Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1120: Rival No. 2 is online

Chapter 1120 Love Rival No. 2 is online

Jun Mohuang carefully searched the Phoenix space three times, but still couldn't find it.

"Master, what are you looking for?"

The two men in black who had voluntarily stayed in the Phoenix Space to organize various things for Jun Mohuang saw this and immediately stepped forward and asked.

Jun Mohuang stretched out his fingers and gestured to the shape of the sound transmission jade talisman: "The sound transmission jade talisman is green, so big, have you seen it."

She tried her best to keep her emotions calm, but the rush of her tone revealed her anxiety.

The two men in black shook their heads at the same time: "No."

Jun Mohuang was disappointed in his heart, but speeded up his search for the sound transmission jade.

She must find this sound transmission jade talisman!

When the two men in black saw this, they also helped her find the sound transmission jade.

Jun Mohuang started looking for the sound transmission talisman before it was dark, and found it in the middle of the night, and finally found the green sound transmission talisman in the dirt somewhere in the corner.

Jun Mohuang carefully wiped all the dirt on the sound transmission jade talisman, and immediately took the sound transmission jade talisman back to the bedroom and lit it with aura.

Jun Mohuang looked at the illuminated sound transmission jade, but suddenly didn't know what to say.

Obviously she had always wanted to find the Sound Transmission Jade Talisman quickly and talk to Emperor Lingtian.

When he really wanted to contact him, Jun Mohuang's heart began to worry and nervous again.

Will Di Lingtian blame her, and then be angry with her.

The sound transmission jade in Jun Mohuang's hand was lit by her all the time.


Nine Netherworld, thinking about the cliff.

Here is the most concentrated and pure place of the entire Nine Nether Realm's devil qi, countless black qi, condensed into black mist droplets, floating in the air.

The black droplets obscure the sky and the sun, dyeing every space in the entire Siguo Cliff into black.

Pieces of black, like a tight curtain, make people feel breathing hard to look at.

Even the demons can't stand such a pure demon energy, they must pass through the barrier protection of weapons and magic weapons to come here.

In the entire Nine Nether World Realm, only Emperor Lingtian could ignore these devilish energy.

Thinking of the place where the devilish energy of the cliff is strongest, there is an exquisite and gorgeous palace built, which is exclusive to Emperor Lingtian. No one can take one step without getting an order.

Outside the palace at this moment, a large group of demons are waiting here respectfully, all of them are protected by a barrier without exception, to avoid the burden of too pure demonic energy on the body.

These demons were all powerful subordinates of Emperor Lingtian, and at the same time the Patriarch and Sect Master of the major clans in the Nine Nether Realm.

Everyone has a very high status in the Nine Nether World.

They are waiting here at the moment, just waiting to be summoned by Emperor Lingtian.

Without exception, these Patriarchs and Sect Masters were followed by one or several young and beautiful female demons.

These women are the daughters of these Patriarchs, and they are also the admirers of Emperor Lingtian.

Among them was Mu Yaoyao who sent a killer to chase down Jun Mohuang.

As they were unable to be summoned by Emperor Lingtian, it was good to come outside the palace and be closer to Emperor Lingtian.

As long as these women don't make trouble, don't make noise, the four of orange-orange, yellow-yellow, green-green and cyan are too lazy to take care of them.

There are too many fans on my own respect, and I can't manage it.

"Qingdu Tong, the water mirror spirit pill that the little girl refined in this year is here,"

In the crowd, a woman in white clothes shrouded in the enchantment gave Qing Qing the spatial ring in her hand.

She was dressed in white and looked out of place in the complete darkness.

The white-clothed woman exudes the smell of pill, obviously she is an alchemist.

(End of this chapter)

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