Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 246: Lake Center Trade Fair, Zi Mansion's opportunity to ruin? (1 update please ord

Master Jin Tutuo, your star iron sand is a third-level thing, and what my Xu Zhenren brought out is a fourth-level Buddha's hand. Just when the two sides were about to trade, Chen Tairan, who was following Xu Yuming, suddenly spoke up.

Amitabha, it's the poor monk who has the Buddha's image. Jin Tutuo turned his hand and took out a Buddhist bead and threw it to Xu Yuming, Fellow Daoist Xu, this thing is of great use to the poor monk, and this Buddha's hand also came from my senior monk in Guangwen Temple, so the poor monk The monk is bound to get it. This fourth-level Buddhist bead can release the incarnation of King Kongming and resist the attack of the golden elixir. Please accept it, Taoist friend Xu.

Master Jin Toutuo is very polite. Xu Yuming accepted it with a smile. The other party valued this fourth-level Buddha's hand so much that it obviously gave him an extra trump card in Guangwen Temple, but this star iron sand could also make the red sand soul gourd in his hand With the greatly increased strength, combined with the accurate fourth-level demon-slaying Gangfeng, even if he is fighting against the fake elixir, there is no need for other means.

Fellow Daoist Xu, do you still have the kendo tea leaves? I have a late third-order snow demon corpse here. How about giving you a pack of kendo tea leaves? Master Hanshan said with a smile.

Xu Yuming hesitated for a moment, I don't have many kendo tea leaves in my hand. Xu is also a swordsman. I'm afraid it will be difficult to part with such rare kendo tea leaves.

I have in my hand a seven-star gravity sword formation that was lost in ancient times. It is the remnant of the fourth-level sword formation. I would like to invite you to meet me. As he said this, Master Hanshan threw a jade slip over.

Xu Yuming's spiritual consciousness swept away and said calmly, Change.

He obtained a late-level third-level snow demon and a remnant of a fourth-level sword formation, which can be said to be a huge profit. The main reason is that he improved the Eight-phase Sword Formation and the Nine-Yao Sword Formation, which required the sword formation to have a golden elixir background. A new direction for the combination of sword energy + gravity + formation.

Since Fellow Daoist Xu has already offered his advice, I will be the second one to appear. Master Hanshan smiled and stretched out his hands. Three snow demon inner elixirs appeared in his left hand, and a five-thousand-year-old cold jade bed appeared in his right hand. These are the three snow demon inner elixirs. The opportunity of Zifu, as we all know, this snow demon inner elixir is made of pure ice and snow spiritual energy. As long as it is water spirit root and ice and snow spirit root, it can be refined, increasing the chance of Zifu by at least 20%, in exchange for a batch of top quality products. Spiritual stones, the one with the highest price will get them. As for this five-thousand-year-old cold jade bed, even if the Jindan master breaks through, he still has a half chance of overcoming the inner demon. I am old and the golden elixir is hopeless, so I only ask for an inherited spiritual weapon in exchange. .”

Fellow Taoist Hanshan, you haven't lost this cold jade bed yet? You've just survived the inner demons, and you dare to inherit the spiritual weapon. I'm afraid no one in this world will agree to you. Master Yaoshou hummed, Old man There are half a million top-quality spiritual stones here, how about giving you a snow demon inner elixir in exchange?

Six hundred thousand, I want one. Not far away, a Zifu cultivator immediately raised a hand.

Six hundred and fifty thousand! Behind Xu Yuming, Chen Tairan also said.

It has been agreed that this is the Zifu Fair, and the fake elixirs present will naturally not interfere with the Zifu monks' bids, especially for this kind of public auction of Zifu opportunities. These fake elixir real people rarely bid at the auction, and most of them will Give the opportunity to the monks under your disciples.

one million!

Xu Yuming also called for a price, but he was overtaken by other monks in an instant. The price of a snow demon inner elixir rose to 1.4 million. God knows how many top-quality spiritual stone veins there are in this secret world. These The net worth of Zifu Sanren is not bad.


In the end, Chen Tairan spent 1.5 million top-grade spiritual stones to buy a snow demon inner elixir. The other two were bought by Bodhidharma, the leader of the Monk Hall, and the firearms practitioner from Nanhuzhou. Both of them were from the Zi Mansion. The peak cultivator also attracted Xu Yuming's attention.

Of course, Chen Tairan had borrowed these top-quality spiritual stones from him. In order to prevent Zifu treasures from appearing at the trade fair, and as Xu Zhenren, it was difficult for him to show up, Xu Yuming gave Chen Tairan three One million top-quality spiritual stones, and now I have used half of them to get a Zifu opportunity, which is not bad.

Xu Yuming estimated that if placed in the outside world, 20% Zifu Chance might be able to buy half of the top-quality spiritual stones. However, there is still one monk who has perfected the foundation of the Xu family in Yannan. If he takes it back, it can enhance the Xu family's heritage.

Amitabha, fellow Taoist Hanshan, this is a stick of incense that awakens your mind and enlightenment. It can help you calm your mind and comprehend the magical powers for an hour. How about replacing it with your five-thousand-year-old jade bed? Kongxiang Vajra of the Great Zen Temple suddenly said. He shouted the Buddha's name and spoke.

Change. Master Hanshan was overjoyed. This awakening incense was made by eminent Buddhist monks who condensed the ashes of thousands of years of incense in front of the mountain gate with great magic power. It has indescribable power of worship and is a truly good thing.

Vajra of the Sky Phase, I dare to ask if you still have this Awakening and Enlightenment Incense. I would like to exchange one or two. Xu Yuming also took the opportunity to speak. If this thing has the same effect as [Episode of Light], then naturally he can't miss it.

Of course there are. What Buddhist treasures can fellow Taoists offer in exchange? Kongxiang Kingang narrowed his eyes at Xu Yuming, and was also curious about what good things Xu Yuming, who had just swept through Dongzhou, could offer to make his heart beat.

Xu Yuming took out the already simplified Bodhi Snake Sutra. After the simplification, only the version that had been cultivated to the golden elixir was named Bodhi Buddha Sutra and was thrown away.

Oh? It turns out to be a skill. Kongxiang Vajra glanced at it briefly, and then became more and more immersed in it. Finally, he took a deep breath and said, Amitabha, the poor monk has changed.

As he said this, he threw two incense sticks to Xu Yuming. With such a golden sutra, he felt that only two incense sticks would not take advantage of Xu Yuming.

Since Taoist Brother Hanshan is finished, the next one will be the poor monk. Here, Kong Xiangjingang, who has come out to trade twice, glanced around, As we all know, the Buddhist beetle in my Dazen Temple is a good thing. He cultivates Buddhist scriptures day and night. , has already cultivated the Buddha nature, and a hundred years can extend the life by ten years, and a thousand years can extend the life by a hundred years. Today, the poor monk brought one three-thousand-year beetle, two thousand-year beetles, and twenty hundred-year beetles that can extend the life by three hundred years. , leave it to all fellow Taoists to purchase.

Xu Yuming's eyes fell on the three-thousand-year-old beetle the size of a house. This thing was considered an enhanced version of the sika deer. It was probably far more effective than the third-level sika deer that Lu Changjiu dedicated to him. Only the one on the deer flat of the Beast King Peak could. One step ahead of him.

The best spiritual weapon coral seal, I am willing to exchange it for a three-thousand-year-old golden turtle. As soon as he finished speaking, the firearms practitioners who came to participate in the trade fair on behalf of the ghost weapon masters cut off the thoughts of those casual cultivators in Zifu who wanted to take advantage of it.

A third-order high-grade Lihuo Heavy Water Formation, plus two million top-grade spiritual stones, in exchange for a three-thousand-year golden tortoise.

I'm willing to exchange a piece of Lingbao fragment for a three-thousand-year-old golden turtle. Master Tiandan also called out the price.

The empty-phase diamond in the table was motionless, but all the hundred-year-old beetles were replaced. The one with the lowest price was Chen Tairan, who was next to Xu Yuming. He exchanged 1.5 million spiritual stones for three of them.

In the end, the thousand-year-old beetles were replaced by two coral seals by the Fire Weapons Scatterers, which was considered a worthwhile trip.

In the end, no one could take a photo of the three-thousand-year-old golden turtle. Only Master Dan that day hesitated.

The fragments of the spiritual treasure, plus a bottle of ten third-grade top-grade Chenyuan Pills, are the mortal transformation pills sought after by Buddhist monks. I wonder if the King Kong is willing to be exchanged for them?

Kongxiang King Kong sighed, took a leisurely look at Master Tiandan, and could only stand up and reach out to pat the turtle's back, causing the golden turtle under the seat to shake its limbs and crawl toward the opposite Master Tiandan tremblingly.

The price... is really too expensive.

Xu Yuming couldn't help but shake his head. He was not short of longevity, and these three hundred-year-old golden turtles were enough.

Then it will be my turn next. Master Tiandan glanced around, I came here and only brought eight kinds of elixirs. The top-grade purple energy can restore all the spiritual power in the body in ten breaths. There are ten elixirs in a bottle, and one top-quality spiritual stone costs 200,000 yuan. It is considered a one-time consumable.

Under Xu Yuming's eyes, Chen Tairan took out his inventory and bought one of them. The rest were divided up by the Zifu scattered people present. This was a life-saving artifact.

The second elixir, the third-level top-grade three-turn body tempering elixir, contains three times of elixir energy. I used the fourth-level earth fire to refine it for ten years before refining the three pills. The price is 500,000 spirit stones. One.

I want them all. Xu Yuming casually threw out 1.5 million top-quality spiritual stones. These three-turn body tempering pills are enough for him to take for three years of refining. He may be able to cultivate his body to the peak level of the third level by then. He is not afraid of being attacked and killed by inherited spiritual weapons.

Master Tiandan glanced at Xu Yuming unexpectedly. He didn't expect that this person had such a rich net worth.

The third elixir is the top-grade Purple Void Pill in the Purple Mansion's Opportunity. However, this is a beast elixir. Apart from the risk of going crazy, it has a 30% chance of being possessed by the Purple Mansion. The price is 300,000 top-grade spiritual stones.

The price... is quite low, but the risk is quite high.

Xu Yuming's Fox Heart Jade Bed was not with him, so he didn't dare to take a picture of it. But as soon as he took it out, the three pills were snatched away. There was no way, there were still many monks who wanted to attack the Zi Mansion.

The fourth type of elixir is the top-grade Ziyang Dan. It can increase the chance of the Purple Mansion by 60%. There is only one pill, and the price is two million top-grade spiritual stones.

I'll change.

Before Xu Yuming could speak, Master Jingxin from the Zifu Sanren in Kongxin Temple was the first to step forward and spend two million top-quality spiritual stones to capture him.

Xu Yuming frowned when he saw Master Hanshan and Master Yaoshou. Today, Old Demon Alchemy is a bit sinister. He can't afford to bid for just one price. Doesn't this make people concentrate and rush to buy his elixir?

The fifth elixir is the Zifu Powder I refined by observing the best elixir Qi Gathering Powder during the Qi Refining Period. I injected my own Zifu Zhenqi into it and mixed it with the fourth-level elixir energy. It can be said that at least It can increase the chance of the Purple Mansion by 70%. This time, Pindao wants to trade a top-quality spiritual weapon. I wonder if you are willing to exchange it?

Even if the words are not surprising, Master Tiandan is really going crazy this time.

It was hard for Xu Yuming to imagine that this old guy could actually come up with such top-quality elixirs from the Zifu. With just one copy of Zifu Powder, even if the person who swallowed it was a pig, he could be promoted to the Zifu.

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