Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 245: Huashen Lake Island, why don’t you come and check out the deal? (3 more updates, please


About a day later, Xu Yuming had already led a group of Zifu monks under his command to arrive at the island in the center of the lake, a hundred miles away. When he saw it, this small island, which was only a few dozen miles deep, was densely covered with array patterns.

Is there a big formation on this island?

Xu Yuming was a little curious.

It is a defective sixth-order formation. From the ancient documents of the Xuanjing Lake world, we know that this world was originally opened by a god-transforming god. Chen Tairan beside him said with emotion on his face, My lord,

God Transformation Lord. Xu Yuming's face was full of emotion, With such a large formation, there are no monks who specialize in formations to come here to study day and night?

Every year, only the fourth-order fish monsters at the bottom of the lake live their lives, and we human monks dare to come here. Otherwise, no one can withstand the power of the fourth-order fish monsters, not even Master Yan Zhen of South Huzhou. He dares to come alone, but he is the one who has learned the most about formations in recent years. I heard that he is very close to the third-level ultimate formation master. Once he breaks through, the formations he sets up will be difficult for even the fake elixir master. They can all be trapped.”


Xu Yuming responded, stepping on the void and landing on the island. At this time, there was already a fish demon coming to worship at the bottom of the lake.

The two-hundred-foot-huge fat catfish opened its mouth directly towards the sky and sucked it with great force. Even a weight weighing tens of millions of kilograms would be sucked into the lake by it.


Xu Yuming opened his mouth and spit out a stream of Chinese Valentine's Day rainbow fire. The pupils of the fat catfish, which had reached the late third level of cultivation, shrank suddenly, and then his whole belly was quickly ignited. His body hit the lake heavily, and for a while, the area was ablaze for hundreds of miles. There was a raging fire.

Namo Amitabha!

A sound of Buddha's name came from the distance, but more than a dozen third-level monsters were seen rising up from the depths of the lake. They were all suppressed by two great monks at the bottom of the lake, unable to move at all.

Gravity? And the power of restraint.

Xu Yuming sighed in his heart, there are also great monks in Buddhism who have profound knowledge of earth's gravity and formation prohibition.

He ignored him at first, but saw the other party stepping on the Buddha's light and approaching him. He chanted the Buddha's name towards him and took the initiative to say hello.

May I ask if you are the real person Xu of Yannan in Dongzhou? The poor monk Jin Tutuo.

Amitabha, the poor monk Kongxiang, I have heard the name of Master Xu for a long time, and today I saw the magical power of fire. It is really remarkable.

Seeing that the fat catfish under Xu Yuming's feet had been burned out, only a pile of compost was still burning on the lake. Such incredible fire power also impressed the two great monks in the fake elixir realm opposite.

It turns out to be Master Jin-Toutuo from Guangwen Temple and Kongxiang King Kong from Dazen Temple. I have admired him for a long time. Xu Yuming pointed forward with his hand, Let's sit down and talk later.


Fellow Daoist Xu, please!

After Xu Yuming and the others entered the island in the center of the lake one after another, two groups of monks flew over from the opposite side.

Why did Xu Yuming get together with those two big bald donkeys?

As a Taoist sect, how can you associate with Buddhism? This boy should be careful and careful.

Master Hanshan and Master Yaoshou, who were not very friendly at first, looked at each other and felt a little wary. After all, the Beihan State where they were located was sandwiched between Dongzhou and Xiaoxizhou. If the two forces joined forces, In a double attack, they would become sandwich biscuits, surrounded in the middle and beaten hard!

Fellow Taoists, since everyone is here, as usual, this time it is my turn in Nanhuzhou to host the Lake Center Trade Fair. Master Tiandan sat cross-legged in a corner, followed by twenty-two Zifu Sanren. He has white eyebrows and white beard, and looks kind-hearted, but the fire energy intertwined on his body is enough to prove that he is not someone to be trifled with. Xu Yuming even sensed that he might have a very strong spiritual fire in his body.

Tiandan, in the past, everyone took out the treasures one after another, and then took turns bidding. It was so boring. Why not change the rules today? Master Yaoshou suddenly said.

Oh? How do fellow Yaoshou Taoists want to change the rules? Master Tiandan looked back and saw that recently many casual cultivators from South Huzhou went to Beihan State for cold wave expeditions, and they also received the care of two sects in Beihan State. He had Give the other person face.

In order not to waste everyone's time, let's start from high to low and trade with the fourth-level opportunities. Let's start with the fake elixir masters from our four states. If there is any Zifu who has good things in his hands, that's fine too. Follow us for the auction, and then those third-level treasures will be traded on their own.

Amitabha, I have always heard that Taoist friend Yaoshou practices as he pleases and is not restricted. When I saw him today, he was indeed frank and supported by the poor monk. Jin Tutuo immediately followed suit.

That's fine, so as not to waste everyone's time. Kongxiang Vajra held an alms bowl in his hand, and looked inside from time to time. If someone observed with their spiritual sense, they could see every move at the bottom of the lake a thousand feet below. , he was actually watching the movements of the group of monsters gathered in the middle of the lake.

What do you think, Fellow Daoist Xu? Master Tiandan looked at Xu Yuming, who did not express his stance.

This is my first time to participate in a trade fair. Since all Taoist friends agree, I have no objections. Xu Yuming stretched out his hand and touched it. On the long table in front of him, there was already a set of spiritual tea sets. This was presented by Julu City. are made from deer antlers, and what is boiled inside is the third-grade top-grade Kendo tea.

This pot of kendo tea, Fellow Daoist Xu, is quite good. I am willing to give you a piece of fourth-order cold jade in exchange for a taste. Opposite Master Hanshan stared at the kendo tea in Xu Yuming's hand, his eyes sparkling with emotion.


Xu Yuming casually threw out the tea cup in his hand, and the tea spilled a stream of crystal water in the air. It fell steadily to the tea bowl in front of Master Hanshan, and then flew back to Xu Yuming smoothly. Just this method of pulling through the air made many The San members of the Zifu secretly lamented that even if Xu Yuming's cultivation level was not as good as the fake elixir, it would not be much different.


A piece of fourth-order cold jade appeared on the table in front of Xu Yuming the moment the teapot fell back. Appeared out of thin air?

The power of space!

Xu Yuming's eyes flashed, he glanced at Master Hanshan, raised one hand and said, Fellow Taoist, please.


Master Hanshan picked it up and took a sip. Regardless of the temperature of the boiling tea in his mouth, he showed a comfortable and intoxicated expression, It's really comfortable. It's a rare third-level kendo tea. I'm afraid it's more than four thousand years old. Year.”

Four thousand three hundred and fifty-three years. Xu Yuming looked around and said, Since today's trade fair has just begun, Xu will be bold enough to dominate.

Fellow Daoist Xu, please. Master Tiandan raised his hand to indicate to him.

Xu Yuming was not polite. He turned over his hand and took out a Buddhist scripture and held it in his hand, This is the Kurong Zen Sutra that I found from the underground burial pit. It is a golden elixir technique.


As soon as the Kung Fu appeared, a great monk wearing a monk's hat present in Xiao Xizhou stood up instantly, Master Xu, this is the Kung Fu left by Master Kurong who disappeared in my meditation monastery in the year 285. How dare you Ask the real person, do you know the whereabouts of Master Kurong now? If you would like to tell me, I will meditate on it all the way up and down the monastery, and I will definitely be very grateful.

Master Ku Rong has passed away in the underground burial pit, and his bones and relics were brought back to me.

As Xu Yuming spoke, he used his true energy to hold the Kurong Zen Sutra and the dead bones wrapped in cassocks, and sent them back towards the Jing Nian Zen Monastery.

Just now he opened his mouth and the head of the sermon in the Jing Nian Zen Temple bowed to Xu Yuming with his hands together, Everyone in the Jing Nian Zen Temple is grateful for the Master's kindness. When I go back and bury the remains of Master Kurong, I will definitely bring you generous gifts to express my gratitude. In addition, if in the future, I If a real person has something to ask for, no one in our Zen Academy will refuse.”

After Xu Yuming watched him leave, he turned over his hand and took out something.

It was the Snow Soul Demon Transformation Technique and the tall bones of the half-demon Snow King.

This is……

The demon-shou master opposite stood up in an instant, his fake elixir energy bursting out, and the clouds covering a thousand miles in radius were shaken away by him.

False Dan Zhenren could not control his aura, which showed that his mind was already confused at this time.

Fellow Daoist Xu, these are the remains of Senior Snow King, my ancestor of the Demon Control Sect five hundred years ago. Could it be that you also found them in the burial pit?


Master Yaoshou gritted his teeth, waved his hand and threw out a storage bag, This is a gift of thanks. Thank you Daoist Fellow Xu for retrieving the ancestor's body for my Demon Control Sect. If Fellow Daoist is willing to return the top-quality Snow Soul Bead, I owe Taoist friend a favor.

Xu Yuming looked around and said, There is no need for favors. Xu is not a person who wants to repay favors. Since today is a trade fair, let's barter, lest fellow Taoists here say that I took advantage of the loophole today.

That's fine. Master Yaoshou nodded slightly, turned over his hand and took out a demon bone long sword, This is a ten thousand year snow demon sword. It has the spirit of the snow demons of all ages on it. It can be said to be a sword of wind and snow. I will exchange it with my fellow Taoist today.


Xu Yuming also threw out the Snow Soul Pearl in his hand. The usefulness of this thing he kept was not as great as the Zhugong Beast's inner elixir. It would be better to exchange it for the best flying sword to increase his strength.

After saying that, Xu Yuming glanced around and said, Xu is here to ask fellow Taoists for the purchase of fourth-level swordsmanship, the Golden Elixir Sword Code, or materials for golden elixir swords, or fourth-level talismans, and the refining of ancient lost talismans. method, or spiritual fire, spiritual wind, and spiritual sand.”

As his voice fell, someone raised a hand, took out a large iron pot and threw it on the ground. The pot body was red, and the iron sand rolled out in a heat wave. The star iron sand used in my Buddhist iron sand palm is of the third level. Top grade, I have a thousand catties here, I dare to ask Master Xu, what are you willing to trade for?

When Xu Yuming heard the sound, he looked over and saw that the person who spoke was Jin Toutuo from Guangwen Temple.

Xu Yuming hesitated for a moment, then turned over his hand and took out one hundred and eight Buddhist beads. This object was a spiritual weapon of merit.

Amitabha, this is the relic of Master Kurong. Fellow Taoist, you should keep it and trade it with Jingnian Zen Monastery. Poor monks don't dare to reach out for this thing.

Xu Yuming sighed and took out the fourth-level Buddha's hand.

this is……

Opposite Jin Toutuo's eyes trembled for a moment, and the magic pestle in his hand almost pierced the ground. He tried hard to suppress the excitement in his heart.

Amitabha, the poor monk is willing to change.

When I was driving out, I met a fifty-year-old man who was picking up his children and blocked the gate of my community. I asked him to give way, but he directly criticized me. I asked him on the spot, is this the example you set for your children? If I were traveling with my children, I would never be as shameless and unreasonable as you!

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