Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1153: Just wanna say haha ​​2

Chapter 1153 Just Want to Say Haha 2

There were only less than one tenth of people left beside Jun Mohuang, who listened to her advice and stayed behind.

In the entire square, the number of people left is almost one-tenth of the original number, about 1,500.

Among the more than one thousand and five hundred people, some of them heard the exclamation and admiration from the grove, and were tickled, rushing out of the bluestone square into the grove.

Gradually, only a thousand people remained in the square.

Not everyone can afford the intermediate Qi and Blood Pill, the allure of Scarlet Blood Poria is too great.

Twenty minutes later, the cultivators who ran to the grove returned home with a head-sized red blood poria, and some even carried two in their arms.

Chu Han'er and Jiang Pei were the first to come out of the grove and walk towards Qingshi Square.

The two held two Red Blood Poria in their arms.

"Hmph, some people, envy it, regret it, but it's too late."

The corners of Chu Han'er's lips were upturned, and she looked triumphantly at Jun Mohuang standing on the edge of the Bluestone Square, her beautiful eyes were full of mockery.

Hmph, this cheap girl pretends to know everything and pretends to give advice, trying to take away his cousin.

Fortunately, neither she nor cousin were fooled.

This time I got four Crimson Blood Poria, which is really full of rewards.

As long as these four red blood tuckahoes are absorbed and refined, she can advance from the first stage of Yuanjun to the first stage of Yuanjun's second stage.

She will definitely become a core disciple!

"Regret, envy? Why do I envy you who have two lumps of mud."

Jun Mohuang's gaze fell on the Scarlet Poria in the hands of Chu Han'er and the others, and a mocking smile evoked at the corner of his lips.

Regret, envy? She just wanted to say ha ha.

"What kind of mud? If you can't eat grapes, say gluconic acid! These are clearly two red-blooded Poria, you can see this lady with wide eyes!"

Chu Han'er was furious when she saw her red-blooded Poria being slandered by Jun Mohuang into two lumps of mud.

He stepped forward quickly, trying to walk in front of Jun Mohuang, raising the scarlet blood Poria in her hand for her to see clearly.

But she didn't want to. When Chu Han'er was about to step into the Bluestone Square, a blue barrier suddenly appeared on the edge of the Bluestone Square.

Chu Han'er hit the barrier with one head, and the two pieces of red blood tuckahoe in his hand fell to the ground and all turned into mud blocks.

At the same time, there were countless cultivators like Chu Han'er who wanted to step into the barrier, all bumping into the blue barrier.

The red-blooded Poria in their hands turned into mud and fell to the ground.

"Han'er, are you all right."

Jiang Pei threw away the two mud lumps in his arms, before he could think about why the red blood Poria cocos suddenly turned into mud, and quickly stepped forward to help Chu Han'er up.

"It's all you, absolutely you are the one who caused the ghost."

Chu Han'er didn't care about talking to Jiang Pei at all. She stared blankly as she fell to the ground. She fell into a few large pieces of mud, and her complexion instantly became particularly ugly.

This...this is really muddy.

How could this be? This was clearly the Scarlet Poria, she had touched it just now.

Why did the city suddenly become muddy? It must be the ghost of Jun Mohuang!

"You too value me too much."

Jun Mohuang looked at Chu Han'er, the corners of his lips lightly hooked.

Other cultivators also looked at the mud lump on the ground with dumbfounded expressions, and they also didn't understand in their hearts why the **** tuckahoe had become like this.

"A bunch of idiots."

On the nine-story tower, the old man looked at the group of cultivators with a bewildered expression on the ground.

Fortunately, in this session, the little girl and her cousin performed perfectly.

The update is complete today. . .

(End of this chapter)

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