Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1152: Just want to say haha

Chapter 1152 just want to say haha

"Huh, it's said that the shop is bullying its customers, and the big forces are the same, they don't even see us in their eyes!"

On Bluestone Square, many people began to complain.

Even if the person who didn't say anything, the angry expression and the small eyes of dissatisfaction still expressed dissatisfaction with Ling Yuanzong.

"Hmph, I dare to complain, Ling Yuanzong didn't ask you to come, love come, and get out if you don't love."

The old man saw this scene in the nine-story pagoda, and he was upset, crushing the jade pendants corresponding to those of Lingyuanzong who complained.

No points are given to those who express dissatisfaction with small expressions and small eyes.

Add 100 points to people like Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen who have always looked calm.

After another two hours, more and more people were dissatisfied with Lingyuanzong, and most people became very irritable.

"Wow, there are a lot of Red Blood Poria in the small woods outside the square. Go and collect them soon. Not to mention, everyone, I will go and collect them first."

Outside the Bluestone Square, someone suddenly yelled, and in his arms he was holding a red-blooded Poria the size of a human head.

The person finished speaking and immediately went into the grove.

"Wow, it's Scarlet Blood Poria, a fist-sized Scarlet Blood Poria that can sell 10,000 Amethyst Stones!"

The cultivators on the Bluestone Square saw such a big red-blooded Poria, suddenly jealous.

Immediately rushed out of the bluestone square and got into the grove.

Red Blood Poria is not only valuable, but also the main raw material for refining the intermediate medicine Qixue Pill.

More importantly, after taking it directly, it can increase the body's qi and blood value and accelerate the speed of cultivation.

This kind of baby is in front of you, it is silly not to grab it.

Countless people rushed into the grove, and the people around Jun Mohuang were also preparing to run into the grove, including Jiang Pei and Chu Han'er.

Even if Jiang Pei is the only son of Feiyun City Lord, Scarlet Poria still has a huge attraction to him.

If the red-blooded Poria he picked was taken to Chu Han'er, it would definitely increase her chances of becoming a core disciple.

"I advise you not to go."

Jun Mohuang just finished reading a page of cheats and faded out.

The cultivators near her were all dressed in ordinary, and they seemed to be civilians.

Coming here is nothing more than wanting to join the Spirit Yuanzong, even if you become an outer disciple or handyman, you can change your destiny.

In this world, cultivators with no money and no background live very hard.

Out of kindness, Jun Mohuang reminded them.

"Cut, who do you think you are, why should we listen to you!"

Chu Han'er was about to pull Jiang Pei out of the Bluestone Square. When Jiang Pei heard Jun Mohuang's words, he immediately stopped.

Upon seeing this, he glared at Jun Mohuang with dissatisfaction.

This **** girl actually stopped her cousin out loud!

This **** girl must have taken a fancy to her cousin, and then she spoke to discourage her from helping her pick the Scarlet Scrophulariaceae.

Let her lose the opportunity to increase her vitality and want to step on her to the top!

Chu Han'er said loudly, "Everyone, don't listen to her nonsense, she just has no peace of mind!"

Humph, she has seen many such tricks in Feiyun City.

The cousin belongs to her, and no woman would want to take it away.

After Chu Han'er finished speaking, she took Jiang Pei's hand and rushed out of the bluestone square to the grove.

Before Jiang Pei had time to react, Chu Haner dragged him into the grove.

The practitioners around Jun Mohuang looked at Jun Mohuang, and then at Chu Han'er who rushed out. In the end, most of them followed Chu Han'er's steps.

They chose to rush out of the bluestone square and into the grove.

Upon seeing this, Jun Mohuang shrugged silently and continued to read his secret book.

It's really hard to be a good person.

(End of this chapter)

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