Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1173: Fire Element Level 2

Chapter 1173 Fire Element Level 2

"Yuan Shao, the score count in the last round of assessment will not be in my control."

While this child was silently mourning for Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen, he didn't know how they had offended Yuanwei.

Ever since Yuan Wei entered the Ling Yuan Sect, he relied on Yuan Feng's favor and dominance, and the entire Ling Yuan Sect did not dare to offend him.

"It doesn't matter, are you still in charge of the fourth round of assessment by the way, the fourth round of element attribute assessment, to ignite Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen the elemental level!"

Yuanwei's two wretched **** eyes flashed together, and an idea was instantly available.

According to what Yuanwei observed in the melee that day, Jun Mohuang’s monsters possess the attributes of gold, wood and water.

Her body must be naturally close to one of these three elements.

It just so happens that the fire element is the nemesis of these three elements.

As long as Jun Mohuang arranges the fire element level for Jun Mohuang in the last level, she will definitely not be able to pass, and she will completely lose the opportunity to become a core disciple.

In the fourth round, I found various excuses to deduct points, so that Jun Mohuang could only be a handyman disciple, so that she could do endless hard work all day long.

As for Mo Ranchen, huh, the Mo clan's weak chickens, the fire element's attack attribute is second only to the thunder element, he must not be able to pass it.

"Okay, Yuan Shao."

This disciple mourned for two seconds of silence for Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen, and then arranged the fire element level for the fourth round of assessment for the two.


Half an hour later, Jun Mohuang came out of the area where he was hunting monsters, and soon found that there were only two thousand five hundred points left in the jade pendant.

Jun Mohuang frowned slightly, don't ask, this must be Yuanwei's ghost.

She stood at the exit of the area where Mo Ranchen hunted the beasts, wondering if her cousin was affected by her.

After an hour, the ink came out with dust.

Jun Mohuang found that his score was only three thousand.

Now the scores of the two are not enough for the core disciples' minimum standards.

Jun Mohuang's eyes narrowed slightly. She did not expect that Yuanwei's energy in Lingyuanzong was so great, it seemed that it was not enough to deal with him.

Lian Yuanwei's backstage must be cut off together.

"Don't be afraid, sister, we will still have a chance in the fourth round."

Mo Ranchen patted her shoulder, a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

This Yuanwei really doesn't stop, jumping around looking for a sense of existence.

Humph, dare to bully his sister so, he won't let him go.

The fourth round of assessment will begin soon.

The fourth and final round of assessment is to test the cultivator's tolerance for various elements.

There are only less than forty practitioners entering this round of assessment.

The place where this level is held is under a cliff, and there are more than fifty caves under this cliff.

These caves look very ordinary, no different from normal caves.

As soon as the examiner walks into it, the built-in formation in the cave will be automatically triggered, continuously deriving various elements.

As with the third round of assessment, each person walks through a cave without interference.

After crossing this cliff, you will officially enter the location of Lingyuanzong.

Both Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen were assigned the fire element level.

"Cousin, should I give you something?"

Jun Mohuang looked at Mo Ranchen and was assigned the fire element level, which was really a help to her.

Her body is immune to the element of fire, and the fourth level is completely to send sub-questions, and now she is worried about ink staining.

Jun Mohuang can give him the tortoise shell to use in this level, and the tortoise shell's defensive power can resist some fire elements.

"No, sister, you too underestimate my cousin."

The update is complete today. . .

Thanks girl? ? ? Mei Niu, Dummer-Nanxiang Chuqing, [Qianchen] prefer to give tips to other babies.

(End of this chapter)

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