Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1170: Warcraft Harvester

Chapter 1170 Warcraft Harvester

"Thank you for taking care of us for not despising us along the way."

These four people have known each other before, and they know that their strength is limited. This time they came to participate in the assessment with the purpose of training themselves and increasing their knowledge.

Now the goal has been achieved.

"In fact, I don't recommend that you stay in Lingyuanzong."

The strength and brains of these four people, let alone being inexperienced among the outer disciples, even becoming a handyman disciple is the life of being bullied by everyone.

To be able to clearly recognize one's own strength, not to exaggerate, nor to underestimate oneself, few people can do this.

The character of these four people is very good, but the talent is a little bit low, and the strength is almost the same.

From Jun Mohuang's point of view, this is not a problem at all.

She took out the Baiyu City Lord's Order, applied some ink pad, stamped the envelope, and handed it to the four people.

"You take this letter and go to the city lord's mansion in Baiyu City to find Wu Qianyong, and he will arrange a suitable job for you."

She didn't write anything in this letter, but Wu Qianyong would naturally know what she meant when he saw the order of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Thank you Miss Jun!"

The four of them didn't know that the token that Jun Mohuang took out represented the city lord of Baiyu City, and thought she took out a private seal.

They all thought of her as the daughter of Baiyucheng City Lord's Mansion.

Unexpectedly, this young lady who seems to be easy-going is actually the young lady of the Lord Baiyu City.

The four of them changed their names to her, holding the empty envelopes given by Jun Mohuang, thanking them for their gratitude, and reluctantly left.

"Cousin, let's go."

Jun Mohuang only looked at Mo Ranchen when the four people left.

"Sister, you are so kind."

Mo Ranchen looked at her and suddenly sighed.

Jun Mohuang: "Cousin, stop telling jokes."

In front of Lingyuanzong Mountain.

At the beginning of the second round of assessment, there were more than 100 groups participating, but now there are only more than 20 groups and less than 200 people who have come to the mountain gate.

Among them, the team walking the valley was not injured, or only slightly injured.

The group walking on the mountainside, thanks to the monster that suddenly rushed out halfway, suffered more serious injuries.

Those who have not yet reached the mountain gate have no relationship with the inner disciples and core disciples.

Fourteen core disciples will emerge from this group of nearly two hundred people.

In the third round of assessment, each person drew out a small independent area, and each person hunted and killed monsters independently, without interfering with each other, and unable to help each other. You can't let Contracted Beasts fight, rely on your own combat power.

Rely on the crystal nucleus obtained by hunting the monster to get points.

The stronger the monster core, the higher the score.

Ling Yuanzong did not put the third round of assessment on the second day this time, but immediately held it.

"Sister, you have to be careful."

When Mo Ranchen entered the area where he was assigned to hunt and kill Beasts, he gave Jun Mohuang anxiously.

If she couldn't use her own contract of Warcraft, she would lose a great advantage.

"Don't worry, cousin, I'll be fine, even if I don't use Warcraft, I can do it."

Jun Mohuang himself didn't worry about this problem at all.

"Then cousin, I'm going in first. Let's see you later."

Jun Mohuang waved his small hand and walked directly into the area where he was assigned to hunt and kill Beasts.

"See you soon."

The ink stained dust also entered its own area.

He didn't know what methods his sister would use, he was very curious, but unfortunately he couldn't see it.

Nearly more than two hundred cultivators walked to their assigned areas one after another.

After they entered it, the air at the entrance was slightly fluctuating, and an enchantment separated everyone's hunting and killing areas.

(End of this chapter)

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