Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1121: Love Rival No. 2 is online 2

Chapter 1121 The second love rival is online 2

Qingqing took the space ring expressionlessly and checked it. There were fifty pills in it.

These elixirs are crystal clear, like crystals, which are very different from the usual brown elixir.

Each pill is covered with a silver pill pattern of about two millimeters, which is fifty silver pill.

The so-called water mirror spirit pill that the woman in white had refined within one year was only fifty.

The Water Mirror Spirit Pill was originally difficult to refine, and in the entire Nine Nether Realm, only the Yu Yanrou, the young lady of the Yu family, could refine it.

Fifty are already pretty good.

"Thank you, Miss Yu, please come back."

Qingqing responded to Yu Yanrou with an attitude of business affairs.

Holding the space ring, turn around and walk into the palace.

"Qingdu Tong, the little girl has admired the emperor for a long time, can you please see the emperor."

When Yu Yanrou saw Qingqing was about to leave, she hurriedly took a step forward, pleading in her beautiful eyes.

She was born well in the first place. She was a weak beauty with a pleading look. It was even more pitiful to me, and people could not help but feel softened.

It just so happened that Qingqing was the one among the seven secret guards who was softer towards people in the same camp as him.

"Well, I'll bring you a message, I can't help but decide if you want to see you."

This eldest lady of the Yu family has refined the medicine for her own respect for so many years. There is no credit and hard work, and there is nothing to say.

"Thank you Qingdutong."

Yu Yanrou smiled gratefully at Qingqing, secretly happy.

She has been refining water mirror spirit pills for the emperor for so many years, without credit and hard work.

The emperor has always distinguished rewards and punishments, and will definitely not refuse her small request.

"Huh, the emperor is so busy, how can I have time to see you."

Mu Yaoyao followed her father and couldn't help but snorted coldly when she saw Yu Yanrou so thick and ashamed.

This Yuyanrou is simply shameless, and actually wants to seduce the emperor!


The other witches all glared at Yu Yanrou, obviously dissatisfied with Yu Yanrou's behavior.

"The Emperor will definitely meet me!"

Yu Yanrou's back was straight, she turned a blind eye to the jealous eyes of the other witches, as long as she could see Di Lingtian.

By the side of a boiling black spring in the palace, black madness was wanton in the air.

Di Lingtian sat lazily and casually on a squishy place, looking at the flashing sound-transmitting jade talisman in his hand, listening to the shallow breathing from the jade talisman.

Di Lingtian's lips twitched slightly, and his mood suddenly became very good.

His family Huang'er finally took the initiative to contact him, which was a bit earlier than he expected.

Probably she didn't know, as long as she lit the sound transmission jade talisman with aura, he could hear everything on her side.

Qingqing walked to Di Lingtian, saluted as usual, and put the space ring on the coffee table next to Di Lingtian.

"My honour, Miss Yu who refines the water mirror spirit pill is outside and wants to see you."

Di Lingtian didn't answer, took the space ring, and took out the fifty water mirror spirit pills inside.

A blood-colored flame rose from his palm, and fifty water mirror spirit pills were wrapped in the blood-colored flame and were refined into a transparent crystal liquid.

Emperor Lingtian threw the transparent liquid medicine into the constantly surging black spring.

When Di Lingtian did all this, his sight still did not leave the sound transmission jade talisman.

Seeing Qingqing still here, he asked aloud: "What else is there?"

"There are several ministers who are also outside, waiting to be summoned by the nobleman."

When Qingqing saw that Di Lingtian didn't answer see or see, she immediately understood the meaning of not seeing.

The update is complete today. . .

(End of this chapter)

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