Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 239 Holding the golden elixir and spiritual treasure, frightening the rebels of Dongzhou (pl


Galloping through the starry night, the frontline camp of Sanchuan County, the Dongzhou garrison mobilized 30,000 Qi Refining monks, hundreds of Foundation-building monks, and four major Zifu scattered people to launch a fierce attack. It lasted for more than a month and suffered heavy losses.


Three foundation builders, Wei Youming, Wei Youdao, and Zhu Daneng, landed in front of the camp gate one after another. They came to persuade them to surrender.

Who should be guilty of approaching the camp? As soon as he approached, a foundation-building monk burst out and shouted loudly.

Uncle Tongshen Clan, it's me. Wei Youming took the initiative to stand under the firelight, allowing Wei Tongshen, a peak foundation-building monk, to see his appearance clearly.

Famous? Wei Tongshen appeared in front of the camp gate, followed by a hundred Qi Refining monks. He frowned and looked at the visitor, What's going on? Aren't you following the commander-in-chief to conquer the Xu family of Yannan County?

Things have changed. The commander-in-chief has been killed. Please ask my clan uncle to take me to see the four Zifu Sanren immediately.

What? Wei Tongshen's face suddenly changed in shock, How is it possible? Could it be that Mr. Tuhe broke through the Zifu Dzogchen? That is not the opponent of the commander-in-chief with three thousand cavalry.

Quick, follow me in immediately.

Soon, Wei Youming and three others arrived at the Chinese army's tent. At a glance, they saw four Zifu Sanren.

They are Wei Xian, a late-stage cultivator from the Zifu in the second room of the Wei family, Wei Long and Wei Jiao from the third room in the Wei family, both of whom are middle-level cultivators in the Zifu, and Zhu Tianshui, an elder who is a casual cultivator in the middle-level Zifu. Tens of thousands of monks under the command of the Four Great Purple Houses stormed Sanchuan County but were unable to capture it, which was enough to show that the other side was also a formidable enemy.

Ancestors, something bad happened. Our ancestors and the great commander died in battle together. The Xu family in Yannan hid a fake elixir warrior. He was only a late-stage cultivator of the Zifu, but he had golden elixir magical powers and golden elixir powers. Dan Lingbao, my ancestor was killed with just one move, and even the body couldn't be found. When Wei Youming saw them, he knelt down on the ground and began to cry bitterly.


Wei Xian was the first to change his face. The Wei family was able to take charge of Dongzhou and set up the Dongzhou garrison to suppress the four parties. They relied not only on the fifteen thousand fish-scale cavalry, but also on the secret method of fish and dragon and Wei Changqing. False Dan Zhenren, even if Wei Changqing passes away in the next hundred years, there will still be Wei Tongxuan, a Dzogchen cultivator from the Zifu, who will be at the bottom of the box. Now that they both died together, how can the Wei family be considered the overlord of Dongzhou?

Even the Zifu forces like the Xu family must be better than them.

The Xu family is ferocious, they have back-ups, and Yanbei Chen Tairan helped. How did you escape? Wei Jiao, as a female cultivator, immediately noticed the clues.

Yes, if the Zi Mansion is gone, how can you, the foundation builder, escape the pursuit? Could it be that Xu Yuming, Xu Tuhe, and Chen Tairan are all seriously injured? Wei Long's pupils shrank slightly, and his aura began to release.

We were all captured and released. Xu Yuming claimed to want our Wei clan to surrender. Currently, the remaining 8,000 fish-scale cavalry are already heading towards Dongzhou City under his leadership. We only need to return to the army at this time. I'm afraid it's too late. Wei Youming, who was deliberately delayed for half a day on the road, was crying bitterly, showing that he was unwilling to accept the humiliation of being captured, worried and regretful.


Wei Jiao slapped the armrest of the seat off and stood up, Okay, you guys were captured, don't you dare to die fighting for your family?

Third sister, please be patient. Wei Xian, who was standing next to her, quickly raised his hand to stop her, Then Xu Yuming killed the ancestors and the generals, and still dares to ask my Wei family to surrender? Could it be that he has lost his mind and thought he was a benevolent king in ancient times? , or is it a wise scholar who can respond to a hundred calls?

If we don't surrender, Xu Yuming said that he will kill millions of Wei clan members in Dongzhou without leaving a single one behind.


The faces of the four major Zifus all changed. Which of them didn't have hundreds or thousands of direct descendants in Dongzhou City? If they were all tricked and killed by Xu Yuming, then they would be considered extinct.

How dare Shuzi risk the disapproval of the world? Isn't he afraid that the monks from Nanhu Prefecture, Beihan Prefecture, and Xiaoxi Prefecture will attack him in groups? Wei Long pointed at Wei Youming and shouted.

Third Ancestor, Xu Yuming said that if our Wei family is willing to surrender, we will still be the top purple power in Dongzhou. If we are not willing... then we will die. Anyway, he has a golden elixir in his hand, and fake elixirs are difficult to defeat. Even if the forces occupy the entire Dongzhou, they would not dare to fight to the death with him.

These words made the Zifus calm down.

Yes, Xu Yuming is holding a golden elixir. He can kill even the fake elixir real person Wei Changqing. He can even break the 15,000 fish scale formation. How powerful the black and yellow war flag is. Even if they join forces, they can't stop it. With one blow, he could be defeated at this time...

Let me ask you, among the other fake elixir masters in the other three states, which one would not think of causing trouble to Xu Yuming?

Where did this Xu Yuming come from? Wei Jiao was furious and glanced left and right, Big brother, second brother, and Elder Zhu, what do you think?

Zhu Tianshui looked at the big man who was giving him secret looks, pretended not to see it, turned around and bowed to the three of them, Fellow Taoists, now the Dongzhou garrison is about to die. I, Zhu Tianshui, was here a hundred years ago. You will be the guest of the Wei family from now on. Make your decision. We will march side by side through mountains of swords and seas of fire.

Okay, Brother Zhu is worthy of being a disciple of my Wei family. Wei Xian was overjoyed, You and I are in the same boat.

As soon as these words came out, even the hot-tempered Wei Jiao looked at Zhu Tianshui.

Fellow Daoist Zhu is indeed a member of our generation. Don't worry, no matter what the future of the Wei family is, we will never leave you and your son behind.

Youming, what can Xu Yuming say about how he plans to deal with the old people of my town after occupying Dongzhou? After calming down, Wei Xian asked again. After all, Wei Youming is the backbone of his lineage, and he can't be too aggressive. He was willing to take the initiative to bring people over to persuade him to surrender, which proved that Xu Yuming's conditions may be biased towards the second room of the Wei family. At this time, Wei Xian also had his thoughts moved.

He said that he would go to the battlefield in person, wipe out the three major commandery families of Zhao, Qian, and Sun in Sanchuan County, unify the entire nine counties of Dongzhou, and integrate resources for him to attack the realm of Jindan, and for me and other family descendants to attack Zifu.

It seems that this guy is quite ambitious. It's a pity that in the three thousand years of the world of Xuanjing Lake, there have been so many amazing people. Even the Chengfeng Sanren from the Xu family in Yannan had already reached the state of Zi Mansion's Great Perfection. It’s hard to find an opponent for a talisman in one hand, so why don’t you just sit down and die?”

Wei Xian hesitated again and again, Everyone in the family, young and old, is in his hands. If we don't surrender, there is nothing we can do. If you are famous, go and send a message to Xu Yuming. We must ensure that the millions of Wei family members in Dongzhou City are not harmed at all and are destroyed. After Zhao Qian and Sun are the three great commanders, we in the Wei family have to choose two of the spiritual weapons in their hands and the opportunity of the Zi Mansion.

Brother, if you are bargaining at this time, I'm afraid the other party won't agree. Wei Long frowned, feeling that Wei Xian would surrender if he wanted to, why should he be so coy?

I think the great elder's move is very clever. If we don't put forward conditions, but don't have the sincerity to surrender, and surrender at this time, and put forward such conditions, we will hate the three major commandery families of Sanchuan County so deeply that they will be unable to let go. The Xu family will definitely Believe it or not. Zhu Tianshui stood by and praised him for a while. It can be said that he clearly understood his identity as a vassal guest.

Okay, send the message back immediately and see how Xu Yuming responds. Seeing support, Wei Xian immediately decided.

Yes. Wei Youming was overjoyed. He must have been the direct descendant of Xu Yuming for his effort in persuading him to surrender. If there is an opportunity in the Zifu in the future, he might be able to get a share of the pie.

But when he just returned to Dongzhou City, he found that the [Guardian Army] flag at the top of the city had been thrown down and replaced with the Xu family's talisman flag. It seemed that he had known that he would come back, so Xu Yuming stood with his hands behind his hands. Wait for him at the top of the city.

My lord, I'm glad you have fulfilled your destiny. The second and third wards of the Wei family, as well as Elder Zhu, are willing to surrender. Wei Youming came forward excitedly and knelt down on one knee towards Xu Yuming.

You came just in time. I immediately ordered your Wei family army to return to Dongzhou City immediately. I want to see all the monks above the foundation of your Wei family. Since they are willing to surrender, from now on, half of the houses in Dongzhou City will be given to I, a descendant of the Xu family, will be in charge, and everything else will remain as usual.

Yes. Wei Youming also wanted to ask Zhao Qian and the Sun family about the distribution of resources after the defeat, but Xu Yuming waved his hand in disinterest and immediately turned around and left.

One day later, when Wei Xian, Wei Long, Wei Jiao, and Zhu Tianshui returned to Dongzhou City with a hundred foundation-building monks and more than 27,000 Qi-refining monks, they discovered that in the martial arts hall in the city , there were a few more familiar faces.

Zhao Sishui, Qian Hengshan, Li Guo, why are you here? Wei Xian felt that he had been tricked. If the Zhao, Qian, and Sun clans had all surrendered to the Xu family in Yannan in advance, wouldn't it be wrong for them to surrender now? Wasting more than a month's work? How should he explain to his tribesmen who died on the battlefield?

Brother Wei, please be patient. Didn't you see that the Lord is here? You are yelling and screaming like this. Do you think you don't take the Lord into consideration? How unbecoming you are? Zhao Sishui leaned on his thigh and Zifu His later cultivation level is not inferior to that of Wei Xian, so he is not afraid at all.


Wei Xian snorted coldly and took the four people to sit opposite them. For a moment, the two major forces were at odds.

Outside the door, with the sound of footsteps, Xu Tuhe arrived with Tian Qishan and Qian Longhu from Beidi County, two early-stage cultivators from the Purple Mansion.

After waiting for half an hour, Chen Tairan also arrived with Jiang Changling, a middle-term Zifu monk from Yuyang County, and Bai Meishuang, an early-stage Zifu monk.

Counting the Feihe scattered people who surrendered to Xu Yuming in Hengshan County, the Zifu from eight counties including Yanbei County, Yannan County, Nandu County, Hengshan County, Donghu County, Beidi County, Yuyang County, and Sanchuan County were already gathered in the palace. Monk.

Counting Xu Yuming, there were fourteen people in total.

Seeing that Xu Yuming had no intention of speaking, these Zifu disciples did not dare to say anything and waited quietly.

After about a cup of tea, the sound of a deer croaked in front of the door. An old man holding a sika deer strode over and smiled apologetically at Xu Yuming. Three members of the Zifu family, sixty-one foundation-building cultivators, and ten thousand Qi-refining cultivators would like to send their regards to Master Xu.

Mr. Xu?

Xu Yuming raised his eyebrows, this little old man was really good at flattering.

I am clearly in the late Zifu period, but just because I killed Wei Changqing, can I be called a real person?

We pay our respects to Master Xu. From now on, we are willing to obey Master Xu's orders!

The Zifu monks sitting around all stood up and bowed to Xu Yuming!

Many people's eyes were still passing over the square-shaped painted halberd that Xu Yuming was playing with in his palm, with fear and heat in their eyes.

Taking the head of the fake elixir, he asked the heroes to stop fighting and make peace;

Holding the golden elixir and spiritual treasure, he ordered the disobedience of Dongzhou.

As a true man, this is what you should do!

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