Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1175: New record, mung bean eye and soybean eye

Chapter 1175 new record, mung bean eye and yellow bean eye

Before taking part in the assessment, the person who led the way to the bottom of the cliff said that the highest record of the fire element was ten minutes.

She broke the record this time, with a score of only two thousand five hundred points.

Just now, Jun Mohuang was afraid that he would walk too fast, so that the people of Lingyuanzong would be suspicious, so he slowed down the pace specially.

If you knew it, just go faster.

Forget it, it was more than a thousand points anyway. According to the number of people who entered the fourth round of assessment, she would definitely become a core disciple.

What Jun Mohuang didn't know was that the fourth round of assessment was too difficult and the overall score was not high.

The man who set a ten-minute record back then only scored eight hundred.

Her 2500 points are really high.

Jun Mohuang waited for two minutes, and Mo Ranchen walked out of the cave not far from her.

In five minutes, Mo Ranchen scored 1,800 points, which exceeded the minimum requirement of 800 points.

Both brothers and sisters were relieved for each other.


After Jun Mohuang walked out of the cave and got 2,500 points from the jade pendant, the disciple in charge of counting immediately discovered this situation.

Seeing Jun Mohuang's scoring and the new three-minute record, he was not well.

"It's not good, Yuan Shao, Jun... Mo Huang set a new record, and got 2,500 points in the fourth round of assessment!"

Yuan Wei was lying on the soft couch, enjoying Chu Han'er feeding grapes, and immediately jumped up from the soft couch.

He grabbed the booklet in the hands of the scoring disciple, and after seeing Jun Mohuang's achievements clearly, his two mung beans stared into yellow bean eyes.

"This... how is this possible! Mingjun Mohuang's monsters are all afraid of fire elements, how can she..."

How could she pass in three minutes and set a new record, scoring 2,500 points!

This is all right. The fifteen points deduction reasons he thought of before racking his brains, deducted 4,500 points from her, completely useless.

Before long, Yuan Wei was surprised to find that the ink dyed dust also passed quickly, exceeding the minimum score by eight hundred points.

"Shao Yuan, this...what about this!"

Chu Han'er hoped that Jun Mohuang would become a handyman disciple, and she would be able to bully her as much as possible.

As a result, she did not expect that she would still become a core disciple.

For what reason, Jun Mohuang's strength is the same as her own, Yuanzun's first-order, why her luck is so good, she has become a core disciple in a fair manner.

But he has to sell **** and appearance to get his core disciple status.

Why is God so unfair!

The assessment comments at the last level are over, and now no one can deduct Jun Mohuang's score.

"Han'er beauty, don't worry, huh, isn't she just a core disciple. Lao Tzu will arrange her to the second peak, and then we will bully just as we want."

Yuan Wei irritated and circled the place two times, then touched Chu Han'er's small face twice.

"Yuan Shao is still good."

Upon seeing this, Chu Han'er kissed Yuan Wei with joy.

The second peak has the lowest status in Lingyuanzong, and the core disciple of the second peak is not as good as the inner disciples of other peaks.

Jun Mohuang went to the second peak, which was exactly what she wanted.

Yuan Wei laughed, squeezed Chu Han'er's waist twice, and immediately went to his second uncle Yuanba.

This time the Lingyuan Sect Sect Master went to retreat and recruited disciples for assessment, all due to the sole responsibility of the Third Peak Peak Master Yuanba.

Getting Jun Mohuang to the second peak is nothing at all.

In this way, under the control of Yuan Wei, Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen were assigned to the second peak.

(End of this chapter)

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