Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 238 Jin Guangdao kills the fake elixir and wins the black and yellow battle flag (please ord

From the air, I saw that Xu Yuming had been drinking. His face was already a little rosy and he was slightly tipsy!

The Wei Changqing on the other side had a strange look on his face, Your true energy level is only at the late stage of Zifu. You can constantly compete with me for dozens of moves, all because of the spirit bar in your hand.

I still have a million kilograms of this wine, which is enough to fight you for a year and a half. Keep going, old dog! Xu Yuming snorted coldly, raised his hand and shot out a Gengjin divine light.

Then with a roar in his left arm, a mid-level third-order golden unicorn horse jumped down from the clouds. Under the stunned eyes of Wei Changqing, it had already rushed towards the fish-scale cavalry on the ground.

Third-level demon?

Could it be that you are the ambush soldiers of the Xu family hiding in the Monster Clan all these years?

Wei Changqing's face was filled with shock and uncertainty, and he saw a bright golden light on the ground instantly penetrate hundreds of charging fish-scale cavalry, and broke off the right arm of Hai Botong who was fighting with Chen Tairan.

Okay, your golden light magical power comes from the demon clan. He was furious and waved the black and yellow battle flag in his hand.

A long river of blood!

Eight thousand miles of vast evil energy suddenly suppressed Xu Yuming. If he escaped at this time, the entire Yannan County would not be spared from this blow, and the more than 200,000 Xu clan members in the city would be destroyed.

If he didn't hide, Xu Yuming would be the first to bear the brunt. How could he resist the evil aura of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood that the fifteen thousand fish-scale cavalry had gathered after decades of fighting?

It's time to use the talisman. Xu Tuhe poked a line of spiritual consciousness toward the sky while dodging.


But in an instant, Xu Yuming actually took back the golden unicorn horse on the ground. He transformed into a three-hundred-foot terrifying beast shadow, and instantly released thousands of golden lights to tear the blood-colored river in the air into pieces.

Beast Soul Secret Technique? Wei Changqing's pupils shrank slightly, all the blood evil energy in his body was concentrated on the tiger-headed golden spear, and the killing energy all over Cong Rong also exploded instantly.

It was a third-step domineering spear spirit that tore apart the world, and a hundred-foot-long spear spirit emerged behind him. Perhaps it was the predecessor of the Dongzhou garrison and the ancestor of the Dongzhou Wei family.


The gun fell, almost within easy reach, Xu Yuming exploded with Taoism!


One claw shot the spear shadow four thousand miles away, and with the second step it was already dozens of miles away.


The moment he opened his mouth, Gengjin divine light burst into his face!

Dang Dang Dang

The overwhelming Gengjin divine light frightened Wei Changqing so much that he could only wave his spear back and forth to resist.

Xu Yuming suddenly approached a hundred miles above the sea of ​​clouds, and a mysterious python suddenly appeared in the depths of Wei Changqing's mind.

The third-level peak spiritual consciousness is even weaker than Xu Yuming's. When he saw the mysterious python, his expression changed drastically, Spiritual consciousness attacks the secret technique?


Almost instantly, a soul talisman he had hidden in the sea of ​​souls was shattered into pieces, and then he heard the sound of deer eating grass in the primeval forest.

not good!

The soul in Wei Changqing's head was instantly shattered. At the moment when three souls and seven souls were scattered, he had already used a soul-protecting magical power to forcibly blend the soul power together.

But what followed was a halberd that hit his head and face, and the eight-thousand-mile long river of blood was directly split by the halberd. The moment he regained consciousness, he immediately blocked the tiger-headed golden gun in his hand in front of him, and then For two.

The head and tail of the gun were held by both hands respectively, and cut off in the middle. A crack appeared between his eyebrows, and they quickly separated as the strong wind rose. The red and white were all scattered across the sky, which had just condensed into a ball. His three souls and seven souls have been shattered again.

Even until his death, Wei Changqing would never have imagined that Xu Yuming had a complete golden elixir in his hand, and that he could also hit the golden elixir perfectly!


Xu Yuming crushed a phalange with one finger, sucked the storage ring on it back through the air, and took the inherited spiritual weapon Xuanhuang War Flag in his hand. The moment he left his spiritual mark, he also saw the inside of the storage ring. The Xuanhuang Battle Body, a golden elixir body-refining technique, is also a method of collecting bloody evil energy.


When he fell towards the ground, the two halves of the body had already hit the ground heavily and shattered into mud, making it impossible to hold them up.

Wei Tongxuan, who was chasing Xu Tuhe, stopped suddenly. When he looked back, his eyes suddenly turned red, Ah!


He flew forward and was trapped by eight flying swords. A halberd light fell and cut the earth in half. He had almost no resistance and was split in half on the spot. He went to the guard commander. Qing's way out.

Xu Yuming restrained Fang Tian's painted halberd and slowly lowered it. With a casual move, Wei Tongxuan's top-grade spiritual weapon, the Daguan Dao, also fell into his palm.

It's a pity that I don't use a knife, otherwise the weight of this thing would be enough. Xu Yuming weighed the Daguan Dao, which weighed at least 100,000 kilograms, with a look of joy on his face.

In the distance, the fighting group saw the high-level combat forces deciding the winner and quickly collapsed. Hai Botong, who was at the top of the Zifu, wanted to escape, but was immediately bitten on the waist by the Black Panther Demon. Chen Tairan stepped forward. , seal the throat with one sword!

He laughed and affixed a spirit-sealing talisman, and quickly dropped it towards Xu Yuming.

My lord, this is Hai Botong's head. This man still wanted to escape, so I killed him and dedicated it to my lord.

How many Zifu monks are there in Dongzhou City? Xu Yuming saw that there were only eight thousand fish-scale cavalry left on the battlefield. At this time, they were like bereft dogs that had lost their backbone, being forced to dismount by the besieging monks.

Five people, before the Wei family troops sent to Yannan County, they were still fighting with the three commanderies of Sanchuan County. Both sides mobilized tens of thousands of Qi Refining monks, dispatched eight Zifus, and hundreds of foundation-building monks. The fight was so dark that the sky would be dark, otherwise they would It's impossible to dispatch just Wei Changqing and the Hai family. By the way, the Hai family still has an early Zifu, which is the news I just got from searching for souls. As he said that, Chen Tairan casually handed over the Hai Botong in his hand. His head was thrown on the ground, It should be this boy Hai Xunfeng. He has only been practicing Taoism for more than 120 years. If the news from us spreads back, he must have run away.

Xu Yuming stared forward, Ancestor Tuhe, immediately ask the fish scale cavalry if they are willing to surrender. If not, they will be killed on the spot.

Yu Ming, you have the black and yellow battle flag in your hand. If they don't surrender, you only need to wave the flag to absorb the blood and evil energy from their bodies. It will suck them into skin and bones. If they don't surrender, they can only These people are all direct descendants of the Wei family. The father and son of the Wei family are dead, but there are still a few monks in their clan. Let them kill them back. Those Zifu who went to Sanchuan County may be able to persuade them to surrender. Xu Tuhe In the end, he is scheming.

In addition, Fellow Daoist Chen and I can lead my two monks to march to the northwest and capture Beidi County and Yuyang County. There are only four major commandery families in these two counties, and their highest cultivation level is only in the middle stage of Zifu. With your intervention, Having these heads on the ground is enough to scare them. After we take control of Dongzhou City, we can invite them to come to court, otherwise we will punish them for betraying Dongzhou!

Okay, let's set off together without further ado.

Xu Yuming threw the golden unicorn horse with his bare hands, making it shrink to ten feet long. He turned over and sat on his back, holding the tiger-headed golden gun that he just got. Although the barrel of this thing was broken, it was still three feet long. He His body shape is not comparable to that of Wei Tongxuan.

Listen to me, all the fish scale cavalry.

Xu Yuming glanced at the listless fish-scale cavalry around him, Today I have killed Wei Changqing and Wei Tongxuan and his son who were bullying the weak. Don't make any mistakes. Follow my troops to Donghu County and break into Dongzhou City. As long as you defend the If your family is willing to surrender, I, the Xu family of Yannan, will promise not to kill any of you. From now on, you will just change your master, and it will not affect your salary as a soldier.

Are you willing to follow me?

Just now, Xu Yuming was beheading Wei's father and son, showing off his power. These fish-scale cavalry knew clearly that refusing would mean death, so how could they dare to resist?

I am the second-term foundation-building guard of the Wei clan. I can help my seniors persuade Wei Xian, the late-stage cultivator of the second-term Zifu, to surrender. A peak-level foundation-building cultivator suddenly raised a hand and shouted.

I am Wei Youdao, the third-room foundation-builder of the Wei clan. I would like to persuade the two Zifu monks from my third-room brother-in-law to surrender. Wei Youdao, who was in the late stage of foundation building, quickly followed suit.

I am also willing to persuade my father to surrender. My father is Zhu Tianshui, the guest minister of the Zifu of the Dongzhou garrison. Another person shouted at the top of his voice.

Dozens of monks expressed their stance one after another, among them there were more than forty foundation-building monks. Xu Yuming nodded repeatedly, Okay, as long as Dongzhou City can come into the hands of my Xu family, I promise that no one from your Wei family will be killed. From now on. From now on, this Dongzhou will still be Dongzhou, and the garrison will still be the garrison. The difference is that you have changed from the swords of the Wei family to the sharp blades in the hands of my Xu family.

Fight to the death for the Lord!

Wei Youming, who was the first to take refuge, stood up on his fish-scale horse, raised his spear and shouted.

Fight to the death for the Lord!

For a moment, the fish-scale cavalry behind them all got on their horses and raised their spears to show their loyalty to Xu Yuming.

It seems that the chastity arch of foolish loyalty does not work on them.

Dong dong dong...

As the cavalry rapidly advanced towards the west, Hengshan County, which was blocking the way, was bound to be unable to withstand it.

In just half a day, the only sect in Hengshan County, the leader of the Hengshan Sect, Feihe Sanren, a monk in the early stages of the Zifu, asked for surrender with more than 2,000 sect members. Xu Yuming took them and continued towards Dongzhou City.

[Yu Ming, the two counties of Beidi County, Wang Tian Family and Qian Family, have surrendered. According to your instructions, I have dispatched Tian Qishan and Qian Longhu, two early Zifu monks, and brought with them forty-five foundation-building monks, three thousand Refining Qi, he rushed towards Dongzhou City. 】

[Reporting to my lord, the two major commanders of Yuyang County, the Jiang family and the Bai family, have surrendered, but they are unwilling to lead their troops to come for reinforcements. I guess they have second thoughts and request that three thousand monks be dispatched to guard them. 】

Soon Xu Yuming also received messages from Xu Tuhe and Chen Tairan.

[Ancestor Tuhe, you and I will meet at Dongzhou City. 】

[Tairan, let them send the protons to Dongzhou City. If they don't want to, hang your head in front of the city gate and tell them that if they have second thoughts, their heads will be the same as those of the guards. The father and his son ended up hanging bacon to dry on the city gate tower. 】

Xu Yuming's eyes were very determined. If he wanted to find a way back, he would first take over one of the four parts of the secret realm. He would first form a big force to help him find a way out. He would rely on himself and the Yannan Xu family. Isn't this looking for a needle in a haystack? ?

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