Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1179: Poisoning 2

Chapter 1179 Poisoning 2

In fact, the five seniors had no hope, after all, Yue Rong had invited countless alchemists to see his son Yue Ning since he was a child, but he didn't know why.

But the junior sister wanted to try, and they couldn't beat Jun Mohuang's happiness.

Even the younger brother Yue Ning himself did not have much hope.

"Innately weak, lack of vitality, it is not a big problem, first take a pill to increase qi and blood and vitality temperature to nourish the body, one piece a day for each sample. It depends on the situation after a month."

Jun Mohuang retracted the power of induction and took out a batch of silver-patterned Qi-blood Pills and Zengyuan Pills to the younger brother Yue Ning.

She lied this time, the younger brother's body is not congenital weakness at all, but chronic poisoning.

This toxic concealment is very high, and he has been perfectly hidden in the body of the little brother.

If it weren't for Jun Mohuang's power of induction, he would not have discovered it at all.

This toxin has been lurking in his body for more than ten years. If the toxin is not removed, he will die in half a year.

Jun Mohuang's ink-colored flames can completely pull out the toxins for the younger brother, but the younger brother's body is too weak to withstand the ink-colored flames. You must first raise your body.

"Little Junior Sister, you refined these pills?"

The younger brother Yue Ning and the others took the pill and found that the silver pill pattern on these pill was a centimeter thick, and they were all shocked.

Some time ago, Baiyucheng auctioned off a batch of primary pill. The pill pattern on those pill was as thick as one centimeter, which is said to be effective.

The five seniors were planning to buy some for Yue Ning to raise his body, but Second Peak was so poor that he couldn't afford it.

The pill that Jun Mohuang took out now was exactly the same as the pill that was auctioned in Baiyu City a month ago.

This was nothing. The pill that Bai Yucheng auctioned was only a primary pill, but Jun Mohuang now took out an intermediate pill.

The effect of the intermediate pill is at least ten times better than that of the primary pill.

"No, it was refined by my master."

Jun Mohuang lied again.

"Great, great!"

"Little Junior Sister, you are really our great benefactor of Second Peak!"

Yue Ning and the other five seniors were very excited.

Since the younger sister's master was able to refine a pill with a pill pattern of more than one centimeter, he was definitely a figure of the Taishan Beidou level in the refining world.

Little Junior Sister's medicine refining skills are definitely better than other medicine refining masters. She said that there is no major problem, and there is absolutely no major problem!

"Little Junior Sister, it's getting late, and you've been tired all day, so rest early."

Seeing that the sky was dark, the senior brother took the five junior brothers who were still excited to leave.

"Sister, you."

After the six seniors left, Mo Ranchen looked at Jun Mohuang and shook his head with a smile.

His sister is deceiving and deceiving seriously. If he hadn't known in advance that the pill was clearly refined by her herself, he would have been deceived.

"Well, it's not early, take a rest quickly, good night."

"Well, good night cousin."

Jun Mohuang didn't care about his deceptive behavior.

After the two brothers and sisters said goodnight to each other, Mo Ranchen returned to his bamboo building next to him.

After the six seniors and Mo Ranchen left, Jun Mohuang looked at the simple bamboo building in front of him, feeling unbearable.

For the time being tonight, Huangyu Space will be one night now, and the living environment will be improved tomorrow.


The next day, just after dawn, Jun Mohuang brought six seniors to the Guanshi Peak of Lingyuanzong.

This mountain is responsible for the logistics of each peak of the Lingyuanzong.

(End of this chapter)

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