Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 240: Daughters, treasures and swords, thousands of people admire Xu Zhenren (1 more, please

Fellow Daoist Deer, come here as you come, why are you holding a deer? Wei Jiao, who was standing next to her, glanced at the sika deer held by Lu Changjiu with a sideways glance, a little disdainful.

When this little old man was under the rule of their Wei family, I didn't see him being so virtuous.

Master Xu. Lu Changjiu ignored Wei Jiao at all. Instead, he bowed to Xu Yuming, This is an old third-level sika deer. It has been raised for more than four hundred years. This antler, deer, blood and deer whip are all big If you want to make up for it, I am willing to dedicate it to the real person.

Xu Yuming was somewhat moved. A third-level sika deer, if he drank a bowl of deer blood every day, he might be able to extend Xu Tuhe's life by twenty or thirty years. This was a great supplement.

A gentleman does not take what others like. Since Fellow Daoist Lu is sincere, from now on Fellow Daoist Lu will be the commander-in-chief of the left army of the Dongzhou garrison. From now on, I will train all the Qi Refining monks from all the major families in Dongzhou. The Fish Scale Iron Cavalry will form five armies, front, rear, left, right and center, each commanding 5,000 iron cavalry. The left army will be commanded by fellow Lu Daoist.

Lu Changjiu was immediately overjoyed. Sure enough, the first person to stand up and express his support would get benefits. Thank you, Master, for the reward. I will certainly live up to my mission.

There are nearly 100 million people in the nine counties of Dongzhou, and there are between 600,000 and 700,000 Qi Refining monks. If Xu Yuming wants to recruit the Dongzhou garrison, he may be able to expand it to 100,000.

According to the configuration of the garrison's fish-scale cavalry, he could recruit them, but he was afraid he wouldn't be able to support them.

Lu Changjiu made a good start here. Not far away, Zhao Sishui, Qian Hengshan, and Li Guo each looked at each other and stood up almost at the same time to go out.

Master Xu, our Zhao family is willing to give us a piece of the thousand-year-old blue-clothed chalcedony accumulated by our ancestors. This is the brain of the green-clothed fish monster, the smartest among the fish monsters. If a monk at the peak of foundation building swallows it, he can successfully transfer the soul The realm of consciousness has entered the third level and the realm of foundation-building Dzogchen. Our Qian family sincerely follows the real person, so this object is dedicated to the real person. Zhao Sishui took out a pill bottle and handed it over with a smile.

Zhenren Xu, this is a low-grade Zixu Pill saved by my Qian family. I am willing to give it to Zhenren today. Qian Hengshan also spoke.

This is the third-level top-grade elixir Purple Star Pill. It was found by my ancestors of the Li family from a secret realm and refined with the power of the stars. It has been preserved by my ancestors of the Li family for thousands of years. It can be taken by the monks in the later stages of foundation building. I heard that It can offset the work of thirty years. Today, I, Li Guo, am willing to dedicate it to the real person. In the end, Li Guo used his biggest killing move. Even if this thing is placed in this world of Xuanjing Lake, it can be regarded as the most powerful one. One of the precious elixirs.

To offset the thirty years of hard training in the later period of Zifu, Xu Yuming calculated that even if he continued to swallow three thousand years of monkey wine, it would take about forty-five years to reach the peak state of Zifu. This gift was not a small one.

Since the three of you are so enthusiastic, I can't let you down. Xu Yuming nodded slightly, Well, let's just ask the three of you to stay in Dongzhou City together and serve as the right army, front army, and rear army respectively. Commander, the direct descendants of your three major families can all move into Dongzhou City to live. I will set aside an area for you. If there is not enough land in the city, then expand the city.

Thank you, Master. The three of them were immediately overjoyed. Although they were nine steps behind Lu Chang, they still hugged Xu Yuming's thigh tightly. Zifu's top cultivation resources, Zifu's opportunity, and the secret medicine for the birth of third-order spiritual consciousness If you give them all, your family's heritage can be reduced by one-third in an instant.

You three, please take a seat. Xu Yuming stroked his beard and smiled. What he needed was this kind of sensible and honest subordinates. They had handed over the strongest information in the clan, so he couldn't order them to hand over any points like he did with Chen Tairan. Soul, but as long as they join the Fish Scale Cavalry, I will have many ways to control them in the future.

Before sitting down, Zhao Sishui showed a proud smile to the Wei family. Wei Jiao, who was opposite him, was so angry that he almost jumped up on the spot and slashed the girl's neck with a flying sword.

Just when the Wei family was thinking about what else they could do with their family's treasure trove occupied, Jiang Changling and Bai Meishuang, monks from the Zifu in Yuyang County, stood up almost at the same time, each offering a jade slip in their hands.

Zhenren Xu, in order to congratulate you on your unification of Dongzhou, our Jiang family in Yuyang County is willing to move to Dongzhou City to defend the city, to protect your right and left, and to obey your orders without hesitation. This is the third-level high-grade Jiuyao Sword Formation of my Jiang family. I heard The real person is a third-step great sword cultivator, so this object is dedicated to the real person.

Bai Meishuang also handed over the jade slip, I heard that the real person has a spiritual wind that is accurate to the fourth level. In my Yuyang County, there are two third-level spiritual winds, namely the Desert Yellow Wind and the Yugu Reed Wind, both of which are mid-level third level. , this is their location, if the real person wants it, you can lend me two commanders, and we will travel day and night to get it for the real person within two months.

Good guy, with the third-order high-grade sword array and two third-order middle-grade Gangfeng, Xu Yuming has just experienced the benefits of becoming a fake elixir overlord. However, a mere Dongzhou, which is not much bigger than Tao Jun, can actually have With so many good things, if he conquers Beihan Prefecture, Nanhu Prefecture and Xiaoxi Prefecture, Xu Yuming would not dare to think how deep his accumulation in the Zifu realm would be.

You two are too polite. Xu Yuming stretched out his hand, and two jade slips fell into his palm. He only glanced at it, and then his eyes fell on the Wei family, Then Elder Lao Zhu and Elder Wei Long are leaving. Once again, bring these two third-level astral winds back to me.

Yes! Hearing Xu Yuming's address, Zhu Tianshui and Wei Long looked at each other and immediately stood up and clasped their fists in response. Their Wei family could not get the command of the fish scale cavalry. As they expected, they could become the elders of the garrison. , is acceptable, and at least Xu Yuming did not alienate them, but assigned tasks himself.

Watching Bai Meishuang leave with the two San disciples, two Zifu San disciples, Tian Qishan and Qian Longhu from Beidi County, had already walked out together.

I, Tian Qishan, would like to offer all the talisman formation alchemy techniques of the Tian family in Beidi County, as well as the fake elixir technique Shan Hai Yi Qi Jue, for real people to study.

I heard that the real person likes flying swords. I have a stegosaurus fish bone here that is more than 3,600 years old. It is an excellent material for refining the water cold spirit sword. I would like to dedicate it to the real person today.

Xu Yuming nodded slightly, You two are serious. From now on, Fellow Daoist Tian and Fellow Daoist Lian will join our garrison at the same time and become the elders of the garrison. The direct clan members of your two families will also move here. From now on, the garrison army will be there. The nine counties of Dongzhou have uniformly dispatched monks to garrison them, but as for your family property, I will never touch it.

Thank you, Master, for your appreciation. The two of them looked at each other, and as long as they could preserve their family and wealth, they would accept it even if they were controlled by others.

As he said that, Xu Yuming looked at Wei Xian and said, Fellow Daoist Wei.

Real person. Wei Xian slightly cupped his hands towards Xu Yuming, with a bitter look on his face. The Wei family really had nothing to offer, so they couldn't give their own spiritual weapon to Xu Yuming.

The commanders of the four armies have been finalized. However, this fish scale cavalry was trained by your Wei family. From now on, I will ask you to serve as the chief instructor of the 50,000 garrison and be responsible for training the fish scale cavalry. If you can satisfy me, this will The position of military commander is reserved for you.

Yes. Wei Xian was immediately overjoyed.

Fellow Daoist Wei Jiao, please also serve as the instructor.

Follow your orders. Wei Jiao felt a little dissatisfied, but she suppressed it at this time. The entire Dongzhou was subdued by Xu Yuming, licking countless dogs. If she was dissatisfied at this time, I'm afraid that Chen Tairan and Chen Tairan, who were eager to show off, would Lu Changjiu would be the first to jump out and chop off her head as a tribute to Xu Yuming.

Wei Xian gave her a look, asking her to be more calm, and then immediately stood up and held his hands towards Xu Yuming, Master Qi, from today on, I will immediately notify the Qi Refining monks in each county to start gathering, and start recruiting a large number of casual cultivators. , but the fish-scale cavalry consumes a lot of resources. Just one set of high-grade magic weapons per person requires nearly ten thousand spirit stones, fifty thousand fish-scale cavalry, and even the fish-scale war horses have a gap of thirty thousand horses. On the side of the spirit stones, I'm afraid the guard army treasury only has 1 billion spiritual stones, and if I buy other first-level high-grade monster mounts, I'm afraid it won't be enough.

Then place orders with other forces, or train a large number of new fish scale cavalry. I saw a ranch outside the city. It should be possible to raise a force of 50,000 cavalry within ten or twenty years.

Replying to the master, it can be done, but with the resources to maintain these magic weapons and provide monthly salary, I am afraid that within twenty years, I will get tens of billions of spiritual stones.

It doesn't matter. If we don't have enough spirit stones, then we can order the spirit stone veins in the nine counties of Dongzhou to be mined together. I think dozens of spirit stone veins can still be found. The rest can be earned from trading with the three states. Obtain spiritual stone resources.”


In addition, Beihan Prefecture and Nanhu Prefecture will probably be tested due to changes in the garrison. Please be prepared, otherwise Beidi County in the north and Nandu County in the south may be in great danger. He said. Then, Wei Xian handed over another map, This is Nandu County, which was also the address of the Qinghe Sect's mountain gate when it was formerly called Qinghe County. Our Wei family has sent monks there many times before for training, but we have never been able to get it. It is an important inheritance and I will be willing to dedicate it to the real person at the end of today.”

He also looked for this opportunity and dedicated a treasure map he had treasured for many years to Xu Yuming.

Well, I will set off south now and talk to the casual cultivator alliance in South Huzhou. I heard that they have a third-level weapon refining master who can refine the spiritual materials in my hand into spiritual weapons. Everyone here , As long as you make military exploits in the future, I will definitely not hesitate to reward you.


After a pleasant conversation, Xu Yuming asked Chen Tairan to prepare a lot of meals and serve them. After having dinner with a group of Zifu monks, he asked them to go back and prepare to move the sect's forces to Dongzhou City.

At night,

Yu Ming, this is a message transmitted to me privately by various major forces. They want to send the sect's legitimate daughter to marry my Xu family. Look at this... Xu Tuhe handed over more than a dozen transmission notes, with familiar characters on them. sound.

All I have to say is that they are marrying off their daughters to please my Yannan Xu family, and we have nothing to lose.

After saying that, Xu Yuming handed over a pill bottle and said, The Xu family in Yannan has been alone for five hundred years. From now on, let the young people support us.

After Xu Yuming left, Xu Tuhe subconsciously unscrewed the mouth of the bottle and saw a round, low-grade Zixu Pill lying at the bottom of the bottle. His face showed a bit of joy, Who in this world can trust our Xu family without reservation? , there is only one master who also bleeds the blood of the Xu family.

Xu Yuming first extended his life for forty years, and then found deer blood and antlers for him for another twenty years.

With this opportunity from the Zifu again, Xu Tuhe could not wait to hand over all his body and bones for the next few decades to Xu Yuming.

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