Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1171: Warcraft Harvester 2

Chapter 1171 Warcraft Harvester 2

The number, variety and strength of monsters in each area are exactly the same.

Jun Mohuang entered the hunting and killing area, the geographical environment was still a mountain forest.

As soon as Jun Mohuang appeared, it led out three wolves-like monsters of the Yuanjun realm to attack her.

In order to keep the lives of everyone participating in the assessment to the greatest possible extent, the monsters in this area will not be too big, the combat effectiveness will not be too strong, and there are no monsters with elemental attributes.

This gave Jun Mohuang a great direction.

She tapped her toes and jumped to a tree.

The snow-white palm flipped over, and a fairy weapon level bow and arrow appeared in Jun Mohuang's hand.

She bought this fairy tool through the special relationship of Baili Yunsheng.

Catch the six feather arrows, wrap the six arrows with gold elements, pull the strings, draw the bow, and launch in one go.

Six golden feather arrows crossed six tracks in the air, and suddenly disappeared.

The three wolves were preparing to avoid the feather arrow attack. They were stunned for a moment when they saw the feather arrow disappear, and then leaped towards Jun Mohuang with their teeth and claws.

They just stepped forward and ran for a few steps, and six disappearing golden feather arrows suddenly appeared in front of the three wolves.

Six golden feather arrows, like chopping melons and vegetables, are as easy as they are, and they shoot accurately into the eyes of each monster.

All three jackals were shot in the eyes, and the corpses were immediately corpse on the spot.

Jun Mohuang made the seal with one hand, and without even a drop of blood, he took out the crystal cores of the three monsters by taking objects from the air.

Then use the jade pendant to swipe the three monster cores, and you will get three hundred points.

If it weren't for taking things from air, she could only take the ones without vital signs, and her speed would be faster.

This is just the beginning.

Jun Mohuang held an immortal weapon, possessed supernatural powers, teleported in various ways, and fetched objects in the air.

With the Lingyun step taught by Emperor Lingtian, she is flexible.

Even the cheetah-type beast known for its fastest speed can never catch a hair of her.

Her Nine Layers of Flame Phoenix Art has been cultivated to the fourth level, and she can use gold elements to condense a phoenix phantom with gold element attributes.

From time to time, the feather arrows are wrapped with gold elements, and the objects are moved in the air to attack the eyes of the beasts.

One strikes one standard.

For self-defense, she has an old tortoise shell.

It's really impossible, and you can hide in the Phoenix Space. Anyway, there is no one here, so there is no need to worry about being discovered.

It's really not good, and you can set fire to the mountains with ink flames.

Anyway, there is a barrier here, so I am not afraid of the fire spreading everywhere.

In this way, Jun Mohuang relied on her bunch of cheating plug-ins to successfully transform into a demon harvester.

Even though these monsters are stronger than her, they don't have a bunch of plug-ins and are not as smart as her.

So one by one became the dead soul of Jun Mohuang's arrow.

In two hours, she killed more than nine levels of monsters in this place.


After Yuan Wei succeeded in accepting Chu Han'er and killed Jiang Pei by playing with prey, he felt happy.

He didn't break his promise, and led Chu Han'er through the back door, giving her the identity of the third peak core disciple.

"The one named Jun Mohuang has scores now."

Yuan Wei finished all this, and took Chu Han'er to have fun again, then lazily came to the disciple in charge of the third round of assessment and asked about Jun Mohuang's situation.

"Yuan Shao, Jun Mohuang's score must be very low. The third round of assessment is pure combat effectiveness. Her luck is useless."

(End of this chapter)

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