Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1122: No see, get off 1

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Ignoring is more heartbreaking than rejection.

Di Lingtian just ignored it if he didn't answer.

Qingqing secretly lit a wax for Yuyan soft in her heart.

No, with Jun Mohuang, he should give wax to all the witches in the Nine Nether Realm who covet Emperor Lingtian.

The sound transmission jade symbol in Emperor Lingtian's hand: "No."

"Your honor, it's not good not to see the minister. After all, you are about to close up for two months. No matter what happens in the Nine Nether Realm within these two months, everyone will not be able to accept your guidance."

Di Lingtian's tone was indifferent: "It's only been two months. Will this group of demons die without the deity? All the plans and arrangements in these two months were sent to their sound transmission jade talisman, and they couldn't decide what happened I went to see Yufu by myself."


Qingqing wanted to answer, yes, it would really die.

He didn't want to recall that in the days without Emperor Lingtian, the various forces in the Nine Nether Realm fought every day, and everyone started fighting if they didn't agree with each other.

The entire Nine Nether World was in chaos.

In fact, everyone doesn't want to fight in groups, it's just that the demons are aggressive by nature, and Emperor Lingtian is not there. No one is convinced, so they can only fight like this.

If it weren't for other races that couldn't stand the devil qi of the Nine Nether Realm, the devil qi of the Nine Nether Realm would have long been given by the Heavenly Spirit Realm and the Profound Capital Realm.

"Subordinates retire."

Of course Qingqing didn't dare to tell her true thoughts.

Outside the palace.

"How about it, Qingdutong."

As soon as Qingqing walked out of the palace, Yu Yanrou was the first to greet her.

Qingqing shook her head: "Miss Yu, sorry."

The look of Yu Yanrou's expectation turned into disappointment in an instant.

Like Mu Yaoyao, when she saw Di Lingtian's portrait when she was very young, she began to admire and like him.

She thought that with the Nine Nether Realm only she could refine the water mirror spirit pill that suppressed Di Lingtian's dark injuries, Di Lingtian would look at her high. When Emperor Ming Ming just returned to the Nine Nether Realm more than a year ago, he personally taught her to refine the pill.

Why does this happen?

"Hehehe, it's great to think that you can make a pill, the emperor has so many important things to be busy, how can you be free!"

Seeing Yu Yanrou's loss, Mu Yaoyao felt refreshed in her heart.

"That's right, some people have to think that they are special and great, right now they have been beaten in the face."

The other witches followed Mu Yaoyao and began to laugh at Yu Yanrou.

Yu Yanrou was ashamed and angry, her little hands pinched the corners of her clothes tightly.

"Qingdutong, what about us."

Yu Yanrou's father, the head of the Yu family, pulled his daughter behind him.

These ministers have long been jealous of the many witches in the Nine Nether Realm fighting for Emperor Ling Tian.

"Yeah, Qingdutong, then we, the emperor must always summon us."

The other ministers also stepped forward and looked at Qingqing.

"Ah, said the emperor, let you see the sound transmission jade talisman for yourself."

Qingqing conveyed Di Lingtian's order, and immediately stepped into the palace.

These ministers are no weaker than those witches when entangled.

The ministers waiting outside the palace took out their own sound transmission jade symbols to check.

The advanced sound transmission jade in their hands can not only send sounds, but also text.

When these ministers saw the plans and arrangements sent to them by Emperor Lingtian, they couldn't help but look admired and their eyes gleamed.

It is worthy of the plan arranged by the emperor, which is more thoughtful, long-term and wise than their own thinking.

Moreover, the emperor also asked them to go to the Bafang Profound Realm to do a major event in three months, which is simply awesome!

(End of this chapter)

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