Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1343: Did Di Lingtian cut the door backwards? 2

Chapter 1343 Di Lingtian is inverted? 2

The red-eyed woman looked at the newly grown flower, and suddenly felt annoyed.

Yes, in this space, no matter what she damaged, these things will instantly return to their original state, without any change.

Stillness and unchangeability are the eternal theme here.

For so many years, always looking at the unchanging scenery here, no matter how beautiful it is, it makes people crazy.

With her eyes closed, she can tell the appearance of every flower and every grass in this space.

Look at a bamboo building in the bamboo forest.

In this bamboo building, Emperor Lingtian retreats.

I don't know how her upside-down son has recovered.

Just thinking about it, the door of the bamboo building opened silently.

Di Lingtian walked out of the bamboo building.

His steps are slow and graceful, his features are beautiful and flawless, and his whole body is enveloped in a faint golden layer.

The quality of the weather in Diling was extraordinary, with this golden light added layer, at this moment, he simply gave birth to a heart of worship for no reason, and wanted to surrender at his feet.

"Oh, I'm smashing, the blood recovery is good, but it's two days faster than before. I think the effect is very good."

The red-eyed woman squeezed the flower in her hand and narrowed her eyes similar to Di Lingtian's eyes.

Very well, her son was born with such a magnificent brilliance, and it would certainly not be a problem to win the future daughter-in-law.

Di Lingtian glanced at her silently, walked slowly to sit down in front of her, and put his hand on the stone table.

The red-eyed woman wanted to put her hand on his wrist to get her pulse.

Just as her fingertips were about to catch up, Di Lingtian suddenly said, "Handkerchief."

Qing Qian: "What?"

The corners of Di Lingtian's lips were small, and he explained impatiently: "The deity asked you to block the handkerchief."

"...Why do you want my handkerchief, but not your own handkerchief?"

The woman with red eyes understood what Emperor Lingtian meant, and she felt speechless.

This is what he meant by not wanting to be touched by her.

If you don't want it, you don't want it. The son is big and the wings are hard.

But she has to make her own handkerchief, which means several things!

Di Lingtian's tone was indifferent, but what he said was justified: "The handkerchief of the deity will only be used by Huang'er alone."

The implication is that even if you do, you should use your own.

The Red Eyed children were so angry that they threw away the peony in their hands.

Forget it, if she wants to leave this ghost place completely, she will have to rely on this unfilial son in the future.

Isn't it just a handkerchief? What's the big deal!

The red-eyed woman took out a handkerchief, put it on Di Lingtian's wrist, and began to pulse him.

Five minutes later, the red-eyed woman nodded in satisfaction.

"The absorption is good, better than before, and the strength has recovered by 70%. It seems that you are more close to Huang'er, and the effect of absorbing the original power in the Yunling Pond is much better than before."

In the past, it would be nice to absorb an Essence Orb and restore half of its strength.

This time it has increased by 20%, which is really a surprise.

It is a pity that the Essence Bead can only be used after a sharp decline in strength and a severe physical injury.

Di Lingtian retracted his wrist, got up and walked out of the Liuli Pavilion.

Very good, the strength has returned to his expectations, two days in advance.

He wants to see Huang'er right away.

"Hey, you unfilial son, come back to my old lady!"

The red-eyed woman saw that she didn't say a word, and left when she got the result, her heart couldn't help but ghosts.

Grandma's legs, this is thrown away when used up, without even telling her a word, why she gave birth to such an unfilial son in the first place!

"My old mother suggests that you stabilize the source of energy you have absorbed for two more days. After two days when Huang'er sees you, my old mother promises that she won't be willing to leave you for a moment. You are the one who was thrown down."

Updated today

(End of this chapter)

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