Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1116: Three views are refreshed 2

Chapter 1116 Three Views are refreshed 2

In other words, the high mountain in the sea of ​​Qi is not a fact of her true spiritual power.

Mo Xi nodded and said, "Yes, this is the Phoenix Crystal that every girl in our Mo clan will have."

"If Huang Jing is taken away by others..."

Jun Mohuang's eyes flickered slightly, and it turned out that for the Mo people, Huang Jing was used to hatch spiritual power and give birth to babies.

She said only half a sentence, and Mo Yaxi's originally soft expression became extremely serious.

"Sister, don't let others do that. If you do this, you will not only ruin your talents, lose all your cultivation skills, and you will never be able to cultivate, but you will never have babies again."

"Sister, many people outside covet our Mo people’s Huang Jing, you must keep this secret, and you must not tell anyone, this is the greatest secret of our Mo people. Anyone including you

The future husband, you can only tell him after being pregnant with a baby. "

After Mo Yaxi said, his expression was unprecedentedly serious.

Even when Jun Mohuang asked the black egg, Mo Yaxi and Mo Xi's two sisters arranged two levels of enchantments in the room, and the rest of the content was always told to Jun Mohuang through riddles.

"Sister, your Huang Jing, you just won't be attracted to you."

Mo Yaxi looked at Jun Mohuang suddenly, and she suddenly remembered that Mo Shao had told her when she was a child.

All the women of the Mo ethnic group are Phoenix girls, but in terms of the purity of blood in the body, each Phoenix girl also has a level.

Aunt Mo Luo is the purest and noblest Phoenix girl of the Mo clan for so many years, almost reaching the level of Tianhuang.

Half of the human blood is flowing in Jun Mohuang's body, but now she has given birth to a spirit egg, which shows that she has inherited Mo Luo's bloodline perfectly.

Moreover, her spiritual power egg is very powerful, I am afraid her Phoenix crystal is even more effective.


Jun Mohuang's small face was slightly surprised, pretending not to understand why Mo Yaxi asked so.

In fact, my heart moved slightly, this cousin's eyes were really venomous.

However, she must not tell her relatives about the Huang Jing transaction between her and Di Lingtian, otherwise they would definitely go to Di Lingtian desperately.

"It's fine if you don't have it. Speaking of you, sister, you are promoted to the Spiritual Transformation Realm by yourself in Cangyuan Continent, and it is really dangerous to transform this spiritual power egg."

Mo Yaxi breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Jun Mohuang with a distressed expression.

My aunts and uncles have disappeared, and my cousin came from the Cangyuan Continent to the Bafang Profound Realm.

"How do you say this?"

When Jun Mohuang was promoted to the Spiritual Transformation Realm, it took ten times more Silver Moon Immortal Glass to transform this spiritual power egg, and there was no dangerous thing to say.

"Sister, you have half the human bloodlines and half the spirit bloodlines in your body. The two bloodlines will compete with each other for dominance when you are promoted to the spirit realm. If you don't pay attention, you will get into trouble."

"Unless sister at that time, you encountered something that made you deeply stimulating. This incident made you want to become stronger. Awakening a strong willpower can suppress the riot between the two bloodlines."

After listening to Mo Yaxi's words, Jun Mohuang's eyes drooped and his heart was complicated.

She was right at all, and she did encounter something deeply exciting at the time.

First I knew that Di Lingtian was with her for Huang Jing.

When she was promoted to the Spirit Realm, Di Lingtian personally said that she was unwilling to give her half of her lifespan.

(End of this chapter)

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