I’m The King

Chapter 811: : Sunrise East (36)

In fact, the entire Yulin City doctors are now being recruited, but Ke Yuanshan is the most famous among them, the highest medical skills, Mei Hua has a keen mind, and he is the quickest to start. At this time, Ke Yuanshan is in front of the lofty face. I also tried my best

Gao Yuan stood aside and watched Ke Yuanshan's flexible movements and the wonderfully effective medicines. The powder he had prepared on the soldier's wounds stopped bleeding and relieved pain extremely quickly. Gao Yuan nodded secretly.

Turning around and summoning Mei Hua, he whispered: "The doctor you found is very skilled. Keep him for a few more days. After you finish working here, you can send it to other camps."

"Yes, the governor!" Mei Hua said with joy and excitement.

"Furthermore, after the incident, you can ask him if he is willing to join me in the East Mansion. I see that he is very knowledgeable about trauma. If he is willing, the Jishicheng Military University is also preparing to open a course for training field physicians. Going to be a teacher there is also an excellent way to train some doctors for us"

"Of course he is willing, if not, I will let him do it too!" Mei Hua said

Gao Yuan glared at him, "What the hell, we are not robbers and bandits, so tell him well, and there are some benefits, and then we will be teachers at the Jishicheng Military University. If nothing else, the salary alone is very tempting. Furthermore, if he wants to open a medical hall again, Jishi City can also find a facade for him to reopen. Our Jishi City is not comparable to Yulin. There will be more battles in the future, and more people will be killed and injured. Naturally, we have to win over more talents."

"This will finally understand, don't worry, I will do it well" Mei Hua smiled authentically

"Yeah!" Gao Yuan looked at the tiger general and suddenly smiled. "You played very well in this battle. I can see clearly. Listening to Dasha Yang said that you are going to be a father."

Ha ha ha! Mei Hua smiled embarrassedly, "I got a letter from the family some time ago. I said I was pregnant!"

Patting Mei Hua on the shoulder, Gao Yuan nodded at him, "Go hard, you will have a good future, you stare here, I have to go to other battalions to give condolences to the wounded and the casualties of your battalions. Statistics. Must be sorted carefully and then reported. This involves a series of matters such as the compensation of wounded and dead soldiers and the aftermath.

"Yes. The governor!" Mei Hua said quickly: "This matter is not sloppy. After the war is over, the camp begins to count. Everyone's military merits are recorded. I dare not make a slight difference."

Respectfully sent away, Mei Hua quietly found Jixiang, Jixiang was lucky, and only one arm was hurt in this battle. Hang from the arm with a rope

"The governor has taken a fancy to Dr. Ke, and wants to get him to be an instructor in Jishicheng University, but I just went to his house. Seeing that his family is well-established, he has a good life, and his children become a county, he may not be willing to go to Jishicheng to reopen. Stove, you go to find out the details of this doctor, and see if you can think of a way to let him go to Jishi City voluntarily?" Mei Hua whispered

Jixiang pouted. "It's just a doctor, so troublesome? If you dare not go, I'm **** with a rope."

Mei Huahu raised his face, "You know what a fart. The governor wants him to be a teacher and try his best to train doctors for us. See you, this guy's craftsmanship is very serious, and the medicine is surprisingly good. If he was Go reluctantly, when the time comes to get some two hundred and five out for us, the one who suffers is our soldiers, get out and do this, if you can’t do it well, I will have all your military exploits this time."

"Go here, go here!" Jixiang immediately ran fast

Gao Yuan made a circle around each battalion, and the heavy casualties offset a lot of his joy in victory. Although Donghu was never able to turn over again in this battle, the price he paid was not low. The Army of the North The Second Army and the Young Guards were almost half-crippled. It would take at least more than a few years to regain the vitality of the heyday. This was based on the powerful reserve service system of the East Army. The fish raised by Ning Xin restrained Mo Yanhe’s ten thousand palace guards in the holy city of Donghu people. Otherwise, with the addition of these ten thousand people, this battle would be really hard to tell.

After turning around and returning to her station, Ning Xin, who was thinking about it earlier, greeted him with a quick walk. This time when I came to Hetao, Ning Xin followed too, just to make it easier to direct the stocked fish. Taking care of Gao Yuan’s daily life This time Gao Yuan’s personal bodyguards rushed forward with Gao Yuan. There are not a few people who died and were injured in the battle. Ning Xin actually put down her body to take care of them, stop bleeding, and bandage them. This lady with golden branches and leaves is clumsy. , But the victory is careful. The guards are also inexplicably grateful. After all, Ning Xin’s position is placed here. Not to mention the relationship between her and the governor, or her status as the deputy dean of the Supervision Institute, is enough to make these guards look up. It’s a great honor for such a big man to bandage them himself.

"The Governor, two more seriously injured have gone." Ning Xin's face was a bit heavy.

The lofty footsteps stopped, slightly squinted, trying to say something, but his throat seemed to be blocked, and he didn't say anything, before he said for a long time: "I'll go see them and give them a ride."

Tens of thousands of casualties, when reporting from each battalion head to Gaoyuan, are just a group of cold numbers. Gaoyuan, who has fought for a long time, is already a little numb, but these personal guards around him are getting along day and night. The feelings are naturally deepened. The personal guards around him died and wounded almost half of the battle in this battle, but it made him heartbroken.

Gao Yuan and Ning Xin entered the lobby inside. The two soldiers who had just passed away had been put on brand-new military uniforms by their companions. They lay on the wooden boards in the middle of the house with bright armor and looked at their lifelike faces. Gao Yuan couldn't help but glance back. Ning Xin

"I asked Yao'er and Qin'er to paint their makeup," Ning Xin said in a low voice

"Thank you!" Gao Yuan said in a low voice

In the room, dozens of guards stood with their hands down, and there was a faint cry of weeping, walking high and heavy to the dead, standing upright, and paying them a military salute solemnly. There was a sound, all the guards followed the heights and greeted the passing away.

"Cremate, and then take the ashes back to Jishicheng." Gao Yuan said with a low mood.

He Weiyuan hurried in from outside, "The Governor, General Kumamoto, please see me."

Gao Yuan was slightly stunned, "It's so late, what's the matter with General Xiong coming over?"

He Weiyuan naturally knew that Gao Yuan didn’t ask him, nor did he answer. He just watched Gao Yuan and waited for his next instructions. Sure enough, after Gao Yuan muttered to himself, he continued: "Please go to the side house to wait, I Come here now"

Kumamoto has been shocked these days. Even though he has been on the battlefield for a long time, he has fought countless battles, but the fierce battle between the Zhengdong Army and the Donghu Army that he has seen these days still shakes his heart. The East Hu Army is powerful, but the East Army is one foot taller. In such a fierce war, Kumamoto believes that even when he was under Helin City, he did not fight to this level. The East Hu’s fifty thousand horses were in Ningyuan and Jingyuan. On the two battlefields, only more than 10,000 people can escape at most, and the casualties of the Eastern Expeditionary Army are also between 20,000 and 30,000, and most of this is the price paid in a head-on confrontation with the Palace Guards.

Especially the young guards who charged the palace guards at the forefront and the desperate struggle of the palace guards after falling into Luo Weiran's army made him dazzled. Luo Weiran was just one of his tents. General, but after joining the Eastern Army for a few years, both the art of command and courage have obviously improved greatly. Even if Kumamoto himself is commanding, he is at most like this.

The bravery of the Eastern Army also made Kumamoto's final determination.

Gao Yuan and Ning Xin walked into the room. Kumamoto immediately stood up and bowed to them. "I have met the governor, I have met the vice president Ning."

Gao Yuan received this gift from him, but Ning Xin avoided it sideways, leaning back and saying: "Don't dare to be."

"Sit down, General Xiong, it's so late, is there anything wrong with you coming over?" Gao Yuan asked

Kumamoto considered his words and said, "Captain, in this battle, our losses are probably great, right?"

Gao Yuan nodded slightly, "You are right. The preliminary record shows that there are about 15,000 dead in the war, and there are no fewer than that. The Young Guards and Luo Weiran's Second Army are almost half disabled."

"The war in the past few days is the most tragic war I have ever seen in my life. At the beginning, the governor let my subordinates be in the rear, but I didn't take it seriously. Now I finally understand that if I were in the front, I was afraid Under the impact of the palace guards, it will collapse."

Gao Yuan waved his hand and said: "General Xiong is also a brave warrior, but they have been prisoners of war in Donghu for many years. Their spirits have been wiped out and their bodies have not recovered to their best condition. As the war deepens, they will come more and more. The better"

Kumamoto shook his head slightly. "It's not like that. Even in their heyday, they didn't have the bravery and vigorous battle of the Eastern Army. The Governor, I have an idea. Can the Governor agree?"

"General Xiong, but it doesn't matter?"

"This battle~www.NovelMTL.com~The Youth Guards and Luo Weiran’s Second Army both suffered heavy casualties, but my 20,000 men only went up at the end of the war. There was almost no loss. Therefore, I want to My 20,000 subordinates were dispersed and assigned to the Young Guards and Luo Weiran’s Second Army. These soldiers themselves are good. As long as they are integrated into them, they can greatly arouse their enthusiasm. This is also the fastest recovery of the Young Guards. The method of combat effectiveness between the army and the second army"

Hearing Kumamoto’s words, Gao Yuan couldn’t help being surprised. Kumamoto’s approach was almost self-defeating. The two thousand swallows were scattered and divided into various ministries. After a while, they would be assimilated and merged into new ones. The army, Kumamoto has become a polished commander

"General Xiong, this is good, but then, you?"

"Under the governor's command, are you afraid that I won't have my position in Kumamoto?" Kumamoto laughed. "If the governor agrees, I will summon the generals and announce this to them when I return."

Gao Yuan stood up and said deeply to Kumamoto, "General Xiong is righteous, Gao Yuan has suffered, but please rest assured, General Xiong, in our East Mansion, there is definitely a stage where General Xiong can display his skills" (to be continued)

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