Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1308: Nine Netherworld wants to do something 3

Chapter 1308

It's getting late.

Yue Rong asked Jun Mohuang to go back to rest. During the day today, she had to go to Shuijingshan to take care of Shuijing Linggen.

Jun Mohuang happily returned to his small courtyard.

There is still an hour short of dawn, just use this time to engrave the newly learned hand power plus jade talisman.

Jun Mohuang just walked into the courtyard and was about to go to the training room to continue carving jade symbols.

Chi Chi and Lan Lan, who were guarding in the dark, suddenly jumped out and appeared in front of Jun Mohuang.


"Is there anything wrong? Did Ling Tian leave customs early and contact you?"

Jun Mohuang saw the two suddenly appearing, and suddenly began to have a small expectation in his heart.

Chichi and Lanlan are dark guards, neither of them would appear without her summons.

When these two appeared, something must happen.

Of course Jun Mohuang hoped that their affairs had something to do with Emperor Lingtian.

Since Di Lingtian retired, she tried to contact him several times with the sound transmission jade talisman, but there was no response every time.

She missed him very much after not seeing him for so long.

There are only nine days left until the time they agreed upon, and Jun Mohuang felt that it was impossible for Di Lingtian to leave the customs early.

"Mistress, your honor hasn't contacted you, how could you contact us first."

Chi Chi and Lan Lan looked at each other, then smiled helplessly.

They dare to pack tickets. If Emperor Lingtian had left before, the first person in the world to know would be Jun Mohuang.

"That's the same. Let's talk, what's the matter with you two."

Jun Mohuang was a little disappointed.

Hey, but that's okay, Di Lingtian didn't leave the customs early, and she still had nine days to make Shui Jingshan.

Chi Chi said, "That...Mistress, something happened on the border between the Nine Nether Realm and the Bafang Profound Realm. We are close to that side now, so Lan Lan has to go back and deal with it."

"Well, then go, be careful not to be discovered."

Jun Mohuang nodded.

The two like Chichilanan are Di Lingtian's personal guards, and their status is very high in the Nine Nether World.

The problem on the border will certainly not be a trivial problem. Other demons with high status are basically concentrated in the magic capital, and it is too late to rush.

This place is close to the border of the Nine Nether World, so Lan Lan is the most suitable place to go back.

"Don't worry, hostess, I won't let others find out."

A warm feeling emerged in Lan Lan's heart.

Hey, the hostess is kind-hearted and always cares about him.

Even if she just said casually, this made Lan Lan, who grew up in blood and death, very moved.

Jun Mohuang said a few more words to the two of them, entered the training room, took out the rune pen and blank jade pendant, and continued to brush.

Chi Chi and Lan Lan returned to the dark place.

Lan Lan was a little worried: "Chi Chi, you said that if we do this, there will be no problems. You don't know the charm of our respect, in case that group of people collided with the hostess..."

Di Lingtian is the devil emperor of the Nine Nether Realm, and is the object of all Nine Nether Realm girls' crazily admiration.

In the Nine Netherworld, it often happens that the demon girl is jealous for Emperor Lingtian, fights at every turn, and then gets injured and disabled.

Given the ferocity of the demon girls, if you know the relationship between the hostess and your own respect in advance...

Blue said that the picture was so beautiful that he could not imagine it.

"No! If I am here to protect the mistress, who dares to move her! Besides, they will not know the relationship between the mistress and the mistress before the master comes here to pick up the mistress in person."

(End of this chapter)

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