Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1307: The Nine Nether Realm is going to do something 2

Chapter 1307 The Nine Nether Realm Is Going To Make Trouble 2

Yue Rong nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, then let's continue."

That night, even with the interference of mysterious energy, Jun Mohuang's learning speed was still very fast.

She not only fully remembered the meaning of the twenty rune strokes on two pages, all the conditions of use, and the taboos.

Under the guidance of Yue Rong, he successfully carved the first jade symbol.

Jun Mohuang looked at the jade charm with golden light in his palm, and his heart was full of accomplishment.

This is the first jade talisman she carved and painted personally, representing that she has officially stepped into the path of a talisman master.

This jade talisman that can increase the attack power is composed of five rune strokes.

Crushing this jade talisman while attacking can increase the attack power by 2%.

The increase of 2% is indeed very small.

This kind of simplest and roughest jade charm will not be bought on the market because its effect is too small.

No matter what realm of the cultivator, it is not enough to cram his teeth in battle.

After all, this is only carved out of rune strokes, which belongs to the simplest kind of rune, and naturally it cannot be compared with the jade rune composed of complete runes.

Jun Mohuang looked thoughtfully at the jade talisman in his hand.

After thinking for a few seconds, she suddenly asked, "Master, can this jade charm be used in stacks?"

Yue Rong: "Of course you can."

Jun Mohuang's eyes lit up slightly: "Isn't it possible that I can smash fifty pieces at the same time to increase the attack power by 100%!"

Yue Rong replied, "Well, in theory, as long as you have a sufficient amount of jade charms in your hand, there is no upper limit to the cumulative effect."

Except for the sound transmission jade talisman, no matter what kind of jade talisman, there is no upper limit for stacking.

This is also the main reason why jade talisman is so popular in this world and the status of talisman master is so high.

But the problem is that under normal circumstances, people will not have the opportunity to enjoy the unlimited stacking of jade symbols.

A jade talisman is really too expensive, and most of the cultivators are bankrupt.

The sound transmission jade talisman is so popular among the big families of the Bafang Xuanjie because it is not difficult to engrave the sound transmission jade talisman.

Simple jade charms carved and painted by beginners like Jun Mohuang are not effective, and the speed of beginners carving jade charms is very slow. Every time there is a huge chance of failure, the quantity does not meet the conditions of unlimited stacking.

Beginners of other talisman masters are slow to engrave simple jade talisman, and the success rate is low. All of this does not exist in Jun Mohuang.

"That's great."

Jun Mohuang took the rune pen, took a blank jade pendant, brushed it for less than ten seconds, and then carved another jade charm with a power bonus of 2%.

Yue Rong's eyes twitched when he saw her so fast.

For ordinary beginners, even if the simplest jade amulet is successfully carved, it will take half a month, and it will take a rest for half a month after it is successfully carved.

Yue Rong's talent back then was pretty good, and it took seven days.

Jun Mohuang was good, it took less than ten seconds, and there was no failure rate at all, and there was no need to rest in the middle, and he could immediately engrave the second one.

It is estimated that if the beginners and the masters of the talisman in the Bafang Profound Realm knew her speed, they would faint with anger.

Hey, he is still unaccustomed to the various speeds of the young disciple's learning runes from yesterday to now.

He even had a hunch that she would bring him even greater shocks and surprises in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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