I’m The King

Chapter 809: : Sunrise East (34)

He is the eldest son of Tulu, who has always been valued by Tulu. Naturally, he is not a vain person. Just by looking at the expression of the tall car, he knows that things are going to be bad. He did not wait for the high car to issue an attack order. He has already taken the lead. Swinging a knife straight to take the tall cart, Tulu has always been a general in the palace guards. He has been with his subordinates for a long time and has a close mind. He has just started here, and the two hundred palace guards have already destroyed the horses in the same place. The picture is wrapped in the middle, rushing towards the high car

Catch the thief first, catch the king first, and take the high car, the opponent will certainly collapse without fighting

The decisiveness of Xun Shizhi was never expected by Gao Che. Although the palace guards had only two hundred men, their actions were like a thunderbolt. As soon as the Xun Shizhi moved, the whole team moved, and the whole team was moved in a blink of an eye. In front of Gaoche, waved his hand and slashed towards Gaoche

Gao Cha was shocked, but fortunately, he was also a battle-tested veteran. He suddenly shrank his head and hid himself between the time. The sharp blade of the scimitar swept over his head and slashed the helmet to avoid the terrible one. With a stab, Gao Che slammed the war horse, and the horse sprinted forward. The two crossed past. In this moment of effort, Gao Che had already pulled out the scimitar at his waist.

"Kill!" he howled like a wolf

She couldn’t help but sighed. It’s a pity that the opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come again. The first sudden attack did not take the high car, and it was even more difficult to kill him.

"Break through!" He roared and rushed forward. The thousands of soldiers and horses in the tall cart had dispersed and surrounded the two hundred palace guards. At this time, the war broke out, but they had not had time to gather. , The scattered formations gave Ambience Zhi a chance to break through, relying on the superior combat effectiveness of the Palace Guards, it was just a charge. Unexpectedly, he led his team out and rushed to the distance with the whip

The tall car had a disheveled head and looked grim, and that cut almost killed him. Seeing Hun Shizhi unexpectedly broke out at this time, he was even more angry with Qiqiao producing smoke, and he yelled with the knife, "Chasing, catching up, I'm going to take the skin of Hun Shizhi!"

Both sides chased and fled. In an instant, they crossed a distance of tens of miles, and they arrived near the small village where He Lanxiong and the others were stationed. They were also detected by the scouts sent by He Lanxiong.

He Lanxiong and Bai Yucheng immediately led troops to attack the two shareholders of the other side, Hu Binghuo, and the total number was less than 2,000, and the scouts did not find any traces of other Donghu Bing activities around. It shouldn't be a trap to seduce them

The cavalry led by He Lanxiong, even if fighting alone, would not discourage the Hu cavalry, because most of the cavalry team consisted of the Huns, and the soldiers of the 500 special brigade brought by Bai Yucheng were even more important. It is the outstanding one selected by the army of the Eastern Army, and most of the executions are straightforward. The task of activities behind enemy lines is even more excellent in riding skills, coming and going like wind

Huluzhi ran ahead. Gao Cha hurried after him, without even noticing it. There was already a larger cavalry unit coming from the flanks, encircling both armies.

When the bright red flag of the Eastern Army Corps suddenly appeared in Hun Shi Zhi's field of vision, Hun Shi Zhi's head blasted and almost exploded. Misfortunes never come singly, but good fortune comes. He knew that around Helin, there was such a cavalry of the East Expeditionary Army in action. I never thought that at this time, he would actually run into this cavalry

Seeing the black and crushing cavalry rushing from all directions, he turned his horse's head in despair and rushed towards the tall cart. "High cart, if you are still a Donghu, join me, kill and go back. He Lin, otherwise, let's die here together today!"

Hunk Shizhi roared loudly

Gao Che was also stunned at that moment. At Jiepukou, he had a confrontation with He Lanxiong's cavalry. He knew that the combat effectiveness of this cavalry was by no means under his own soldiers and horses, and he had only a thousand troops at hand. , But the other side is as many as thousands, the strength of the two sides is very different, and the individual combat effectiveness of the two sides is almost the same, the Gaoche has no intention to fight at all.

If Gao Che is the kind of person who dared to fight to death, he would not leave Yuwenke and Kirgiz on the road in Liaoningwei. A person who has abandoned his companions once in order to preserve his strength will have no mentality if he does it a second time. Stress, not to mention, Hunkzhizhi almost killed his own life just now

Gao Che only wanted to keep the horses in his hand, so when he found the cavalry of the East Army appeared, he didn't hesitate, immediately turned his horse's head, and ran towards the road.

Watching the high car go away, screamed out in pain

But cursing cannot change the facts in front of them. The Zhengdong army quickly changed and chased the high car in one step, but the other one cut across from the flank, breaking the path of interpretation, and in a short time. Inside, the ambiguity was surrounded by the East Army

He sighed with a sigh of relief as he watched the four-strikes densely packed with the Eastern Army that was several times as dense as his own. If there is no Suoetu in his army, he would definitely launch a decisive attack, even if he couldn't make a **** path He would also get enough results, but now, he glanced at the small face of Suo'etu that the guards around him was holding tightly, and he couldn't help but close his eyes.

With a sudden bang, he dropped the scimitar in his hand and stretched out his hand to hug Suo'etu from the guard beside him immediately, shouting: "This is the son of King Donghu. We surrendered. Please ensure his safety."

He Lanxiong led the army to chase the high car. Bai Yucheng was in charge here. Bai Yucheng couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard what he said. He never expected that this time the attack would yield such a big fish.

Thorpe has only one son. If the kid in front of him is really his son, it would be a surprise

"Get in your weapon, dismount your horse, hold your head in your hands, and squat on the ground." Bai Yucheng shouted sharply. "If you don't want to be shot as hedgehogs, it's best to follow my name and be Bai Yucheng. You should have heard of it. Lao Tzu's name"

Of course, I have heard Bai Yucheng's name. This man was a horse bandit in Donghu. He was rampant in Donghu and arrested many times of fruitless fierce characters.

Hunk Shizhi did not make any useless resistance. He held Suo Etu, got off his horse, and squatted on the ground. Two hundred palace guards. Look at me, I look at you. In the end, they all lost their scimitars. , Rolled over and got off the horse, hugged his head and squatted on the ground

Bai Yucheng waved his hand, and the tiger head around him turned over and dismounted with a few people, and walked towards Xun Shizhi. First he tied the Xuan Shizhi. Suo'etu was only eight years old and was lifted up by the tiger's head. , Where is there any room for struggle

The leader was captured, and the two hundred palace guards no longer had any will to resist, letting the Eastern Army push them to the ground, and tied them up one by one.

The tall car was like a dog in a bereavement, fleeing in embarrassment, but it was a pity that he had just taken more than a thousand soldiers and horses chased tens of miles away, and most of the horsepower had been consumed. At this terrible time, he suddenly encountered a strong enemy. The horse can only run wildly, even if the horse is strong, but how can it last for such an accelerated gallop?

One side has been accumulating power for a long time, but the other side is trapped and running out of horses. The distance between the two sides is getting closer. In desperation, the high car can only send troops back to intercept, in order to gain time to escape. He Lanxiong was eaten three times in a row. After nearly half of the cavalry, he finally got rid of the chasers behind him. At this time, he was not far from his barracks. He Lanxiong was also worried that the palace guards in Lincheng would attack suddenly. At that time, those who fled would become Himself

Take it as soon as you see it

The Gaocha, who fled back to the barracks in embarrassment, did not dare to stay with Lin anymore. The soldiers and horses of the Zhengdong Army had already arrived outside Helin, and their large forces could come from Liaoning Wei at any time. At that time, it was very likely that he could not go if he wanted to go. Back to the barracks, apart from anything else, Gao Chai immediately issued the order, the whole army pulled out of the camp, and more than four thousand cavalry immediately set off and ran towards the holy city.

While running off, Gao Cha still sent a person back to Helin to tell Tulu that your son and the son of the king have now fallen into the hands of the Eastern Army. My rescue has been fruitless, and it is no longer possible. Ke Shi, you can only leave by yourself, you can figure it out!

After receiving the report from the messenger sent by Gaoche, Tulu fell to the ground like five thunders.

``There are not many troops in the East Army near Helin, just a remnant of cavalry.I sent all the palace guards, and asked General Gaoche to send all his troops. We attacked together, defeated the enemy, and rescued the little prince. "He looked at the messenger and said.

"Master Shoufu, General Gaoche had already taken the lead when I came here." The messenger felt a little embarrassed and said in a low voice.

"Gaoche, where is he going?"

"General Gao Che said that he will lead his troops back to the Holy City to strengthen the defense of the Holy City!"

Hearing the messenger's words, Turupor vomited a mouthful of blood, Gao Cha's mind, he couldn't understand better, he was going to escape back to the black mountains and white waters, he had no hope for this battle.

Tulu was desperate, and in Ningyuan and Jingyuan, a war that determined the fate of Donghu had come to an end.

Thorpe dispatched Arundai, Ussu Suotan to contain Jingyuan’s Eastern Army troops, and he led the main force to attack Gaoyuan, as long as he could defeat or even kill Gaoyuan, this battle would be regarded as the Donghu people's victory, but the ideals were very full. , The reality is very skinny, Thorpe tried his best, not only was unable to shake the main force of Gaoyuan, but personally led the troops to retreat in Gaoyuan, and suffered heavy losses. When the loss of the defense of the copper wall and the iron wall was exhausted, the battle was actually nearing its end.

Thorpe didn't expect Alendai and Ussu Suotan to defeat Jingyuan's Eastern Army. The two of them only brought 20,000 cavalry, but Jingyuan's Eastern Army light cavalry had more than 15,000. In addition to the infantry, the force is several times that of the East Hu Army.In fact, the two men did not show a miracle and lost after struggling for a few days.

When the Jingyuan defenders arrived on the main battlefield, they declared Thorpe's complete defeat. Thorpe retreated all the way back to Yulin and then to Helin. Although the Zhengdong Army won in this battle, it was also extremely lossy. Da, after pursuing and taking Yulin all the way, he stopped to rest his troops, the fall of Donghu was a foregone conclusion, Gao Yuan was no longer in a hurry at this time. (To be continued)

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