Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1180: Slap

Chapter 1180

In addition to distributing various training resources, it is also responsible for the construction and maintenance of the buildings in the Lingyuanzong.

People come and go in Guanshi Peak, and the disciples of each peak shuttle in the hall of Guanshi Peak.

After seeing the people coming from the second peak, these people all looked sideways and looked at Jun Mohuang and his party with mocking eyes.

Regardless of these people's mocking gazes, Jun Mohuang walked directly to the largest service desk in the center of the hall after arriving in the hall.

"Little Junior Sister, let's go back. The people in Guan Shifeng won't reissue anything to us."

The big brother pulled her sleeve.

Because of the poor status of the second peak, the amethyst, pill and other cultivation resources that should be issued every month are always deducted by various means, sometimes even not.

Early this morning, Jun Mohuang asked him for the list, and the big brother knew what she was coming for.

No wonder Jun Mohuang said that she could not live in the cave, because she wanted to improve the living and cultivation environment of Second Peak.

"Don't worry, they will obediently give it."

Jun Mohuang walked to the front desk and put the list in his hand on it.

"Huh, it's a big tone. I'll tell you, the second peak people will not be accepted, just go away."

She hadn't spoken yet. Behind the service desk, a man in charge looked at her arrogantly with a look of contempt.

As the manager of the distribution of training resources for each peak, he certainly knew exactly what the people from the second peak were doing.

Hmph, he wouldn't give an amethyst stone to the poor ghost of the second peak, this is the order of Yuanba, the master of the third peak.

Seeing this situation, the disciples in the whole hall laughed.

Among them, there are two external disciples of the Third Peak, who have a particularly arrogant attitude. They start to ask knowingly and do not ask, and begin to ridicule and ridicule them.

"What are the poor ghosts of Second Peak doing here again?"

"Hehe, what else can it be? It's not for amethyst, or for pill. You know, the second peak is not only poor, but also has two sick seedlings, one big and one small.

"Tsk tsk, the strength is weak like this, and I am ashamed to ask for amethyst stone and pill. Our Lingyuan Sect does not raise waste. If I am from the second peak, if the waste is like this, I will cut my meridian."

"Yes, the two diseased seedlings of the second peak are a waste of spiritual energy and should hang themselves."

"Hey, smelly girl, are you deaf? Didn't you hear that the steward made you go away!"

"That is, let's get out of here, don't stay here to delay everyone's time and pollute the surrounding air!"

The two sick seedlings in their mouths of course refer to Yue Rong, the owner of the second peak, and his son Yue Ning.

The unscrupulous ridicule of the two outer disciples caused the other disciples in the hall to burst into laughter.

Everyone looked at Jun Mohuang and the others with contemptuous and arrogant eyes.

"Little Junior Sister, let's go back."

The big brother pulled the sleeve of Jun Mohuang again.

Hearing these comments and seeing these mocking gazes, the six seniors were very angry, and they wanted to go forward and beat these people.

But so what, Third Peak, they can't afford it.

Not to mention the third peak, even the outer disciples of other peaks can't afford it.

Jun Mohuang did not speak, but walked directly over, raised his palm, and slapped the two outer disciples twice.

She slapped her two slaps unceremoniously, and the faces of the two outer disciples immediately swelled into two pie faces.

With two clear slaps, the whole hall became extremely silent.

(End of this chapter)

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