Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 244 One month later, go to the island in the center of the lake (2 more updates please order

Talents: [Diligence can make up for weakness] (210,000/1 million), [A flash of inspiration] (0 times), [Xuanyang Dharma Body] (2 times), [Many children, many blessings] (April/October), [Prosperous husband] Gathering wealth】(1 time)

One month passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Yuming felt that all the Xuanyin Qi in Qingshuang's body had been exhausted. He raised Qingshuang's chin with pity. Feeling that her breath had entered the sixth level of Qi refining, he rewarded her with some pills.

If she can successfully build the foundation, she may be able to see her future self. If she is stuck in the Qi refining period, her beauty will eventually fade away and her beauty will fade away.

Two [Xuanyang Dharma Body] and one [Prosperous Man Gathers Wealth], Xu Yuming took a deep breath and prepared to leave for the Lake Island to participate in the Zifu Fair. This time, there will be ten Zifu from Dongzhou accompanying him. The Fu San people, except for Xu Tuhe who needs to be stationed in Dongzhou City, Wei Xian who trains fish scale cavalry, Feihe San people who train Dongzhou secret guards, and Xu Shanwu who has just stepped into the Zifu realm and needs stability, will almost all set out to go.

There is no other way. They can only count on exchanging some cultivation resources from other states at this trade fair every year.


Sitting on Xu Yuming's earth dragon boat, Zhao Sishui showed a somewhat flattering expression, Master, your earth dragon boat is an inherited spiritual weapon. The speed of earth escape, I'm afraid no one can catch it in this world of Xuanjing Lake. It’s good, but the attack is a bit weak, why don’t you try to refine the spirit of the mountain into it?”

Xu Yuming was a little moved when he heard this. He had previously thought about how Tulong Sanren practiced the Zifu treasure technique of Qianli Yandang Mountain. It turned out that it was because the spirit of the mountain was extracted. No wonder the earth dragon boat was still an earth dragon back then. When drilled, it can become one of the inherited spiritual weapons of the Xu family. It turns out that it has such an origin.

It's hard to find the spirit of this mountain range. Xu Yuming sighed inwardly while taking the third-level middle-grade Desert Yellow Wind and Fishing Drum Reed Wind from Bai Meishuang. He was going to refine them on the way. In this way, My Demon-Slaying Gangfeng is only one step away from the fourth-level spiritual wind. Once it advances, I will have another fourth-level method.

Why is this so difficult? We can't get the Spirit of Beihan Mountain in Beihan Prefecture and the Spirit of Guangwen Mountain in Xiaoxi Prefecture. There are also many other Qianzhang Peaks. If real people need it, I will set off immediately and take people with me. Get it for you. Bai Meishuang ran errands for Xu Yuming, so she was already familiar with her. Seeing that Xu Yuming was a little tempted, she immediately stepped forward and agreed to the matter.

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, I heard that there is a young man in the Bai family who has been replaced by Tianci. Now he is fifteen years old and has reached the seventh level of Qi refining. He is also a first-class Talisman Maker. How about I let him become a disciple of Tuhe Sanren? Teach him the art of talismans.

Thank you, Master, this is a blessing from God. Bai Meishuang was immediately overjoyed, because this Tianci happened to be her grandnephew. If he could be tied to Xu Tuhe's chariot, he would definitely become a core member of the garrison, and there was a A third-level Talisman Master will give you guidance and practice, and you will definitely have a bright future.

After leaving the matter of extracting the spirit of the mountain to Bai Meishuang, Xu Yuming glanced at the lake at his feet, I have been in seclusion for many years, and this is the first time I have participated in the lake fair. I wonder why the fish monster at the bottom of the lake is not moving?

It's all old rules. Today should be the birthday of the fourth-order fish monster. It is probably the thousand-year birthday. These fish monsters at the bottom of the lake are more hierarchical than our human race. If they don't go today, this fourth-order fish monster will initiate If you come mad, you will have to eat them alive one by one. Chen Tairan responded with a smile, But the place where they gather is near the island in the middle of the lake. After the Zifu Trade Fair is over, maybe we will have to do something with them. field.

Xu Yuming nodded slightly. The world of Xuanjing Lake is only so big. After all, the cultivation resources are limited. If the lake monster becomes strong, then the living space of their human race will become narrow. At this point, I am afraid that the powerful four states will Those who want to stand up and eliminate demons and defend the Tao.


In about three days, Xu Yuming has refined two Gang Feng, and used the Xuanyang body once to completely practice the snake, dragon and python techniques to a perfect state. At this time, the pill in his mind was as big as a grain of rice. It has grown to the size of a thumb, which can be said to have greatly increased its soul power.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Yuming introduced the Purple Bamboo Qi Nourishing Method to the practice. Relying on the Xuanyang method, he understood the realm of Xiaocheng and successfully cultivated the dense Zizhu Qi in the Zifu. As long as he cultivated to the perfect state, this Purple Bamboo The true energy can be turned into a wisp of elixir energy, which is enough to become a golden elixir method, and if it is used as the true essence matrix when making a breakthrough, it may increase the chance of forming an elixir by half to 10%.

[Prosperous Man Gathers Wealth] I'll keep it for use after I go to the island. Maybe I can pick up some good things. Xu Yuming thought about the Kurong Zen Sutra he just got. I'm afraid this thing can be exchanged for it at Jing Nian Zen Monastery. He also brought back some good things, as well as the remains of Master Kurong, but Xu Yuming had to observe them before taking them out. After all, he was afraid that the other party would directly ask for the 108 merit beads left by the great monk.

The Snow Soul Demon Transformation Technique and the Snow Soul Bead can be directly replaced. The family does not have the Snow Spirit Root, so I am afraid that it will not be able to practice this golden elixir technique. Moreover, the Snow Soul Bead seems to be related to the demon soul...

Xu Yuming spent another five days and successfully refined the late third-level Zhugong Beast puppet. After floating in the air, all the figures were immediately hidden. For a moment, all the Zifu Sanren present were secretly shocked. What if this was Xu Yuming? If you use this thing to sneak attack a Zifu monk, you may die without even knowing who the opponent is.

[Lord, I just received the news that this time the South Lake Alliance is leaving for Master Tiandan. Over in Beihan Province, Master Hanshan of Beihan Sect and Master Demon Shou of Yu Demon Sect will be there. Over in Xiaoxizhou, Master Shangsanzong will be there. Two real people came, namely Jin Tutuo from Guangwen Temple and Kongxiang King Kong from Dazen Temple. In addition, there were probably forty or fifty monks from Zifu. Compared with the other three states in Dongzhou, Zifu There are indeed fewer monks. 】

Xu Yuming received the message from Feihe Sanren and suddenly had a plan in his mind.

I don't know how strong the fourth-level fish demon at the bottom of the lake is. If he is not strong enough, he may not be able to stop so many fake elixir masters.

At this time, the monks from the north who were rushing to the island in the middle of the lake also gathered together.

Hanshan, I thought you wouldn't go south before the cold wave ended. The real demon hand sat cross-legged on an ice flying sword and looked sideways from thousands of miles away.

Hmph, Yao Shou, don't think that I don't know what good idea you have. Something happened in Dongzhou, so forget it if I don't have time to intervene. But I heard that Master Xu was talking with Master Gui Qi from the Loose Cultivator Alliance. Shen Huan, you are not afraid that if you try to ally others, they will already fall to the Rogue Cultivators Alliance.

As long as they don't fall to Xiao Xizhou, it's none of my business. Master Yaoshou looked towards the west, where the Buddha's light shines. There is a Buddhist Bodhisattva hidden at the bottom of the temple's tower. This fish demon has been causing trouble for many years, but he has not been seen standing up to slay the demons. I think he has probably passed away.

We're just waiting for the weather to change, Demon Shou, do you think I don't know that your Demon Control Sect also has secrets?

Both of us, speaking of it, the one with the worst background right now is the Yannan Xu family in Dongzhou. How about I give him a try for you later?


To the north of Nanhuzhou, Tiandan Zhenren stood with his hands behind his back, stepping on a thousand-foot-long gourd, riding the wind and wielding the weapon, which looked very cool.

Master, my disciple recently heard a funny thing about Master Xu in Dongzhou. The Foundation Establishment disciple behind him took a step forward and spoke with a smile.

Oh? Tell me. Master Tiandan was also a little curious about Xu Yuming, who was praised by his old friend Gui Qi. He was even a little greedy for the Millennium Monkey Wine in Xu Yuming's hand. That old guy Gui Qi, He actually brought a bowl of wine in front of him and showed off fiercely. He didn't even want to take a whiff of the wine. This time, he had to take out some good elixirs, exchange some from Xu Yuming, and go back to drink fiercely. I'm so mad at this old guy.

I heard that Master Xu is also learning the art of alchemy, but his talent seems to be very poor. In the past few months alone, he has consumed thousands of first-level alchemy materials and has not been able to produce any useful elixir.


Master Tiandan narrowed his eyes and said, Perhaps my alchemist's notes will be of some help to him. This time I have to give him a favor first.

To the west, the Buddha's light is shining, cassocks are flying in the air, and eminent monks are sitting cross-legged.

There is also a magic pestle flying across the sky, carrying his disciples forward together with the alms bowl.

Jin Tutuo, in recent years, the fourth-level fish demon has been rampant. Now it is celebrating its thousand-year birthday with great fanfare. How about we go all out to kill it and bring it back to our disciples for refining?

Amitabha. Jin Tutuo glanced at Kongxiang Vajra, Junior Brother Kongxiang, please think about it. Ever since you proclaimed yourself a Buddhist Vajra, I found that you have become greedy, angry and foolish, and now you even dare to eat meat.

Jin Tutuo, please stop using these precepts and precepts to pressure me. Our Great Zen Temple will not follow the rules of Guangwen Temple. If you don't want to kill me, then I will invite other fake elixirs. I won't believe it. No. I can't kill the fourth-order fish demon even if I take over your Guangwen Temple.

Amitabha, junior brother, you should give up. The origin of this world has been lost. It is absolutely impossible for anyone to step into the realm of golden elixir. Even the seniors in our Buddhist temple are just sleeping on the chance.

Then when you went to Guangwen Temple this time, how many Buddhist treasures did you bring to barter?

It's nothing more than some amulets, meditation spells, and small merit artifacts. It's nothing compared to your great Zen temple.

Hmph. Kongxiang Vajra was very impressed by Jin-Toutuo's compliments. Their Dazen Temple has a stronger foundation than Guangwen Temple. If nothing else, the Buddhist golden tortoises that are abundant in the Dazen Temple are not worth mentioning. It is a good thing on the market that the monks of Zifu are eager to pursue.

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