Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1172: Fire element level

Chapter 1172 Fire Element Level

Chu Han'er learned that when Jun Mohuang chose to walk through the valley, he passed the second round of assessments amazingly.

Thinking of the series of things that I had just walked the mountainside, I felt uncomfortable to the extreme.

Humph, even if Jun Mohuang's luck in the second round of assessment, the third round of assessment, speaks entirely on strength.

Regarding Jun Mohuang's strength, I am afraid that now a monster crystal core has not been obtained.

But Chu Han'er soon learned what slaps were.

"Um, return to Yuan Shao, Miss Chu, Jun Mohuang's score is now close to seven thousand points."

The disciple in charge of counting the scores looked embarrassed and said with a covert cough.

"What, how could her score be so high!"

Yuan Wei walked quickly to the disciple and snatched the score statistics manual from the disciple.

With a score of 7,000, it has exceeded the core disciple's highest standard by 3,000 points. Not surprisingly, Jun Mohuang will definitely become a core disciple.

I don't know it, but I was shocked.

Jun Mohuang actually scored two thousand points in the third round of assessment.

"I remember the full score was two thousand."

Yuan Wei's face was very ugly at the moment.

Jun Mohuang's score is close to full marks, which means that she is about to kill the monsters in her area.

This time it is stipulated that there is no need to contract a beast. Jun Mohuang is only the first-order of Yuanjun. How to hunt a beast is faster than other Yuanjun third- and fourth-order cultivators.

This is simply unscientific!

The disciple in charge of counting the score nodded: "Yes, the perfect score is two thousand points."

"No, no, Ben Shao will deduct her points."

After Yuan Wei repeatedly confirmed that Jun Mohuang hadn't released his beast to help, he finally came up with a trick.

"The deduction is also due to the low yuan."

This disciple couldn't laugh or cry, and it was impossible to deduct points randomly.

But whoever made him a disciple of Third Peak must listen to Yuan Wei.

"Huh, the first reason for the deduction, the first round of assessment privately disclosed the secret of the Scarlet Poria cocos in advance, and a thousand points were deducted!"

Yuanwei immediately gave the first reason.

The disciple reminded Yuan Wei cautiously: "Yuan Shao, according to regulations, the highest deduction item can only be deducted 300 points."

"Then deduct three hundred!"

"Article two, in the second round of assessment, if you don't unite group members, you will deduct 300!"

"The third...Three hundred points deducted!"

"Article Four..."


"Article fifteenth, hunting too many monsters in the monster hunting area too fast, driving them to extinction, it can be seen that their minds are vicious, and three hundred points are deducted!"

Yuan Wei racked his brains and charged Jun Mohuang with 15 deductions.

"Shao Yuan, this fifteenth article is a bit inappropriate. Time is fast. Hunting more monsters is always a bonus."

When this disciple heard the fifteenth reason, he instantly felt a pain in the egg.

"You know what a fart, it is clearly stated in the regulations, this is not allowed as a deduction item!"

Yuan Wei almost wanted to knock this disciple on the head severely.

The disciple shook his head: "That's not true."

"Then what nonsense, quickly deduct three hundred points."

"Oh, alright."

For the fifteenth time, the disciple deducted 300 points from Jun Mohuang's score.

In this way, Yuan Wei used this method to deduct Jun Mohuang's score by four thousand five hundred points.

He saw Mo Ranchen's score, and tried every means to deduct Mo Ranchen for various reasons and excuses.

The current Jun Mohuang had only two thousand five hundred points left, a full one thousand five hundred points away from the core disciple's lowest score line, and a thousand points away from Mo Ranchen.

(End of this chapter)

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