Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1169: If there is a problem, we are not responsible

Chapter 1169 is not responsible for any problems

There are seven or eight groups of members, and they have also reached here at the same time as Jun Mohuang.

These people are all teams that insist on walking the valley road even if they are scared by various monsters.

They didn't know that some of the large monsters in the valley were genuine or fake, and their strength could not beat these monsters.

So they all used stupid methods to carefully avoid all large monsters when walking in the valley.

These people firmly believe that there will be miracles in the end.

These people's persistence paid off. When they reached the end, the front suddenly opened up, and a huge grass of blood appeared.

This Qi-blood meadow was completely devoid of Warcraft guards, and these people immediately ran to the front to pick them.

Jun Mohuang and her team members are no exception.

A qi-blood grass two points, who would let this opportunity pass.

An hour later, this huge qi and blood grass meadow was picked up by everyone.

The score in the Junmo Phoenix jade pendant has reached nearly 5000 points, and the score in the ink stained dust jade pendant is close to 4500 points.

With this score, as long as there is no major error in the subsequent assessment, the two will definitely become the core disciples of the Lingyuanzong.

Jun Mohuang looked at the score on the jade pendant, and then at the huge half-moon in the sky.

When she thought of Di Lingtian being under this huge half-moon with her, a soft smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

Ling Tian, ​​I am now one step closer to Shuijingshan.

Mo Ranchen saw that Jun Mohuang's face suddenly became soft, and he thought to himself that his future brother-in-law is really a super lucky guy.

The scores of each of the remaining four group members of the Spirit Realm were around 2000 points.

There is still no problem at all to be an outside disciple.

After walking through this open area and going up a distance, you will reach the destination of this assessment.

"Miss Sister, why were you so determined at the beginning and walked safely in the valley."

The four gathered together to discuss for a while, one of them asked Jun Mohuang.

"Look carefully, what are these words."

Jun Mohuang handed the map sent by Lingyuanzong to the four of them, and pointed to a few very inconspicuous small black dots on the edge of the map.

The four of them took the map and looked at each other. What, what is the big tip of the needle?

They always thought it was a decorative dot pattern or something.

They gathered aura and eyes one after another, and it took a lot of effort to see clearly, but this is just a line of words.

This line reads: "Except for the Qi and Blood Grass, this map is completely inaccurate. If there is any problem, we will not be responsible. The final interpretation right belongs to Ling Yuanzong."

Four people: "..."

It's such a speechless map.

"Since everything else is inaccurate, and I don't know what will happen, I just go with the one with the most Qi and Blood Grass. After all, the goal of this assessment is Qi and Blood Grass."

Jun Mohuang retracted the map.

Fortunately, facts have proved that this map is reliable for the part of Qi and Blood Grass.

"Well, we should go to the Lingyuanzong Mountain Gate."

I don't know what the next round of assessment will be.

Seeing this, the four exchanged glances.

"Miss Sister, the four of us thought about it. There are too many tricks of the Lingyuanzong. With our strength and stupid brain, even if we go in and become an outside disciple, I am afraid it will be bullied all day long."

"That's why the four of us decided not to continue participating. Meeting the young lady to this step is already a great harvest for us."

"We plan to go home directly, and we will stay here with Miss Sister and stay here."

The update is complete today. . .

Thank you for your baby’s rewards, such as Firefly’s thoughts and sorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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