Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1150: The skull has a bag

Chapter 1150 There is a bag in the brain shell

"I don't know, I only know that the content of the assessment is different every year. But no matter what the content of the assessment is, the Lingyuanzong will score according to the performance of the practitioner in the assessment process, and finally according to the score to confirm whether a person has passed the assessment. To become a disciple of the Lingyuanzong, he was still eliminated."

After passing the assessment to become a disciple of the Spirit Yuanzong, they are also divided into core disciple, inner disciple, outer disciple and handyman disciple according to their scores.

The ranks of these four identities decrease in order, with the core disciple being the highest and the handyman disciple being the lowest.

The core disciples have the largest range of free activities in the Lingyuan Sect, and have the most access to the secrets of the sect.

The goal of Jun Mohuang is the core disciple.

Jun Mohuang's eyes flickered: "Then we have already got some points in the assessment just now."

Mo Ranchen nodded: "Not bad."

The two brothers and sisters smiled at each other, walked to a certain angle in the bluestone square, quietly waiting for the next assessment.

On a mountain peak one kilometer away from Qingshi Square, there is a quaint and unremarkable nine-story tower.

An old man stood on the ninth floor, and countless numbered jade pendants were suspended beside him.

The old man held a long tube similar to a telescope in his hand.

This magical long tube can not only help him scan everyone who enters the Bluestone Square, but also observe everyone's expressions and hear their conversations clearly.

The long tube in his hand was now facing Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen.

Hear the conversation between the two brothers and sisters clearly.

"Well, these two little guys not only noticed the old man's scan, but also accurately guessed the old man's intentions. It's not bad. They each add 50 points."

The old man put down the long tube, and his old bark-like fingers slid twice in the air.

Two jade pendants marked "12983" and "12984" floated in front of the old man.

The old man pointed his finger at two jade pendants, the two jade pendants that had already had 50 points, instantly increased to 100.

In the Bluestone Square.

Time gradually passed, and soon from morning to noon.

At noon, the scorching sun was in the sky, and the sun was scorching everyone.

Towards the bluestone square was a bare piece of land, without even shade.

The sunshine of the Lingyuanzong was particularly poisonous, and the cultivators waiting in the Bluestone Square had long been blushing and sweating.

Only some strong cultivators, the spiritual energy in the body can resist the burning sun, but their complexion is slightly reddish and slightly hot.

The faces of Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen were as usual, and their expressions were refreshing, completely unaffected by the sun.

Jun Mohuang has its own tools for cheating.

When I arrived at Bluestone Square in the morning and was exposed to the early morning sun, the two flattering ghosts, Old Turtle and Lord Yinyue, had long started to use aura to protect Jun Mohuang from the sun and create a small, cool space.

The two are providing services to her while secretly competing, which is more aura than the one who provides the master.

Jun Mohuang's secret rivalry between these two has long been unsurprising, as long as she doesn't delay her business, she can toss about these two as she pleases.

Mo Ranchen is a spirit race whose root is Zhengmiaohong. The spirit race is naturally very close to the power of nature, and the poisonous sunlight cannot help him.

However, some people think that Jun Mohuang is pretending to be strong.

"This girl, my cousin brought an extra parasol and lent it to the girl."

A young man wearing a green robe, his facial features are pretty good.

He showed a friendly smile and offered an umbrella to Jun Mohuang.

(End of this chapter)

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