Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1342: Did Di Lingtian cut the door backwards? 1

Chapter 1342 Di Lingtian is inverted? 1

Elder Yu also suffered the same fate.

He was stumbling towards the secret room, going to find Jun Mohuang to settle the account, and suddenly Shui Jingshan had disappeared under his feet.

Elder Yu was drawn into the ground by a suction.

Other black-clothed guards guarding Shuijing Mountain, Elder Chu and anyone within 100 meters near Shuijing Mountain were also pulled into the ground by white light one after another.

After this white light pulled the person in, its power remained undiminished, but it became brighter, illuminating the entire Spirit Yuanzong like daylight.

The peak master disciples of Lingyuanzong discovered the anomaly in an instant.

If this is the case, they think everything is normal, unless they are all blind.

"What happened?"

"It seems that something is wrong with Shuijingshan."

"No, the defensive barrier of the first peak is broken!"

"Let's go and see!"

People kept pouring in the direction where Bai Guang was sitting, wanting to find out.

Once these people walked within 100 meters of the white light, they were all pulled into the ground by a white light.

Including Yuanba, the five peak owners from the fourth peak to the seventh peak.

A mysterious white light suddenly appeared, Lord Sect Master couldn't escape, the five peak masters disappeared strangely, and everyone lost their backbone and didn't know what to do.

For a time, the entire Lingyuanzong was in chaos.

Only the second peak was calm.

Yue Rong had known beforehand that all of this was caused by Jun Mohuang's stealing of Shui Jingshan.

Outside the Lingyuan Sect, the demons of the Nine Nether Realm who had been dormant for two days saw that the time had come, and quietly sneaked into the Lingyuan Sect.

Lingyuanzong's anti-demonic barrier had long been broken when the white light soared into the sky.

Lingyuanzong was in chaos again, and no one noticed it. They regarded the demon as the greatest threat, and had quietly sneaked into Lingyuanzong.

After they entered Lingyuanzong, their goal went straight to the white light that appeared on the first peak.

Take the initiative to let the white light **** them into the ground.


Nine Nether World.

Under the cliff, in the mysterious space below Emperor Lingtian's private palace.

In the bamboo building, water vapor is filled.

Countless pure auras directly turned into a white spiritual pond.

In the Yunling Pond, Emperor Lingtian dressed in a white shirt and sat cross-legged in it.

The water in the spirit pool was surging, and countless spiritual energy rushed to his side, wanting to be absorbed by him and turned into a part of the spiritual energy in his body.

These auras did not open up the spiritual wisdom, but they also had the consciousness to choose a powerful master for themselves.

This kind of consciousness is engraved in the subconsciousness of these auras.

Just as Warcraft will choose a powerful master when it recognizes its master.

Seven golden beads as big as a fist are suspended in the sky.

Among the seven, the golden bead in the center is continuously overflowing with golden energy.

Every time a strand of golden energy overflows, the water in the spirit pool will vigorously shake, which shows the purity of this golden energy.

It is dozens of times and a hundred times more than the aura in the Yunling Pond.

Every ray of golden energy was absorbed by Di Lingtian.

The golden bead in the center had been absorbed into an empty shell by him, and there was not much golden energy left in it.

This indicates that Di Lingtian's retreat is about to end.

Outside the bamboo house.

Three months have passed, and the view of this space has not changed.

In the Liuli Pavilion, the red-eyed woman was bored and pulled down the nearest peony, leaving only a bare flower branch.

What is surprising is that the many flowers were picked off, and on the bare branches, a peony started again.

Even the color, size, number of petals, and shape are exactly the same.

There will be another chapter later, probably at one point. Today's state is not very good, so let's have four chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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