Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1176: Poor jingle

Chapter 1176 Poor Jingle

"Second Peak?"

After the person in charge of the Lingyuanzong assessment announced the result, Jun Mohuang's lips curled up with a mocking smile.

Twelve people have reached the minimum score of 4,000 points for the core disciples of Lingyuanzong.

Even if the Lingyuanzong intends to recruit 14 people, it would rather be short of abuse, and even if the number is uneven, it is determined not to admit people under 4,000.

Thanks to Yuanwei, although she and Mo Ranchen did not have the highest scores, they were not the lowest. They were assigned to the second worst peak, which was definitely a ghost of Yuanwei.

"It's the second peak. Your senior has already come to pick you up. Even if you are dissatisfied with the second peak, you might as well put your dissatisfied expression away. Lingyuanzong is not a place where you can come if you want, and you can go if you want to go. . If you don’t accept it, just go to be a handyman disciple."

The person in charge of the assessment was from Yuanba, and his attitude towards Jun Mohuang brothers and sisters was quite arrogant.

A look like you will accept when you love to accept, and you will roll if you don't.

Once the person in charge had finished speaking, the senior brother of Second Peak who was standing next to him looked embarrassed.

Ugh. It is said that the two juniors and younger sisters in front of them performed very well during the assessment.

Just because he offended Yuanba's nephew Yuanwei, his score was deducted a lot, not to mention, he was forcibly assigned to the worst second peak of Ling Yuanzong.

The dissatisfaction in his heart is affirmative, so even if Jun Mohuang dislikes Second Peak, he does not blame her.

"Which one of your eyes sees me dissatisfied. I am very satisfied with Second Peak. My cousin and I planned to be the core disciples of Second Peak from the beginning. Cousin, you say yes."

Hmph, the person in charge said so, isn't it just trying to provoke her relationship with Second Peak.

Mo Ranchen nodded: "Yes, it is true."

Jun Mohuang took the initiative to walk to the big brother of the second peak.

"Brother, take our brother and sister to the second peak."

"Okay, please come with me."

The senior brother of the second peak was flattered and happy.

He knew that what Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen said was definitely not the truth, they were saying this deliberately for the sake of Second Peak's face.

"Tsk tusk, I actually came to the second peak from the beginning, there are such idiots with water in the world."

The person in charge sighed when seeing the big brother taking Jun Mohuang brother and sister away.

In any case, his task is complete.

The person in charge hummed a little tune and reported back to Yuanwei.


Lingyuanzong is located in an imposing mountain range, full of cliffs and mountain peaks.

Various buildings in the sect are built on the top of the mountain, and the daily communication of the disciples depends on flying monsters and aircraft.

There are seven peaks in the hinterland of the Zongmen, of which six peaks are arched and surround the most central peak.

There is an aura of spiritual energy passing through these six peaks, making the aura of the sect's hinterland more abundant than other parts of the sect.

The peak in the center is the highest and the aura is the most abundant. It is the residence of the lord of the Lingyuan Sect.

The remaining six peaks are sorted according to their height, excluding the second peak, the third peak...and the seventh peak.

The height of each mountain is positively correlated with the aura intensity and the status of the peak master in the Lingyuanzong.

The higher the mountain, the higher the name and the higher the status of the peak owner.

The matter is not absolute. As far as Jun Mohuang knows, the second peak has the worst status and the third peak has the highest status.

But Jun Mohuang did not expect that the status of Second Peak would be so bad, it was beyond her imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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