​​how are you recovering now."

Then, Jun Mohuang asked her most concern.

(End of this chapter)

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