Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1115: Three views are refreshed 1

Chapter 1115 Three Views are refreshed 1

After Di Lingtian leaves the customs, Jun Mohuang himself will surprise him.

"...You two keep talking, I'll go see my cousin."

Jun Mohuang was extremely speechless, and Feng Yunqi thought he was playing with him.

Mo Yaxi couldn't bear the smell of blood just now, and was uncomfortable. I don't know what happened now.

Jun Mohuang still has a major question, and he wants to ask the two sisters.

Mo Yaxi's room.

Mo Yaxi's complexion has improved a lot after Mo Xi took care of it just now.

At this time Mo Yaxi and sister Mo Xi were sitting in front of the window, and in front of them was a small nest covered with brocade quilts.

A black egg lay quietly in the nest, and sunlight came in from the outside, shining on the black egg.

The originally pitch-black black egg suddenly reflected a colorful halo, like a black opal, very beautiful.

This black egg has exactly the same appearance as Jun Mohuang's black egg, except that Mo Yaxi's black egg is bigger.

Mo Yaxi and Mo Xi were gently poking the black egg with their hands.

"Sister Yaxi, why is your little baby in this black egg."

Jun Mohuang greeted the two of them, and after asking about Mo Yaxi's body, he directly asked his doubts.

This question, Jun Mohuang wanted to ask just now when he admitted his relatives.

According to common sense, shouldn't a baby be in the stomach?

Could it be that the low fertility rate of the spirit race is because newborn babies are hatched from eggs and it is not easy to hatch?

"This is the unique way of our people. Our people are too fragile and can only rely on this method to give birth to offspring."

Mo Yaxi didn't think it was strange, this was something she was accustomed to.

Mo Xi reached out and touched the black egg in the sun, and suddenly looked at Jun Mohuang and said, "In the future, sister, you have a baby, so it will be the same."

"...Really from this egg?"

Jun Mohuang felt that his three views had been refreshed.

She took out her black egg from the sea of ​​anger, with a strange expression.

No matter how good Jun Mohuang's mental quality is, he can't accept the fact that his future baby is going to be born into an egg.

Or, she also crawled out of an egg back then...

Thinking of this, Jun Mohuang's whole person is not good.

"Hahaha, elder sister, yours is a spiritual energy egg, your spiritual energy will hatch from it, it is not a baby's egg."

Mo Xi pursed his lips and smiled, taking out his black egg.

"Just like this, this one of mine is also a spiritual power egg. But strictly speaking, the first phoenix crystal egg can also raise a baby, but if the first phoenix crystal egg raises the baby hard, the spiritual power will last forever. Disappeared, so

The Yi people don't use the first phoenix crystal egg to raise a baby. "

Mo Xi's spiritual power egg was a circle smaller than Jun Mohuang's black egg.

"This is Huang Jing..."

Jun Mohuang looked at the black egg in his hand, and his heart was shocked.

Since this was Huang Jing, Emperor Lingtian wanted Huang Jing again, why did he take it immediately after she was promoted to the Soul Transformation Realm?

With this thing in hand, his hidden injuries will be restored, and his strength will reach its peak. There is no reason to wait.

Didn't he want Huang Jing, he blamed him?

Not really, he said he wanted it.

Could it be... he wanted Huang Jing to mean that he wanted to have a baby with her?

Jun Mohuang's thoughts suddenly diverged to this, and his face suddenly burst into red.

Oh, what is she thinking about in her head!

Perhaps it was too shocking to find that the black egg was Huang Jing, Jun Mohuang even ignored that her spiritual power would hatch from this black egg.

(End of this chapter)

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