Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1178: Poisoning 1

Chapter 1178 Poisoning 1

Of course, she thinks this bamboo building is pretty good, which is also a lie.

"Okay. Master is currently in retreat. It is estimated that it will take more than ten days to leave the customs. The younger brother and sister can stay first and wait for Master to go out to see you."

The big brother scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

The Second Peak has not had a core disciple for many years, so Yue Rong, the leader of the Second Peak, thinks that he has nothing to do this time.


Jun Mohuang nodded in response.

The core disciple is to become the direct disciple of the six peak masters, and can be taught by the six peak masters personally.

She and Mo Ranchen are now entering the second peak, and they are the disciples of the peak master of the second peak, and they are supposed to go to see the master.

"By the way, what are the names of the two juniors?"

The big brother asked the two to rest, and they were ready to leave.

Before leaving, he suddenly slapped his forehead.

Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen said their names.

"Junior sister, you, you are Miss Jun, hahaha, great, our six brothers are looking for a chance to thank you..."

The big brother heard Jun Mohuang's name and immediately looked at her excitedly.

Jun Mohuang's appearance is different from that of her time in Baiyu Valley. It is normal for a beautiful woman like her in the Bafang Profound Realm to easily cover up her appearance, and the big brother is not surprised at all.

Jun Mohuang looked puzzled. What was the situation? She didn't think she had become famous to the point where the second peak of Lingyuanzong knew her.

"Miss Jun, oh no, Junior Sister, it was in Bai Yugu..."

The elder brother vividly recounted more than a month ago that Emperor Mohuang used a silver flying boat to smash the mysterious medicine in Baiyu Valley.

At that time in the White Jade Valley, there were six senior brothers who had struggled with the black iron puppets, among them was the senior brother.

At that time, they had waited for a long time in a certain lower plane continent for the body of Junior Brother Yue Ning, just to get the spiritual energy initiation for the Junior Brother, and they almost succeeded in being cheated by Yao Xuan at that time.

Although they didn't get the spiritual energy initiation in the end, the appearance of Jun Mohuang made Yao Xuan's conspiracy fail and gave them a bad breath.

With this, they thanked her very much.

These six people returned to Lingyuanzong, and they were planning to sue Lin Zifan for cheating in Baiyu Valley, but now the second peak's status is so low.

Lin Zifan also has his pro-elder brother Lin Zijian as the backstage, and Ling Yuanzong doesn't care about this at all.

The six elder brothers, headed by the elder brother, were forbidden to leave Lingyuanzong, and they did not know how to thank Jun Mohuang.

A month ago Jun Mohuang had a conflict with Yuan Family, Lin Zifan, Yuan Ba ​​wanted to take people to kill Jun Mohuang and Mo Clan.

The second peak peak master Yue Rong stepped forward and secured the conditions for Jun Mohuang to hand over 300 million amethyst stones. Ling Yuanzong ignored the incident and recognized the status of Jun Mohuang's White Jade City Lord.

The senior brother was very happy to recognize Jun Mohuang, and called the other five senior brothers over.

The six were very grateful to Jun Mohuang.

Yao Xuan was on the side of Yuanba, the leader of the third peak, and one must thank Jun Mohuang.

The enthusiasm of the six seniors made Jun Mohuang a little embarrassed.

Strictly speaking, she also robbed the frail little brother at the time, oh no, it should be her little brother's spiritual initiation.

They are not so practical to thank her.

She also knew now that she still owed a favor from Second Peak.

Then, let the little brother who is weak and sick first be used to repay him.

Jun Mohuang immediately took the pulse of the younger brother.

"Little Junior Sister, how is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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