Immortal Cultivator Family: I am an old man who has come to marry a wife.

Chapter 236: The evil fish and dragon fight against the Great Perfection of the Purple Mansion again

Yannan County, in front of the ten-foot-high city gate, ten miles away, three thousand cavalry are lined up, all fish-scale war horses, the wind on their four hooves is full of evil aura and scarlet aura, as well as the uniform high-grade spiritual weapons spears and It has to be said that the top-grade battle armor is quite intimidating. At least it can cut melons and vegetables. It can be said that it has no combined power against ordinary foundation building and Qi refining.

Yu Ming, among the fish scale cavalry, the captain must be at the peak of Qi refining or the Great Perfection, the captain of ten must be a monk in the early stage of foundation building, the centurion must be in the middle or late stage of foundation building, the captain of thousands must all be at the peak of foundation building, and the Dongzhou garrison There are fifteen thousand fish-scale cavalry under his command, which means there are more than a thousand foundation-building monks. It can be said to be the strongest army of monks in the world of Xuanjing Lake. If they are all dispatched, it will be the adjacent Nanhuzhou and Beihan Prefecture does not dare to send troops to attack.

At this time, Xu Tuhe and Xu Yuming were standing side by side. Chen Tairan was a little behind, but there were more than sixty foundation-building monks following him, not including the thirty foundation-building monks who stayed behind in Zizhulin and Yanbei County.

After conquering Yanbei County and occupying Nandu County in the south, many casual cultivators came to the rescue. The foundation-building monks alone recruited thirteen people, and the number of Qi-refining monks exceeded 7,000. Now, the number of Qi-refining monks in this city alone There are more than 15,000 monks, but among them there are only about 3,000 direct descendants of the Yannan Xu family and the Yanbei Xu family.

Oh, then if we kill these fish scale cavalry and destroy the garrison, will Dongzhou be invaded by Beihan State and South Huzhou because of its sharp decline in strength? Xu Yuming couldn't help but turn around and asked.

It's very possible, but we can win over one party. For example, as you and I are third-level mid-level Talisman Makers, there will also be many casual cultivators pursuing us. Besides, they North Han State and South Hu State want to carve up our Dongzhou , that also depends on whether those big bald donkeys in the west agree. The four forces have been balancing each other for many years. Without the emergence of the golden elixir, no one can break this balanced situation. Xu Tuhe glanced at Xu Yuming with deep meaning as he spoke, I have been in the early years. I have swallowed too many longevity pills, and now these twenty mouthfuls of Purple Flower Jade Dew are only enough to increase my life span by fifty years, so it is a waste.

The ancestor is here, and the Yannan Xu family is here. Fifty years is enough. With the ancestor's accumulated experience, it can still rise. Maybe there will be a golden elixir opportunity in this life.

Hey. Tuhe Sanren waved his hand. Even if he had the chance to get the golden elixir, he would give it to Xu Yuming first. He couldn't write two characters of Xu in one stroke. It was impossible for people of his generation to let Xu Yuming find an opportunity. Whatever is needed to support him, he will use his fists to fight for it.


Wei Tongxuan was riding on the back of a tiger-beast fish-scale horse, and the aura of the third-level monster was sweeping across the world. He pointed the sword towards the city gate, The bold Yannan Xu family dared to collude with the monster clan to cause trouble. On the one hand, if you disturb the order of Dongzhou, you will open the city gate quickly and wait for capture. When I break the city, you Yannan Xu family will be executed by everyone!

Commander Wei, we are all Dongzhou monks. Why do you deliberately smear my Xu family? The previous misunderstandings with Zizhulin and Yanbei County have been resolved. The person next to me is Taoist fellow Taoist Chen Tairan from the Chen family in Yanbei County. He can help I, the Xu family, bear witness. Xu Tuhe took a step forward. He did not look as old as before and might die at any time. Instead, his face was red and full of energy.

Then where is Tianzhu Taoist Fellow in Zizhu Forest? Could it be that you guys joined forces to kill him? Xu Tuhe, if you can restore your energy and blood and replenish your longevity, you must have obtained the Purple Flower Jade Dew from Zizhu Peak.

Wei Tongxuan pointed his Daguan knife towards the sky, Also, you, the Xu family, need to hand over the tiger demon that massacred the Hu family in Linhu County and give an explanation to my Dongzhou comrades.


Xu Yuming raised his feet and jumped to the top of the city gate. He looked down at Wei Tongxuan with the Eight Directions Divine Slash in his hand.

I am Xu Yuming, the supreme elder of the Xu family. Today I am willing to fight alone with Commander Wei. If you lose, Yanbei County, Nandu County, and Yannan County can all belong to your Dongzhou garrison. If you lose, you can retreat on your own, and Give up Dongzhou City.

The thief is so brave!

Wei Tongxuan stepped on the stirrups with both legs, leaped into the air, and slashed the air with his sword. In the second step, his peak sword intent exploded. Xu Yuming stabbed out with a dull sword, but Wei Tongxuan's body could only hold up the blood. The evil spirit resisted, because the light of his sword instantly shattered into fragments that filled the sky.

The third step of sword cultivation? Wei Tongxuan's pupils shrank slightly, Fellow Taoist is a monk of the Xu family? Not necessarily, if there are two late Zifu students in the Yannan Xu family, there are still third step sword cultivation like this. , and we won’t only occupy one county and shrink to this place.”

The white cloud energy on Xu Yuming's sword spread out and spread thousands of miles away. His eyes were as bright as fire, Fellow Taoist said that I am not a monk of the Xu family, so could this Yandang Cloud Qi Jue be fake?

Then your Xu family is hiding too deep. Wei Tongxuan glanced behind him, and two Zifu monks, Hai Botong and Hai Yiyan, immediately stepped forward to block Xu Tuhe and Chen Tairan. Since Xu Yuming wanted to decide the outcome with him, so he would show the third-step sword cultivator in front of him today that he could not do whatever he wanted in the land of Dongzhou.

Hoo ho ho

The rolling blood evil energy surged from the ground. The blood evil energy gathered by the three thousand fish scale cavalry almost pushed Wei Tongxuan to the realm of fake elixir. Every move he made was filled with blood-colored true energy. This was real. The power of the golden elixir.

No wonder everyone says that your garrison is powerful. The blood evil energy of these three thousand people is enough to temporarily promote your Zi Mansion Dzogchen to the realm of fake elixir. Does this technique have a name? Xu Yuming was a little curious.

Xuanhuang Battle Body.

Wei Tongxuan snorted coldly, and his shot was already three thousand miles away. Xu Yuming raised his hand and pointed out with a sword.

One sword can bloom thousands of trees!

Peach blossoms were blooming all over the mountains and plains. With Xu Yuming's sword, the light of the sword was shattered, but his Baiyun Sword Technique was also at its peak.


Above Xu Yuming's head, a thousand-foot shadow suddenly appeared. As soon as it appeared, it appeared with the power of suppressing the world. Xu Yuming raised the long sword in his hand, feeling that the flowers, plants and trees in the world were moving with his heart at this time. The sword's heart was bright!

The sword falls on Fangcao Parrot Island!

The sword fell into a continent, the sky and the earth collapsed, and the white clouds rolled seven thousand miles away. Xu Yuming's sword was astonishingly at the level of the golden elixir!


Wei Tongxuan roared in the sky, and there were three thousand cavalry on the ground, and everyone was boiling!

For a moment, a thousand-foot-long bloody figure appeared in the world and intertwined behind Wei Tongxuan. He slashed it down with a sword. The light of the six-thousand-mile sword hit Xu Yuming head-on. Xu Yuming unexpectedly had already bullied himself to kill him at the moment when the light of the sword collapsed, holding Geng in his hand. The golden divine light has been shot forward.


With a loud noise, Wei Tongxuan used the blade of his sword to block the incoming golden light after the sword light collapsed, and then slashed it down with his backhand.

The sword energy is three thousand miles away, but his blood evil energy has not been exhausted yet. With three thousand and one people to bully Xu Yuming alone, he can firmly gain the upper hand!


Little did they know that behind Xu Yuming, there was already endless ghostly energy permeating the air. Immediately afterwards, the Netherworld Iron Cavalry with the battle flag was already trampling on the white clouds and heading towards it.

Heirloomed treasure technique?

Wei Tongxuan was surprised and had already waved the Daguan sword in his hand continuously. After cutting more than a hundred knives, the Gengjin divine light in Xu Yuming's left hand converged, and the sword energy and ghost energy in the air were completely dissipated. It can be said that the battle was over. Evenly matched!


Xu Yuming pointed towards the void behind him, and a red sand soul-spreading gourd appeared. He turned the mouth of the gourd upside down and released a third-level top-level demon-killing wind towards Wei Tongxuan. He opened his mouth to gather momentum, his belly suddenly bulged, and then he spit it out from his body. Half angry.


The wind is blowing!

The Chinese Valentine's Day rainbow fire swept across thousands of miles in an instant, and half of the sky was enveloped by the combined magical power created by Xu Yuming!

No matter how calm Wei Tongxuan was at this moment, he couldn't help showing a look of horror.

Golden elixir magical power?

Help me with all your strength!

Xuanhuang fighting body, dragon fighting in the wild!

hold head high……

Under the seat of three thousand iron cavalry, the fish scales fell off the horse's back inch by inch, turning into a fish dragon and soaring into the sky. After blocking the flames in the sky, it opened its mouth and spat out a monstrous waterfall towards Xu Yuming, but in the blink of an eye it was evaporated into a heat wave all over the sky.

Xu Yuming opened his mouth and used half of his true energy to spit out a second mouthful of Qixi Rainbow Fire. The hot red sand was quickly spread on the white clouds and rushed towards the opposite side.

Xu Yuming held a small teleportation talisman in his hand. He swayed and followed Bai Yun forward, preparing to use the secret spiritual attack technique at close range to kill the opponent with one blow.


The fish and dragon that had supported him for a full cup of tea collapsed in an instant, and the endless fish scales all slapped on Wei Tongxuan's body. The evil energy all over his body was shaken away, and he spit out a mouthful of old blood, and was instantly swallowed up by the Qixi Rainbow Fire.


In a daze, the two azure bracelets wrapped around his arms created a shield of cold air that blocked the flames. However, the energy in his body had been exhausted to the extreme at this time. On the opposite side, Xu Yuming was already swallowing After taking a sip of Millennium Monkey Wine, half of the true energy in his body quickly recovered. He raised his head again and swallowed a sip, ready to build up momentum and increase the fire again.


A sleeve that covered the sky and the sun suddenly swung. Xu Yuming moved in a flash and returned to the same place thousands of miles away. The Chinese Valentine's Day rainbow fire that covered three thousand miles was directly scattered and fell on the mountains and fields around Yannan County. Among them, it continues to burn blazingly.

It's a friendly approach, but the Dongzhou garrison cannot be humiliated after staying here for five thousand years. A figure in green robes descended from the sky and stood in front of Wei Tongxuan with his hands behind his back. He looked at Xu Yuming curiously.

Looking at our Xuanjing Lake, there is no such powerful character as Daoist Fellow. Could it be that Fellow Daoist comes from the outside world?

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, including the fish-scale cavalry below who were severely injured by the evil energy and killed seven or eight hundred people on the spot. At this time, they all looked at Xu Yuming with disbelief.

Is he from the outside world?

At this time, Xu Tuhe looked a little pale when he saw the person coming, Yu Ming, be careful, this is Zhenren Fake Dan, the most powerful person in Dongzhou, Wei Changqing.

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