I’m The King

Chapter 810: : Sunrise East (35)

The annihilation of the Ten Thousand Palace Guards and the Donghu Iron Cavalry that Thorpe finally put together paid a heavy price. Yang Dasha’s first division suffered more than half of the casualties, and Mei Hua and Wu Ya were at the forefront. This battalion fought violently, and finally walked off the battlefield intact. Together, there were only more than 500 people left in the two battalions. It can be said that they were almost completely wiped out. Guo Laolin’s second division suffered one-third of the casualties. Hu Weiran’s Second Army fought a decisive battle with the Gong Wei Army, with more than one-third of the casualties, destroying Dong Hu’s last spirit, and the loss of the elite troops of the Eastern Army in Hetao was huge, leaving Kumamoto aside. The 20,000 Yan Army and the 80,000 Zhengdong Army that did not participate basically have killed and injured more than 30,000 people, maintaining a casualty ratio of one to one with that of Donghu Tieqi.

However, there is still a battle for the East Army, but Donghu does not have the huge population base and mobilization ability of the Central Plains, as well as the huge economic advantage, which is perfectly reflected in this battle.

The force is stronger than you. I pushed and crushed you. There is not much difference in force. I have a sea tactic and pile up your invincible palace guards. First, they were killed by Gaoyuan five thousand in Hetao. Then Yuwenke wasted it in Liaoning Wei. Three thousand. In this battle, another ten thousand palace guards fell on the battlefield. The thirty thousand palace guards had already gone to more than 18,000 people. The remaining ten thousand palace guards were delayed in the birthplace of Donghu. In the holy city, another two thousand people are trapped in Helin and Donghu, with little power to fight again.

When Gao Yuan once again set foot in Yulin, this once prosperous city has long gone. After being burnt to white ground by Gao Yuan and Bai Yucheng many years ago, the city never recovered its vitality, and Gao Yuan controlled western Liaoning. After power, he spared no effort to impose economic sanctions on Donghu, this commercial city. The transportation hub linking the Central Plains and Donghu slowly declined. The original Donghu people in the city, after Thorpe’s defeat, had fled to Helin in panic with the retreating Donghu army. Most of the rest were struggling to support. Merchants and slaves, civilians

They hid in the house in horror. Listening to the neat footsteps and slogans outside, I saw the blood-stained Zhengdong army through the door crack, marching into the city one by one.

Since ancient times, the soldiers have been fierce as tigers, and the rebels have been fierce as bandits. They didn't know what would happen to them when these troops entered the city? Everyone shrank in the house. Waiting for fate to judge them

Ke Yuanshan was a doctor in Yulin City. He had good medical skills and a very good person. He had a good reputation in Yulin City, even during the reign of the Donghu people. As a native of the Central Plains, he has never suffered many difficulties. The reason is simple. Donghu people are also sick and need a good doctor.

But because of this, he was even more frightened after the Yulin City was broken, and he had a lot of contacts with Donghu people. The family background is much more generous than ordinary people, even better than ordinary Donghu people. Now the Donghu people have been beaten away, and the east army marched into the city. Will the counterattack fall back, and those people who have had a close relationship with the Donghu people will be liquidated? This thought made him almost crazy, and with his experience, this kind of thing is almost inevitable. The new conqueror needs Liwei, someone like him. It is almost inevitable that the target to be hit can not only use his head to frighten others, but also his substantial wealth can become the opponent’s spoils.

Looking at the family and children who are also shivering behind him. He only felt that he had never been so helpless before. He even prepared the poison to distribute to the family members of the family. Once that happened, he would take the poison and kill himself. It would be better than falling into the hands of the other party and suffering humiliation.

During the day, the seemingly endless tidy footsteps, loud slogans, and strange horns that sounded from time to time passed by. Every quarter of an hour, the days in Ke Yuanshan are like years, but fortunately, this day is safe and sound. No one came to bother him, which made him put down a little bit, or the East Army had just entered the city and was searching for those Donghu people, and he didn’t care about him.

The servants in the family boiled some millet porridge after nightfall. They were terrified and frightened all day. The family was tired and hungry. The fragrant millet porridge came up, smelling the aroma, and could not help but move their index fingers, even if they were about to lose their heads. , Rice is also to be eaten

Ke Yuanshan picked up the bowl and signaled his family to eat. Just after swallowing, there was a thumping sound at the door outside. With a bang, the porcelain bowl in Ke Yuanshan's hand fell to the ground and it was smashed to pieces. All froze

"Is this the home of Dr. Ke Yuanshan?" There was a clear voice shouting from Yan's voice outside, and Ke Yuanshan's face was like ashes. He should come, always come.

The knocking outside is very urgent, the servants look at me one by one, I look at you, the same frightened

"Open the door, a wooden door can't stop them." Ke Yuanshan sighed, adjusted his clothes, stood up, and walked outside the house. He saw his wives and daughters shaking away from his arms. He took out the poison he and the others had prepared, and poured it into the millet porridge, and couldn't help sighing heavily.

The door opened, and an officer of the East Army strode in. Behind him, several heavily armed soldiers entered in file.

"Who is Dr. Ke Yuanshan Ke?" the officer in the lead asked loudly, his eyes falling on Ke Yuanshan, looking up and down.

"Official man, it's down here!" Ke Yuanshan held his fist and saluted

"Aha, I finally found you. Come with me." The officer grabbed Ke Yuanshan's wrist, pulled it and walked out.

Ke Yuanshan was just a doctor. When he was pulled by the officer, he almost fell somersault. "Is the officer here to arrest me? I'm just a doctor."

Ke Yuanshan's face was pale, and he defended loudly

"Because you are a doctor, I came to see you. Otherwise, why am I looking for you?" The officer turned his head and looked at Ke Yuanshan strangely. "Many brothers in my camp have been injured and are now lying there and howling. There are too few doctors in the army, so I can’t be too busy. I’ve asked people about it. You are the best doctor in Yulin City, so I’ll be the first to invite you. If I don’t get started, hurry up, I’m afraid there will be people who will hear about it later. The wind is coming, follow me, and treat my brothers well. For every one cured, I will give you ten taels of silver."

Ke Yuanshan's heart jumped, "Isn't the official coming to arrest me?"

"Catch you, what did I catch you for? I'm here to invite you, Doctor Ke, now you are the life-saving bodhisattva of the brothers in the camp. It's too late for me to respect you!" The officer said in astonishment.

Ke Yuanshan was overjoyed, "Wait a minute, please wait a moment, let me give my family a few words."

The officer let go helplessly, "Hurry up. Hurry up, delay a little longer, maybe one more person will die!"

"Official man, go to see your brother, I have to bring a medicine box, medicine. Let's get some things!" Ke Yuanshan said loudly.

The officer suddenly realized, "I am in a hurry, please, please, please, you guys. Follow the doctor quickly, and you can get what you need."

Ke Yuanshan took a few soldiers into the house and saw that his female relatives were trembling with the millet porridge bowl to her lips. He couldn't help being shocked, "Don't drink!" He swooped up and knocked out the bowl in their hands with a few slaps. Slammed to the ground. Shattered tiles

"The official is not here to arrest me, he is here to invite me to see a doctor," Ke Yuanshan said loudly, "I'm okay, I'm okay."

The whole room heard this. I was ignorant at first, and then overjoyed. Under great sadness and overjoy, I couldn't help crying with each other.

The officer was leaning against the door of the hall, crying and laughing as he looked at the house, and he couldn't help but be surprised. He said to himself: "Is this trouble? It's just going to see a sickness, making it seem like a parting from life and death."

Ke Yuanshan felt that this was a desperate situation. He quickly packed up some urgently needed drugs for the treatment of red injuries, and he carried it on his shoulder and walked out to practice his medical skills. Save more of their soldiers. Even if they find out that they have had a close relationship with the Donghu people afterwards, they will not be able to cross the river and destroy themselves by breaking down the bridge. Their family may be lucky enough to pass this level.

"Let them carry it. You are a doctor. How can you let you carry it?" The officer snatched the medicine bag and medicine box and handed it to the soldiers beside him.

"What is the name of the general?" As he walked hurriedly to follow the officer, he asked, seize the time to build a good relationship with this officer. Maybe at some point, you can save your life.

"What general? Stay away from the general!" The officer laughed and said, "My name is Mei Hua, I'm just a battalion commander. In this battle, the soldiers we brought were the vanguards. We fought a bad battle with the palace guards and suffered too many casualties. , The palace guards of the dog day also told us to kill them. These wounded soldiers are our governor’s treasure. You save one. I will give you ten taels of silver and the gratitude of someone from Mei. If you are all I saved my life. If I encounter any problems in the future, even if I come to see someone from Mei, Mei Hua still has a bit of face in the Young Guards."

Ke Yuanshan couldn't help being overjoyed, saving the dying and healing the wounded. This was originally his strength. Listening to this officer's words, he was actually very prominent in the Eastern Army. Although it is difficult to save all the lives, as long as he tries his best, the other party will remember it. With this person as a backer, life designation is no problem

The two battalions of Mei Hua and Wu Ya had a limited number of people due to heavy casualties. At this time, they were grouped together and stationed in the courtyard of an official Donghu in Yulin City. At this time, the inside and outside of the house were all lying down. , The sitting wounded soldiers, the horrible howling sounded from all corners of these iron-clad men. They were on the battlefield without humming, and they were able to hold their swords up and go desperately. At this time, they got off the battlefield, but they were all alone. As soon as Ke Yuanshan stepped into this compound, he felt like he was in hell.

"Wu Ya? What are the turtle sons doing?" Mei Hua yelled as soon as he stepped into the compound. After yelling, he stopped in amazement and covered his mouth because he saw a group of people in red. His personal guards, this suit, he also wore it before. Only the guards of the captain wore such uniforms. They are here, and the captain is also here.

I glanced over, and I saw the governor, dressed in plain clothes, squatting on the ground, bandaging the wound for a soldier.

Ke Yuanshan was eager to perform his merits. As soon as he entered the yard, he ran directly to the wounded soldiers on the ground, and just squatted beside Gao Yuan. He looked back and saw Gao Yuan’s familiar bandaging technique. I caught it from Yulin, he was very young, but his technique was very familiar and tough.

"This little brother is practicing medicine in Yulin, why doesn't Ke somebody recognize him?" Ke Yuanshan opened the medicine box, took out the medicine, and quickly started to treat the wounded soldier in front of him, as he asked.

Gao Yuan turned his head, looked at the doctor in front of him, smiled and said, "Are you the doctor Mei Hua just invited?"

Hearing the young man claiming to be the name of the officer who brought him ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ Ke Yuanshan was startled and stopped.

"I am lofty, but I am not practicing medicine for a living."

With a porch, Ke Yuanshan sat down on the ground with his hands tight, and the wounded soldier he was treating suddenly screamed like a pig.

Gao Yuan, the commander of the Eastern Army, a well-known figure, was so scared that he almost fainted at the moment Ke Yuanshan was bandaging the wounds of the wounded.

"Doctor Ke?" Gao Yuan called out

Ke Yuanshan got up agilely, leaning on the ground in front of Gaoyuan, "The grass miner Ke Yuanshan has seen the chief governor."

Gao Yuan smiled and pulled him up. "Doctor Ke, it's important to save people now. Let's heal my soldiers as soon as possible. Don't ask Dr. Ke to do his best for these humility. Afterwards, Mr. Gao will be thankful."

Ke Yuanshan climbed up to his feet. At this moment, he was full of energy, and his whole body was full of energy as if he was beaten up with blood. He saved the dead and healed the wounded in his life, God really didn't treat himself badly! (To be continued)

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