Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1177: Poor Jingle 2

Chapter 1177: Poor Jingle 2

Like now.

Jun Mohuang discovered that they landed on an inconspicuous low mountain peak outside the seven mountains, not the second peak next to the first peak at all.

"Wait, big brother, why did we land here?"

"Ah, Junior Sister, you don't know something..."

After the elder brother's narration, both Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen knew that Yue Rong, the master of the second peak, had hit Yuanzong's realm ten years ago and became infatuated, and his strength plummeted to the third rank of Yuanzun.

Yue Rong, who was supposed to be the successor of the next suzerain, quickly dropped his position in Lingyuanzong because of his strength plummeting.

The days on the second peak are getting worse every day, and they begin to be bullied by the disciples of other peaks.

Finally five years ago, Yuanba saw that Yue Rong's strength had never risen, and finally seized the second peak and used it as his own.

Drive the people from the second peak to a small mountain peak outside the seven peaks.

The lord of the Lingyuanzong turned a blind eye to this matter and didn't care about it at all.

"In other words, the people on the third peak now have two peaks exclusively." Mo Ranchen asked lightly after listening.

"Not bad."

Mo Ranchen sneered: "The Yuan family's appetite is really not small."

The big brother sighed slightly, Yuanba's current goal is very clear, it is to go to the position of the master, it is indeed not small.

Jun Mohuang's eyes flickered, thoughtfully.

By such a coincidence, when she passed the second round of assessment in the valley, she dug out two monster cores under the water element.

Coupled with a sufficient amount of silver moon fairy glaze and other spar with water and wood element attributes, it can restrain and slowly heal the wounds caused by delusion.

Her future master, Yue Rong, was originally the successor of the Lingyuan Sect's lord. If the master was completely good and recovered, then Yuanba's position would be unstable.

She can just do some damage from it.

The Mo clan has been bullied by the Yuan family for more than ten years, and Jun Mohuang is very happy to see Yuanba deflated.

The big brother led the two to two simple bamboo buildings.

There are also several bamboo buildings not far from the two bamboo buildings, which are the residences of the five seniors of the second peak and Yue Rong.

The days at the second peak were miserable, and the amethyst was often deducted, so he was also very poor.

The bamboo building in front of you is very simple, with only one table, one chair and one bed, without any extra furniture.

Even so, the bamboo building where Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen lived was the best place to stay outside of the main hall where Yue Rong lived.

"Junior Sister, Junior Brother, you are assigned to the second peak, and you are wronged."

The conditions are so simple, big brother is a little embarrassed.

The big brother thought for a while and reminded.

"You have to be more careful in the future, the gate of this mountain peak is bad for the defense barrier, and the disciples of other peaks will run through the loopholes in the barrier and make trouble."

"The six of us have opened up a cave in the hidden place of the second peak, and we usually live there. Later, I will take the juniors to open up the cave for the little junior sister and the seventh junior brother. ."

People from other peaks not only often come to bully them, but they also don't allow them to repair and build their own residences.

Once discovered, the fruits of the work of the six people will be burned immediately.

In the words of those people, waste is only worth living in dilapidated and abandoned houses.

"No trouble, big brother, I don't like living in caves, I think this bamboo building is very good."

Jun Mohuang had no interest in living in a cave, and she was not a caveman.

The update is complete today. . .

Thank you Yinghuo for your thoughts, singing the peach blossom fan and other babies for your rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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