I’m The King

Chapter 466: : Tuogu

The drum has been beaten in the city for the third time. After all, Ye's is a woman. After a long journey and worrying, she finally couldn't bear the tiredness of the mountain. When Ye Tiannan's eyes were still shining, she was already asleep.

Ye Tiannan is not sleepy. He has been thinking about the links since he came out of Langya County. Today, he has a general vein in his heart, but it is a pity that he is now guarded by Yan Lingwei. No news from the outside can come in at all. I wonder what is going on with Gao Yuan now?

When Gao Yuan got married, he once said a word with Gao Yuan, whether the Ye family will be prosperous or decadent in the future will all depend on Gao Yuan. He didn't expect the words to become true, and it didn't take long for him to fulfill it.

If Gao Yuan is defeated and died this time, I am afraid that he will not be able to go to Jicheng, and he will go to the west. The king wants Langya County, and now it is only Gao Yuan that he is afraid of. If Gao Yuan is defeated, the king will never go. Without any scruples, it is the best choice to give yourself to death in the middle of the road. If you don’t see your heart, you will feel ashamed if you really see your face. You have to know that if it’s not yourself, the current king will only pay it back. In the capital of Qi State, Deng’s Difficulty Day, how can it be so high today. He really waited for himself to arrive in Jicheng, and then ordered himself to be executed, which would not help but make the nobles in Jicheng feel heartbroken, and would also ridicule the nations.

Death by a sudden illness is the best choice.

If Gao Yuan defeated Zhou Yu, what awaited him would be another diametrically opposite ending. It is not impossible to return to the aspect.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sneer.

These days, Yan Lingwei dragged along all the way and walked extremely slowly, presumably she was waiting for news from the front line. I am not afraid of death, but I feel sorry for the Ye family. As I have not had a good life, I have to accompany myself to the Yin Cao Netherworld. There is also Feng'er, this ill-fated son who has suffered since childhood, and he is the only root in Ye Mansion now. I have to go with myself.

Ye Tiannan's nose was a little sour. I almost shed tears and tried my best. After working hard for half a lifetime, is it such a result? Let Ye's family be destroyed again, and there is no one who inherited the incense?

Hate in his heart!

Dayan, my Ye family will do my best for you. Even when Man Clan was killed a dozen or so years ago, he didn't feel any dissatisfaction with you. Instead, he tried his best to make you stronger again. But is this how you repay the courtiers who are loyal to you? If time can be turned back, I will definitely choose a different path.

Ye Tiannan clenched his fists tightly, and his nails were deeply embedded in his palm.

A very slight noise from the card came from the door, and Ye Tiannan suddenly turned his head. Looking at the door that was slowly opened by a gap.

Ye Tiannan is not a scholar who has no power to bind chickens. On the contrary, any nobleman in this generation is a master of both civil and military skills. And Ye Tiannan was in exile for ten years, and he was even more proficient in martial arts. Although he had nowhere to use it except during the period when he escaped from Yan Kingdom, it did not mean that he was incapable. The body collapsed extremely tightly in the bed.

Could it be that Gao Yuan has failed, is Yan Lingwei ready to start?

In the crack of the door, a figure flashed in, and the figure walked towards the bed like a civet cat, and saw an extremely familiar figure, Ye Tiannan couldn't help being stunned, his tight body relaxed a little bit.

"Master!" The familiar voice made Ye Tiannan finally let go of the last warning in his heart.

"Ye Zhong, why are you?" Ye Tiannan opened the bedding and sat up.

Ye Zhong grabbed the first two steps and knelt down in front of the bed, "Master, you have suffered!" The voice Jishi, with a strong nasal sound, resisted the thought of wanting to cry.

"How did you run out? The king wants to attack me, so he will let you go without a moment?" Ye Tiannan asked softly in the darkness without getting out of bed.

"Master, I have been commander of the Imperial Guard for several years. How can I not be prepared? Before Yan Lingwei wanted to attack me, I knew the news in advance. Knowing that something was wrong, I slipped away. Sure enough. As soon as the front foot came out of Jicheng, the Yan Lingwei who was pursuing me chased me on the back foot." Ye Zhong's tone was full of anger, "The king is really unsympathetic. He crossed the river and demolished the bridge, unloading the grit and killing the donkey, without regard for his old feelings.

Ye Tiannan sighed, "If you stand from another angle, it would be a blessing for a king like Yan State!" He suddenly laughed, "Of course it is not a good thing for us. Yes. How about master Xun?"

"Master Xun is just a scholar. He is old and famous. I don't expect the king to treat him anything. The situation was urgent at the time, and I didn't have time to inform him!" Ye Zhong was a little ashamed.

"You didn't do anything wrong!" Ye Tiannan shook his head, "Master Xun may be making things difficult, but he will never worry about his life, but you are in their hands, but it's different. What's the situation outside?"

What Ye Tiannan wants to know most now is the situation outside. It has been a while since he was isolated from news.

"Master, General Gao broke out from Donghu, walked through Jingyuan, crossed the Hetao, passed the Liaohe River, and then returned to Fufeng." Ye Zhong knew what Ye Tiannan wanted to know most now.

"This road is good!" Ye Tiannan nodded, "Going high is a general, really a wizard who is not inferior to Zhao Mu.

"Although General Gao made a good choice for his way home, Zhou Yu, who has returned from Donghu, has led more than 10,000 people to the grassland to intercept him, intending to eliminate General Gao's subordinates!" Ye Zhong said in a low voice.

"The grassland is vast, and the commanding force is far superior to Zhou Yu. In this battle, it is impossible to know who wins and loses!" Although he was anxious in his heart, Ye Tiannan was still full of confidence and tried his best to think in a good direction.

"Furthermore, Tan Feng has assembled tens of thousands of troops and is attacking General Gao's old nest Stone City in the depths of the grassland!" Ye Zhong said.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Tiannan was stunned, "Tens of thousands of troops, Lao Lao, Jishicheng?"

"Yes, Lord, I don't know when, but General Gao built a city in the depths of the grassland!" Ye Zhong was still surprised at this time, "I also know this news today. From Tianhe A book official in the county government found such a place in the military newspapers. The city that can allow Tan Feng to use tens of thousands of troops to attack is certainly not small. I really can’t imagine how General Gao did it. This point."

The shock in Ye Tiannan's heart was beyond words, and at the same time he was extremely annoyed. It was natural that Gao Yuan could build such a big city overnight, but when he married Jing'er, he didn't even reveal a word in front of him. , It seems that this son-in-law is not unreserved of himself.

"In the depths of the grassland, a big city." Ye Tiannan pondered for a while, and for a while, a thousand thoughts and countless thoughts turned and gradually brightened.

"Ye Zhong, Gao Yuan will win this battle with Zhou Yu, and Zhou Yu will lose!" He said to Ye Zhong in a positive tone.

"Why is the master so sure?" Ye Zhong was a little puzzled. In his opinion, although Gao Yuan broke through from Donghu, he must have lost his army and was exhausted. How could he be Zhou Yu's opponent? And Gao Yuan knew nothing about Zhou Yu's possible surprise attack.

"Gaoyuan quietly built a city in the depths of the grassland, for what? He was leaving a way for himself. Obviously, he had been guarding Ning Zecheng and Zhou Yu for a long time, and he chose to return quietly. I'm afraid it was not a random choice. Maybe he had already laid out his back hand before the war, and even the city was built. Hey, where are the tens of thousands of dimes I gave him that day, right?"

"Yes, I heard that the book official said that the number of people in Jishi City has reached one hundred thousand, and it can be regarded as a medium-sized city!"

"Okay, excellent, Gao Yuan defeated Zhou Yu, and Tan Feng was unable to take down Jishi City before he returned. Gao Yuan will have a complete victory in this battle! Zhou Yu and Tan Feng will definitely lose this time." Ye Tiannan laughed, "Ye Zhong, I have one thing for you to do."

"My dear, this time I come here to take my grandfather away. The alert Yan Lingwei in this post has already fulfilled my way. I won’t be able to wake up until three poles in tomorrow’s day, Cheng My other brothers have already gone out of the way. Since General Gao is intact, the grandfather will take us to vote for General Gao." Ye Zhongxi said.

"No, I won't go, you just need to take Feng'er. This is a single seedling of my Ye family, you take him to find Gaoyuan." Ye Tiannan smiled.

"Master!" Ye Zhong looked at Ye Tiannan in shock, "If you enter Jicheng, life and death will be unpredictable. The current king is not the proton when he was in Qi!"

Ye Tiannan snorted coldly from his nose, "For him~www.NovelMTL.com~ I'm already disappointed. Ye Zhong, if Gaoyuan fails, my Ye family will inevitably die. You will take Feng'er away. , Find a place where no one knows you to live in seclusion, and inherit the incense for my Ye clan. I will die without regret. And if Gao Yuan wins, the king will definitely change his mind. Where can I die, I’m afraid I’m going to die. I will return to the aspect and hold the power! At that time, what is the danger for me? But I have lost confidence in the king, no matter how far I win or lose, Ye Feng can no longer stay by my side, you take him, It depends on the specific situation and decide for yourself."

"Master, please go with me too. Ten years ago, we were able to escape from birth. Today, we can still get out of Yan Kingdom. The world is so big that we can't go anywhere." Ye Zhong said anxiously. .

"I'm old and don't want to go into exile anymore!" Ye Zhong shook his head. "A dozen years ago, I was only in my thirties. It's more than fifty years old, will you go to exile for another ten years?

Ye Zhong looked worried.

"Don't worry, I have said before that if Gao Yuan is defeated, I will inherit the incense from the Ye clan and Ye Feng, and I have no regrets, but if Gao Yuan wins, I am safe and sound. Let me meet again then. Ye Zhong, take Ye Feng with me. Let's go, this kid is a bit stunned, go and faint him, take him out first and then tell him. You don't have to come to see us again." Ye Tiannan waved his hand and said.

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