Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1181: Slap 2

Chapter 1181

Everyone was stunned.

" are so bold, you dare to beat me!"

"Do you know who I am, Xiaoye, I am from the third peak!"

The two outer disciples of the Third Peak covered their faces and looked at Jun Mohuang in disbelief.

They were stunned for five seconds before realizing that they were beaten by a yellow-haired girl from Second Peak!

What makes these two people even more unbearable is that the strength of this stinky girl is only in the late stage of Yuanjun.

The two of them have the strength of Yuanjun's second-tier early stage!

Jun Mohuang sneered: "I care if you are a person from the third peak or a dog. The two outer disciples dare to insult the core disciples openly. Your third peak doesn't take the rules of the sect in the slightest. What, really I think your third peak can control the entire Spirit Yuanzong, but it’s impossible."

She Jun Mohuang beats people, never looking at who they are, let alone two dogs who can only bark.

" dare to call me a dog!"

"You...what kind of core disciple are you, dare to beat Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu fights with you!"

"Our Third Peak disciples are acting, and you don't have to intervene. I don't want to teach you a lesson today so that you know how powerful Third Peak is!"

The two outer disciples of the third peak suddenly became angry.

What about the core disciples of the second peak, their status is not as good as that of the outer disciples of other peaks.

This new core disciple of the Second Peak is too ignorant of the heights of the sky.

Today, the two of them have to show her some colors. For example, if the meridians of this dead girl are abolished, she will never want to practice again in her life.

The two Third Peak Outer Sect disciples glanced at each other, and a sinister light flashed in their eyes.

Then the two fists into claws and grabbed Jun Mohuang's hands.

They acted fiercely, intending to grab her wrist, first cut off her hand meridians, and then cut off her other meridians.

When the people in the hall saw this, they all had an expression waiting to see Jun Mohuang being cleaned up.

"Little Junior Sister!"

Upon seeing this, the big brother shouted anxiously, and was about to rush up to protect Jun Mohuang with a few junior disciples, but was pulled by Mo Ranchen.

Mo Ranchen shook his head to the big brother, "Don't worry, younger sister has her own means."

As the person who drove Lin Zifan out of White Jade City, two outer disciples of the second-order Yuanjun realm were just two, for Jun Mohuang, it was not a problem at all.

Jun Mohuang smiled mockingly, she had already seen through the thoughts of these two people.

She was armed with the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix Art, and when she was promoted to the Yuanjun realm, she obtained the power of the golden element from the golden mother.

Now she has no problem dealing with the fourth-order Yuanjun realm alone.

These two people are just looking for a dead end.

The moment the two were getting close, they were about to grab her wrist.

Jun Mohuang raised his hands, and his left and right palms each emitted a phantom of the Phoenix transformed from spiritual energy.

Two phoenix phantoms hit the chests of two outer disciples and burst open suddenly.

The two screamed, shocked by Jun Mohuang's powerful attack and flew more than ten meters away.

The body hit the wall and then fell to the ground.

The two of them vomited blood, their ribs were all broken, and they fell to the ground feebly, unable to stand up.

They all looked at the monster's eyes towards Jun Mohuang, how could this be possible!

She clearly only has the strength of Yuanjun's first-order, how the fighting power that bursts out is comparable to Yuanjun's fourth-order, this is simply unscientific!

In the hall, everyone else also looked at Jun Mohuang in horror.

They couldn't believe that she was the only one of Yuanjun's first rank, who could easily and happily beat the two outer disciples of Yuanjun's second knot into serious injuries.

The update is complete today, what?

(End of this chapter)

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