Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1305: Artifact Rune Pen

Chapter 1305 Artifact Rune Pen

The advantage of the rune pen lies there.

Once someone found out that Jun Mohuang had this kind of artifact in her hands, she would be in danger.

Rune pens will surely attract a lot of powerhouses and masters to **** it wildly.

"I see, Master."

Jun Mohuang nodded solemnly.

"Master, I will give this to you."

Jun Mohuang took out a new rune pen and handed it to Yue Rong.

Yue Rong's face suddenly became very serious, and he reprimanded with two accusations: "Naughty, how can such a precious thing be given away at will, hurry up and put it away!"

The rune pen, in addition to being difficult to refine and having a miraculous effect on the success rate of rune engraving, also has a remarkable feature——

Rune pen is a consumable item.

A rune pen can only engrave five thousand runes and thirty thousand rune strokes.

Jun Mohuang had just started on the way to runes, and learned the strokes of runes on the first page very quickly.

With the increasing difficulty in the back, she certainly cannot learn it all at once.

Need a lot of contact, of course Yue Rong would not want her rune pen, even if she has two.

"Master, don't postpone it, and don't worry about my future practice of carving runes."

Jun Mohuang grabbed it from the phoenix jade space and grabbed a rune pen.

This one has ten.

"Here, I have a lot of this stuff, it doesn't matter at all to give you one."

Looking at the ten golden rune pens in Jun Mohuang's hand, Yue Rong was about to faint.

Didn't it mean that the metal materials for refining the rune pen were hard to find? Didn't it mean that this thing was hard to refine?

Isn't there less than ten in the Bafang Profound Realm?

Why did his little disciple take out ten of them as soon as he took it? Now, more than half of the rune pens in the entire Bafang Profound Realm are in the little disciple's hands.

Taking advantage of Yue Rong's daze, Jun Mohuang stuffed the rune pen into his hand.

"Master, I learned almost today, I'm leaving, bye bye."

Jun Mohuang Saiwan got the rune pen and drove off immediately.

"If you don't insist on not accepting it, I won't learn amulets with you."

She was slipping to the door, not forgetting to leave a threat.

Master has waited for so many years, and finally waited until she, a disciple who passed the rune talent assessment, her talent was not bad.

Jun Mohuang was sure that his threat would definitely be effective.

Sure enough, Jun Mohuang's guess was correct.

The next day when she went to Yue Rong to continue learning runes, Yue Rong finally stopped talking about rune pens and directly began to teach her the rune strokes on the second page.

Rune is a very complicated and mysterious text. There are a hundred kinds of strokes alone.

For an ordinary talisman, it would take two to three hundred years to complete the drawing of rune strokes optically.

These more than one hundred kinds of strokes are permuted and combined to form countless runes.

The derived runes are combined separately, and countless kinds of rune formations can be derived.

It will take at least one or two hundred years to master a batch of talisman formations.

Fortunately, people in the Bafang Profound Realm speak out to transform the spirit realm, and their initial life span is generally around 250 years.

After reaching a level, life expectancy can increase by fifty years.

Most of those old men who look 70 or 80 years old are old monsters with a lifespan of several hundred years.

It's also fortunate that people in the Bafang Profound Realm can live for so long, otherwise the rune masters in the Bafang Profound Realm would have long since become extinct.

In theory, there is no limit to the types of runes and formations, and there are countless possibilities.

As long as the rune master can successfully engrave the rune and have an effect.

The basis of runes is the meaning of each rune stroke.

(End of this chapter)

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