Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1306: Nine Nether World is going to do things 1

Chapter 1306

Yue Rong taught Jun Mohuang the second page that day, but he did not continue.

Begin to explain to her the meaning of the twenty rune strokes on the first two pages.

The thirty strokes that Jun Mohuang learned can already be simply arranged and combined into a few simple and rough runes.

Jun Mohuang's eyes were full of light: "Master, this means that I can try to carve some very simple runes and formations?"

For some reason, after completely mastering the two pages of basic rune strokes, she saw the two pages of strokes again, and the feeling of dizziness reappeared.

Needless to say, this must be because the master wants to teach her the meaning of the strokes next, so that the rune strokes have a force of confrontation.

It seems that in the future, as her learning deepens and the difficulty of learning increases, this interference force can only grow stronger.

Yue Rong said: "Yes. So next, you have to listen carefully and remember. The mysterious power of rune strokes will interfere with your memory."

"Can't you just take notes?"

It's better to remember than to use bad pen, remember that she can always write down.

"Well, this, you can try."

Yue Rong smiled meaningfully, and pointed his finger at the first rune stroke on the first page and said: "The first stroke represents..."

Jun Mohuang took a small notebook and wrote down the meanings of the rune strokes that Yue Rong said.

Including all the meanings of the twenty rune strokes, usage conditions and taboos when engraving, matching rules and more.

Jun Mohuang wrote half a book densely, with more than 20,000 characters.

But less than half a minute after she wrote, half of the notebook suddenly disappeared out of thin air, as if it was really erased by a force.

"This one……"

Jun Mohuang looked at the blank notebook.

No wonder Master smiled so treacherously just now. It turned out that someone who knew the notes could not be kept, and could only rely on his brain.

Yue Rong said, "Be honest and practical."

I think back then, when he was in the beginning stage, he also took notes.

Just like the little disciple, I remembered most of them densely.

As a result, the same disappeared quickly.

At this time, the little disciple he accepted finally fell into this matter, and Yue Rong had a sense of balance in his heart.


Jun Mohuang had to put the small books into the Huangyu space.

Master is also true, because Mao didn't tell her just now, taking notes won't work.

As a result, she wrote more than 20,000 words in vain.

She didn't even know that her own teacher's wicked taste was breaking out, and her notes that year were gone, she had to find some balance from her.

"Okay, little disciple, Master did not deliberately cheat you, but just wanted to borrow this to give you a correct attitude. Refining medicine, refining equipment, you don’t need to care about what those pharmacists say, and don’t care about the secrets of refining medicine. According to the records in, I will study refining according to my own methods."

The smile on Yue Rong's face disappeared, his expression was unprecedented seriousness.

"But Talisman, what does the master say, you have to do it, don't allow the slightest bit of self-argument, unauthorized changes, you know?"

Jun Mohuang is good everywhere, but he is too smart.

Smart people tend to like to go slant and act unruly.

But Talisman itself is a rule, a rule.

If you want to learn talisman, you must strictly abide by the rules of recovery.

In those days, Yue Rong's own master of runes also deliberately asked him to take notes to remind him.

"Yes, Master, Disciple obey the orders, please keep it in mind."

Jun Mohuang constricted his expression and instantly understood Yue Rong's intentions.

Phew, I can't help but sleep first, one chapter is short, and 10 chapters tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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