Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1182: be honest

Chapter 1182, be honest

"This is the power of your third peak, it really opened my eyes."

Jun Mohuang stepped forward and looked at the two condescendingly, his tone full of mockery.

This tone used the same tone that the two disciples of Third Peak had just mocked Second Peak.

"you you……"

The two outer disciples spit blood on the ground and couldn't even speak clearly.

Jun Mohuang took out a dagger, raised the knife in his hand, and cut off all the meridians of both hands and feet.

If these two people show respect to Master Yue Rong and younger brother Yue Ning, she might consider showing mercy to her staff.

"Now, who is a waste, who is a waste of air alive, and who should hang himself."


The two outer disciples who were arrogant just now were so painful that they couldn't speak.

At this moment, they all looked at Jun Mohuang with extremely horrified eyes.

The meridians of the hands and feet are cut off, which means that I can no longer practice in this life.

"Presumptuous, simply presumptuous!"

After the service desk, the arrogant steward finally recovered.

Guan Shi looked angry, Guan Shifeng managed the cultivation resources of the entire Lingyuan Sect, and his status was very special in the sect.

Even the core disciple of the third peak who has the highest status in the clan now arrives at Guan Shifeng, with respect.

A few wastes from the Second Peak dared to come here to make trouble, not paying attention to his coercion and face.

"Dare to hurt people and make trouble in Guanshi Peak, what are you doing in a daze? Don't hurry up and catch this bunch of waste from Second Peak to Ben Guan! He has many things..."

However, the last "reward" of the manager was not finished, Jun Mohuang over there raised his small hand, and a golden dagger drew a perfect arc in the air.

"Zheng" was a pleasant soft sound, the sound of a sharp blade piercing the metal.

Jun Mohuang's blade was covered with a dagger of gold elements and directly pierced into a mysterious iron wall.

The sharp blade trembled, and it was three centimeters away from the steward's neck.

A stream of red blood slowly flowed from the steward's neck, dyeing his collar red.

This is nothing. The most terrifying thing is that although the dagger is three centimeters away from the steward's neck, the dagger exudes a sharp sword-soldier air around his neck.

As long as Jun Mohuang had a thought, his head had to move.

If Jun Mohuang hadn't deliberately left a distance of three centimeters, his neck would have long been on his head.

This important role in the stewardess drama, but not high in strength, only Yuanjun second-order.

He has nothing to do with the current situation.

"Now, you still can't accept the people from the second peak."

Jun Mohuang turned around, looking indifferently at the person who had just rejected her in charge.

"Reception, reception."

The steward immediately nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice.

"The people at the second peak are still not waste."

"no no."

The constant chill of the dagger eroded the large arteries in the neck, and he immediately denied it.

"I will immediately arrange for someone to send all the amethyst and cultivation resources that I have owed to the second peak over the years."

Jun Mohuang's Xiao Ming was now pinched in his hands, and his attitude changed in an instant.

He wanted to use this matter to delay as much as possible until the rescuers arrived.

"Don't have to be so troublesome, what's worse, the list is written, we will get it ourselves."

Jun Mohuang picked up the list and took a warning look at the matter.

"Honestly, don't think of any tricks."

The six seniors finally came to their senses, and began to directly pass the service counter, and began to fetch things from the shelf behind the service counter.

(End of this chapter)

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