Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1151: The skull has a package 2

Chapter 1151 There is a package in the brain shell 2

Jiang Pei held an umbrella in his other hand, and a petite and charming woman was hiding under the umbrella, and her black eyes looked at Jun Mohuang with alert and disgust.

It's really annoying, this cheap girl, a commoner, actually wants to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix to seduce her cousin.

Her cousin is the only son of Feiyun City Lord, and the cousin is hers, no one else can take it away!

"Thank you, no, my sister is not hot."

Mo Ranchen stood by Jun Mohuang and declined Jiang Pei's kindness.

Jun Mohuang glanced at Jiang Pei and the woman next to him indifferently. She easily felt hostility from this woman.

Insane, she did not provoke this woman.

A cousin blocked her, and Jun Mohuang didn't bother to pay attention.

Jiang Pei said, "But..."

"Cousin, this girl may be really not hot. If you don't need these, please don't force others."

Chu Han'er half nestled in Jiang Pei's arms and pulled his sleeves.

"Cousin, Han'er is so hot, is my cousin fanning Han'er?"

Chu Han'er acted like a baby immediately again, distracting Jiang Pei's attention.

"Okay, Han'er, thanks for your hard work."

Jiang Pei took back the umbrella he was going to give to Jun Mohuang and took out a ball fan to fan Chu Han'er.

"No hard work, cousin, I know that my uncle has always disliked my humble background and my poor strength. I will try my best to pass the assessment and become the core disciple of Lingyuanzong, and let my uncle agree to our marriage."

Chu Han'er nestled in Jiang Pei's arms and made a pitiful expression of Chu Chu.

Jiang Pei reached out and touched Chu Han'er's hair lovingly: "Well, Han'er, you will succeed."

Mo Ranchen pulled Jun Mohuang away from them by ten meters.

Both brothers and sisters felt that Jiang Pei, who was wearing a green robe, had a head in his head.

A fragile lady who uses an umbrella and a fan in the sun, who is unwilling to eat at all pains, still wants to be the core disciple of Lingyuanzong, a joke.

There are not no young and beautiful female cultivators present. Some look better in clothes than Chu Han'er was born from, but none of them wear umbrellas and fans like this Chu Han'er.

Forget it, other people, what is their business.

Jun Mohuang was idle and bored, spreading the "Intermediate Alchemist Cheats" in the Huangyu space, a pair of eyes penetrated the space barrier and began to read.

As for things like page turning, as long as the idea of ​​turning pages emerges in her mind, Old Turtle and Lord Yinyue will rush to turn pages for her.

Like Jun Mohuang, Mo Ranchen began to practice his techniques in his mind.

"Well, not bad, these two little guys are refreshed, and there is no sweat, so 50 points are added."

Not far away, the old man in the nine-story tower will have a panoramic view of the reactions of everyone present.

He added 50 points to Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen, and 20 points to those with slightly flushed faces.

As for the other sweaty people, I'm sorry, no points.

Then, seeing Chu Han'er, who was holding an umbrella and using a fan, and Jiang Pei, the accomplice beside Chu Han'er, the old man's lips curled.

Nima, come to participate in the assessment of Lingyuanzong, do you think it is for an outing? 20 points will be deducted!

After noon, the cultivators who were constantly being scorched by the scorching sun gradually became impatient on the Bluestone Square.

"What's the matter with this Lingyuanzong, we came in the morning, let us hang out here in the sun and play with us."

"That's right, it's noon for those who are open for assessment today, why the people of Lingyuanzong have no shadows until now."

(End of this chapter)

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