Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1174: Fire Element Level 3

Chapter 1174 Fire Element Level 3

Mo Ranchen smiled and shook his head, the spirit race is naturally very close to the elemental power of nature.

It just so happens that the Mo family's blood is naturally close to the fire element, and Mo Ranchen just doesn't have the power to awaken the fire element.

He was not afraid of the fire element level of Lingyuanzong.

It can be said that Yuanwei can arrange the fire element level for him and also send sub-questions.

"All right, we'll see you at the end."

Seeing this, Jun Mohuang was relieved, waved his small hand to Mo Ranchen, and entered the cave where he was assigned.

"Okay, see you at the end."

The ink stained dust also entered the cave.

As soon as Jun Mohuang entered the cave, there were countless flames on the walls of the originally seemingly ordinary cave.

The yellow flames leaped and danced, and it instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Jun Mohuang glanced at the yellow flame in the cave. The flame was yellow, indicating that the quality of the fire element in this cave was not high.

After all, this is to test the cultivator's endurance to mixed elements, not to burn people to death.

Jun Mohuang used aura to protect his clothes.

Then lift your steps lightly, just like walking in the courtyard, and walk directly to the exit.

Various Yuan Wei directed against Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen brothers and sisters still don't know what happened to him by accident.

After the fourth round of assessment began, he took Chu Han'er and found the disciple responsible for the fourth round of assessment statistics.

This time this disciple was not a disciple of the third peak, but a disciple of the fourth peak that had been good with the third peak.

Yuan Wei asked this disciple: "How is it, has Jun Mohuang entered the cave?"

The disciple said, "Return to Young Master Yuan, she went in."

"Very well. If she hasn't walked to the exit in ten minutes, she will be deducted 300 points for every more than one minute, until the handyman disciple's eight-percent mark is deducted, you know."

Yuan Wei nodded very satisfied.

"This, Yuan Shao, ten minutes is the fastest record ever, so this is not appropriate..."

"If something is not suitable, it is suitable if I don't say it is suitable. You should give me less nonsense and do as I said."

Yuan Wei stretched out a fat slap, and slapped the kid hard.

"Yes Yes Yes."

The disciple in charge of scoring covered his head and nodded hurriedly.

The peak master of the fourth peak usually flattered Yuanba, the third peak leader, and the scoring disciples didn't dare to offend Yuanwei, so they had to follow suit.

When Chu Han'er saw this, she felt very happy in her heart.

Very good, Jun Mohuang will soon become a handyman disciple.

She wanted to arrange the hardest and most tiring work of the Spirit Yuanzong for Jun Mohuang, so that she was too tired to eat and sleep.

In front of the disciples of the Spirit Yuanzong, various kinds of bullying Jun Mohuang.

Thinking about this kind of life, it feels very cool.

At the same time, Chu Han'er felt very fortunate that she followed Yuanwei, and she was really with the right person.

He looks a bit ugly, he is a bit wretched, he is not as good-looking as Jiang Pei, nor is he accustomed to her like Jiang Pei.

But what's the use of looking good and accustomed to her compared with a powerful background.

The cave where Jun Mohuang was assessed.

This cave is not long, and Jun Mohuang walked for three minutes, and a bright light appeared in front of him.

Following the bright light, she walked out of the cave, took out the jade pendant and swept the palm-sized red spar at the exit of the cave.

With a soft "ding", the jade pendant's score instantly increased by 25,000 points.

Now, her score is four thousand and five, which exceeds the minimum standard of a thousand-hundred points for the core disciples of Lingyuanzong.

Jun Mohuang glanced at the newly added 2500 points with disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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