Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1114: Power circle fans

Chapter 1114 Power circle fan

It is completely different from those self-esteem and annoying spirit races.

The red and blue are instantly encircled by the ink.

"How is he treating you?"

In fact, Mo Xiu's words were completely for nothing. From Chi Chi and Lan Lan's orders to protect him, it can be seen how Emperor Lingtian treated Jun Mohuang.

But, Mo Shao is very concerned about Jun Mohuang, and still wants to hear her answer in person.

Jun Mohuang was a little embarrassed: "Very good."

Except for the Huang Jing problem, Di Lingtian was indeed very good to her.

"Hahaha, that uncle is relieved, the devil emperor of the Nine Netherworld Realm has vision."

Mo Xiu was very satisfied with this. With Emperor Lingtian protecting Jun Mohuang, he would not have to worry about the safety of his niece in the future.

"Mo Phoenix, uncle is going to borrow your two monsters for use now, uncle will take the Mo clan to take care of the Yuan family. You are tired for a day today, go to rest early."

Jun Mohuang handed both Lord Yinyue and Old Turtle to Mo Sie, watching his uncle leave briskly.

She always felt that her uncle was in a strange state.

He didn't agree with her before when he attacked the city lord's mansion, he could see that the Mo clan was exiled by the heavenly spirit world as a sinner, and Mo Xiu was still willing to abide by the rules of the heavenly spirit world.

Now he turned a hundred and eighty degrees, and he agreed that she was with Di Lingtian.

This is no longer as simple as not observing the rules of the heavenly spirit world, but tantamount to betrayal. After all, the spirit race and the demons are immortal enemies.

Jun Mohuang guessed that maybe it was the stimulus that the man in black wanted to kill her, and then Mo Luo and Jun Liyuan both disappeared.

"By the way, mistress, why are you in the city lord's mansion in Baiyu City?" Chi Chi immediately stepped forward and asked after Mo Yan left.

Just now I thought that Jun Mohuang was caught and locked up by the White Jade City Lord, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

The people in black razed the study room, and the people in the City Lord's Mansion remained unchanged.

"Hehehe, Brother Chichi, that's because, now your mistress, who is our boss, is already the lord of Baiyu City."

Feng Yunqi leaned over, hooking Chi Chi's shoulders.

Chi Chi and Blue: (⊙o⊙)!

Chi Chi continued to ask, "What about the former city lord of Baiyu City!"

Feng Yunqi said: "Of course it was my boss who was arrested. The boss thought it was interesting to be the lord of the city, so he slapped the city lord of Baiyu City down and played with him."

"Wow, the hostess is amazing!"

Chi Chi and Lan Lan sincerely admire them, and their eyes are full of worship when they look at Jun Mohuang.

At first, Chi Chi was afraid that she would be on the bar between her and Bai Yucheng's city lord. As a result, they immediately pried the original lord and became the lord of the city.

White Jade City is the junction of the Eight-Faced Profound Realm, the Nine Nether Realm and the Heavenly Spirit Realm. The White Jade City is small and does not produce any cultivation resources.

But for the Nine Nether World, the geographical location of Baiyu City is very important.

If the demons of the Nine Nether World came to occupy it themselves, it would be easy to reveal themselves.

Jun Mohuang became the lord of the White Jade City, which is equivalent to that White Jade City has become the territory of the Nine Nether Realm. From now on, there will be one more passage from the Nine Nether Realm to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and the Heavenly Spirit Realm cannot block it no matter how much. Kind.

This is great news for the Nine Nether World, the hostess is simply the lucky star of the Nine Nether World.

Well, this good news must be told to your superior.

Chi Chigang was about to take out the Sound Transmission Jade Talisman, only to realize that Di Lingtian would be shutting down for some time recently. He told him that he couldn't know immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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