Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 237 The Xu family has 500-year-old talismans, just waiting for this fight (1 more, please or

Are you kidding me, fellow Taoist? In this world of Xuanjing Lake Cave, who can enter or exit unless it's Master Jin Dan? Xu Yuming sneered, and showed no fear when facing the fake Master Jin Dan who was thousands of miles away.

He who doesn't know is fearless. If I capture you, I will know the truth. Wei Changqing snorted coldly, flipped his wrist, and a black and yellow war flag appeared in his palm. He just waved it, and outside the city, a burst of dust was stirred up in all directions, and the earth Starting to tremble violently, the Endless Iron Cavalry began to march from the end of the horizon, and in the blink of an eye it had reached the vast wilderness outside Yannan City.

Fifteen thousand fish-scale cavalry are all here. At this time, Wei Changqing is blessed with evil energy. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a golden elixir. On the top of the city, Xu Tuhe looked at Xu Yuming with worried eyes. At this time, he held the palm of his hand Holding a thick stack of third-level talismans, there were at least dozens of them, which made Chen Tairan next to him a little frightened.

How uncomfortable was the Chen family in Yanbei that they dared to confront the Xu family in Yannan for many years? It's a pity that Xu Tuhe didn't take them seriously, otherwise this stack of third-level talismans would have razed the Chen family to the ground.

But now that Wei Changqing has come forward, continuing the fight will be detrimental to the Xu family.

Xu Yuming, I cherish my talent. If you are willing to hand over the tiger monster that caused Linhu County's disaster now and let the Xu family monks withdraw from Yanbei County and Nandu County, your Xu family's family business can still be saved, but you must obey my instructions from now on. The state garrison is mobilized and must not be violated.”

Xu Yuming saw that he hadn't made a move yet, and knew that he was waiting for all the fish scale cavalry to arrive, and the black and yellow battle flag in his hand, if he saw it correctly, should be the third best thing on the list of seventy-two inherited spiritual weapons. .

This object can collect evil spirits and condense the Xuanhuang combat body. A small form of the Xuanhuang combat body can be compared to a third-level physical body. It can be used to carry high-grade spiritual weapons. A large-scaled form can be compared to the late stage of the third level. It can be used to carry inherited spiritual weapons. If it can be cultivated to a perfect state, I am afraid it will be gold. Don't even think about Dan Lingbao hurting him at all.

I'm afraid I have to hand over my Xu family's talisman inheritance. Let's hand over a trace of our soul to be controlled by others. Xu Yuming sneered.

Wei Changqing's whole body was filled with evil aura. Xu Yuming took a closer look and saw that he had already reached the completion of his black and yellow fighting body. If the number of his cavalry could reach 50,000, he, Xu Yuming, would definitely turn around and leave today.

But after all, he is only a late-stage third-level physical body and cannot stop the Golden Pill Spiritual Treasure.


Wei Changqing stretched out his hand to grab it, and a tiger-headed golden gun appeared in the palm of his hand. He pointed towards the ground, and the seven thousand miles of earth left instantly. The third-level formation covering Yannan County was instantly broken. Xu Yuming pointed with one hand, eight The flying sword flew out in a spiral, and a white cloud sword energy instantly blocked the remaining power. But at this moment, the city wall of Yannan County had collapsed, and the hundred-mile city wall turned into a pile of loess. The cavalry outside the city could rush in at any time, and the third-level clan guardians The formation was shattered in an instant. At this time, Yannan City was like an oiran who had hung up his cards, undefended in the middle of the night!

Fish-scale cavalry, follow me to defeat this Yannan City! Wei Tongxuan shouted loudly, and he was about to charge with the fish-scale cavalry when he landed!


With a roar, the ground instantly shattered. Dozens of fish-scale cavalry were thrown into the air by the giant beast lifted off the ground, and were torn into pieces of flesh and blood by claws and sharp teeth in the air.

Another bloody wind blew up, and a 200-foot tiger demon also emerged from the ground. Two third-level puppets were massacring these fish-scale cavalry.

Don't let them form a charging formation. Disciples of the Xu family, follow me to the battle~! Xu Shanwu took the lead and charged into the battle formation with two swords in hand. Behind him, dozens of Xu family foundation builders jumped up from the city and charged towards the fish-scale iron cavalry. Go, behind you are thousands of Qi Refining monks, with spells and talismans, thousands of fish-scale cavalry fell into a pool of blood almost instantly.

The fish scale cavalry charges and kills!

Even though the fish scale cavalry suffered heavy losses at this time, Wei Tongxuan was not at all distressed, because these monks who rushed out of the city were seeking their own death. Once they rushed over in formation, no matter how many people there were on the other side, they would be like straw. , were knocked down one after another by spears and harvested their lives.


However, at the moment when the two armies were fighting, more than a thousand Qi Refining monks from the Xu family took out a large number of talismans from their storage bags and set them on fire, including more than a hundred second-level talismans. Such consumption , which directly stunned Chen Tairan, who was in the same camp and was resisting the monks from the opposite Zifu.

A second-level talisman costs more than a thousand spiritual stones at least. To throw hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones at one go is crazy.


Be careful to resist, the Xu family is crazy, they are going to fight to the death!

The moment Wei Tongxuan swept away the Tiger King puppet with one shot and stepped on the Black Panther demon, the high-grade spiritual weapon Chengfeng Sword in Xu Tuhe's hand fell down through the thorns and waves.


The sword energy was dodged by him, and the two purple mansions on the left and right were also stopped by Chen Tairan and the Black Panther Demon that rose into the air. At this time, a four-on-three situation appeared in the air, two late purple mansions + two The third-level demon puppets faced off against Wei Tongxuan, the half-disabled Zifu Dzogchen, Hai Botong at the peak of Zifu, and Hai Yiyan at the middle stage of Zifu.


During the fight, Wei Tongxuan originally wanted to rely on his realm to suppress Xu Tuhe, but he didn't expect the little old man to raise his hand and hit him with five third-level talismans.

Whoosh whoosh...

The third-level low-grade golden light divine arrow talisman was very fast. Wei Tongxuan had to dodge left and right to parry hastily. He was holding fire in his heart, Old man, I don't believe you can always have a third-level talisman in your hand.

Then he looked up and saw a thick stack of talismans still held in Xu Tuhe's palm.

Damn it!

Wei Tongxuan almost didn't think about it, turned around and ran away. This was a hammer blow. He only had 20-30% of his true energy left in his body and could not recover it. As long as the opponent kept using third-level talismans to consume his true energy, he would be finished sooner or later.


When he looked back, old Tuhe was actually following him, his figure was like a golden rainbow, and his escape speed was not slow at all.

A third-level high-grade golden light rainbow talisman? At least tens of thousands of top-grade spiritual stones. This old man is crazy!

Wei Tongxuan paid attention to the battlefield below. Everywhere was filled with colorful light from spells. In just one stick of incense, the Yannan Xu family probably used more than 10,000 talismans, which were worth millions of souls. The stone is gone.

It's really crazy. They are engaged in a war of genocide and defense, but we are just here to demonstrate and make the Xu family of Yannan surrender. Wei Tongxuan somewhat underestimated the fact that the Xu family in Dongzhou had occupied a county and had been silent for five hundred years. The strength of the Xu family in Yannan over the years, although they have only produced four Zifus and three of them have died, their family has an endless stream of Talisman Makers, four third-level Talisman Makers, and hundreds of second-level Talisman Makers. There are more than 10,000 first-level talisman masters. Just thinking about it makes people feel terrible. Even if one person can make ten talismans and survive to this day, that is an astronomical number.

He couldn't help but look up at the sky and was stunned.

Above the 7,000-foot sky, a bloody evil energy spanning 8,000 miles suddenly struck Xu Yuming. It was the power of the inherited spiritual weapon, the black and yellow battle flag!

On the opposite side, Xu Yuming swung his sword into the air and used the power of the sword formation to launch the Sword Falling on Fragrant Grass Parrot Island sword move again, blocking the fake pill's full blow!


It’s Xuanhuang’s battle cry again!

This time, thousands of miles around were shaken by it, and even the invisible flowing spiritual energy of heaven and earth was shaken and rolled back, retreating like a wave of water.

Xu Yuming, who was the first to bear the brunt, did not move at all. The sonic attack at the peak of the third level was easily ignored by his spiritual consciousness, which was about to turn his soul power into pills.

Wei Changqing, you have run out of skills! Xu Yuming shouted loudly, and the third-order top-grade demon-slaying Gangfeng flew out from behind him. He opened his mouth and spat out the Chinese Valentine's Day rainbow fire that instantly swept across the entire sky. Under Xu Yuming's full force, the eight-thousand-mile sea of ​​clouds flew out. Roaring, from white clouds all over the sky to rolling red clouds, from clear sky to sunset in Qixia, just a moment.

So strong... This is almost a duel between Jin Dan and Dan. If you didn't know better, you would have thought it was Dad fighting against the fake Dan Dao from Beihan Province.

Wei Tongxuan gritted his teeth and swallowed a recovery pill that he was reluctant to take on weekdays. He was about to end the fight with the Tuhe Sanren who were chasing him, but he didn't expect a scream to suddenly come from far away.

However, the Tiger King demon puppet, whose head was blown off by half of Hai Yiyan's hammer, suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a black shadow. In just a moment, Hai Yiyan's head was pierced, and even his soul power could not escape, and he died on the spot.


Seeing the tragic death of his beloved wife of decades, Wei Tongxuan went berserk!


The moment he came to kill, Tuhe Sanren pressed directly against his body, using the mid-level third-level close-up Tianya Talisman and the Shrinking Earth Inch Talisman almost simultaneously. With continuous shaking, he was able to easily dodge his attack.

Don't leave, old thief!

As he chased closer, he was suddenly hit by a golden light hidden under Tuhe Sanren's robe. Before he could even react, his helmet was blown away and his hair bun was completely pierced, with only a few millimeters missing. The center of the eyebrow will be pierced.

Gengjin Divine Light Talisman?

Wei Tongxuan's expression changed drastically, and he subconsciously looked up at Xu Yuming, who was above the nine heavens. This guy was actually a third-level Talisman Maker?

No, he felt that this Gengjin Divine Light was no more powerful than a third-level low-grade talisman...

I was frightened!


Then the five-color flames like a tidal wave came toward him. He raised his feet to avoid it, fearing that it was the Rainbow Fire of the Chinese Valentine's Day, but the fish-scale cavalry on the ground suffered a disaster. Almost two thousand people were rushing into it and ran into it. In the raging sea of ​​fire, half of the people on the spot were roasted to charcoal.

Old man, I'll kill you!

Wei Tongxuan, who was in a daze, was almost manipulated by Tuhe Sanren, who was experienced in martial arts.

However, Tuhe Sanren also understood that it was only a matter of time before he could hold back Wei Tongxuan. He was still old after all, and the only place that could quickly determine the outcome was the battlefield above the sky.

Yu Ming, if you are the true dragon of the Xu family, then I would rather die than fight with you!

Let go and fight, let's see where you can go in the future!

Thank you for the 100-point reward and support from fellow Daoist Youyu of Tianzhidao, thank you! ! !

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