I’m The King

Chapter 467: : Give an excuse

Ye Zhong is not a child. He is a high-ranking minister who has been in exile with Ye Tiannan for more than ten years. The court is treacherous and difficult to argue. He has never seen many things that are surging. How can Ye Tiannan's words make him believe? Suddenly, he knelt straight in front of Ye Tiannan.

"Master, why is it so, why bother to do this? If General Gao wins, the master can plan for him. With the vastness of the friendship and the ability of the world, General Gao will be able to make General Gao even more important in this world. If General Gao is defeated, the grandfather can do the same for more than a decade and try his best, hoping to make a comeback."

Ye Tiannan shook his head slightly: "Today is not ten years ago. If Gao Yuan loses, Ye clan loses. If Gao Yuan wins, I can't go where he is. Isn't this in a dilemma with the population? "

Ye Zhong's eyes were sour, and he slowly said, "If General Gao wins, does Ye Xiang want to give General Gao an excuse?"

Ye Tiannan smiled slightly, "Ye Zhong, you have grown up! Since you understand my intentions, why bother to say more, take Ye Feng with you, use your talents, and use your talents with a high level of talent. Wherever you get to him, you are far better than you and follow me, if Is there a day when Ye Feng needs your care!"

Ye Zhong stopped talking, knocked his head three times, stood up, wiped a tear, turned around, and disappeared into the darkness. He was a simple person. Seeing that Ye Tiannan had decided, he stopped to persuade him. .

Seeing Ye Zhong disappear and the door to the room closed, Ye Tiannan turned around. Under the faint moonlight, tears rolled on Ye's face, who was still closed his eyes.

"Are you awake?" Ye Tiannan sighed, "Have you heard everything too?"

Ye's opened his eyes and looked at Ye Tiannan, "Master, do you really want to do this?"

Ye Tiannan was silent for a long while, "Back then, Da Zhou ruled the world and enshrined countless vassals. Over the years, countless small nations were destroyed. Only when the seven nations of the world emerged, like Qin Guoying, who used to be just a courtier of the Great Zhou. This is the most remote and inconspicuous courtier. But what do you think of it after a hundred years? The Yingshi is now the number one country in the world?"

"Master, do you want Gao Yuan to emulate Qin Guoying's move?"

"Gao Yuan said something to me. At that time, I thought it was a big rebellion, but now I think about it, but it makes sense, Wanghou, general, would you rather have a kind?" Ye Tiannan smiled: "He Qin can rise to the border, now But Wu frightens the Six Nations, maybe Gao Yuan can do this. Just look at the chess pieces he accidentally dropped. You can see that Gao Yuan is indeed aspiring to this world. In that case, I will push him again and become If it doesn’t happen, it depends on his good fortune! If he succeeds, I, Ye’s family, will continue to prosper for a hundred years. Ma’am, this is a big gamble, but for us, it’s a gamble that is almost trivial now. Regardless of whether we will win or lose in the future, we will all make money!"

Ye's didn't speak, just turned around. He hugged Ye Tiannan tightly, "Since the master has decided, the concubine is naturally accompanied."

"I'm just sorry for you." Ye Tiannan apologized.

"Master, what are you talking about? We are a husband and wife. Naturally, we are a husband and wife. The husband sings and the wife accompanies. We live and die together.

The two who were no longer sleepy simply sat leaning on the bed and hugged each other, remembering the past decades ago, and Ye's face exuded bursts of brilliance. Married to Ye Tiannan for so many years, has she ever had such a time? Although she knows that time is running out, she is extremely happy at this time.

Time passed away in the chattering of the husband and wife, until there was a terrifying exclamation outside, the two of them looked at each other and smiled. They stayed up all night, but they were not tired at all, but a little excited.

The door slammed open at this moment.

Di Choufei stood by the door, looking at the calm-looking Ye Tiannan and his wife. His eyes widened. The shock and incomprehension in his eyes were both shocked and incomprehensible, but he let out a long sigh of relief. The tight muscles relaxed at this time.

He bent down and bowed deeply to the two of them, "Ye Xiang, Madam, is it right? Excuse me."

Ye Tiannan looked at him, "Are you?"

Di Choufei still bends down, the expression on his face has become more respectful, "Below is the commander of Yan Lingwei in Tianhe County, Di Choufei."

"It turned out to be Commander Di!" Ye Tiannan smiled, "What happened outside? Commander Di was so ghoulish?"

Di Choufei straightened up and looked at Ye Tiannan, but the look on his face was a little strange, it seemed a little angry, a little surprised, and a little puzzled. The mixed expressions made his face look extremely wonderful.

Ye Tiannan strode to the outside terrace, and his face changed slightly where he entered his eyes. No wonder Di Choufei was so gagged. In the courtyard, in the walkway, and by the gate, all Yan Lingwei escorted him all. Fell to the ground softly.

"They're all dead?" He turned his head to look at Di Choufei, but there was a hint of schadenfreude flashing across his face.

"Only a few people died, but the rest were fainted!" Angrily flashed across Di Choufei's face.

"It seems that without Ning Zecheng, you Yan Lingwei are not as good as one day!" Ye Tiannan chuckled, and the words were full of irony.

Di Choufei's face blushed and white, and he didn't know how to answer. At this moment, there was a noise from the stairs, and a Yan Lingwei spy rushed over and whispered a few words in Di Choufei's ear.

Di Choufei's complexion changed drastically, turning his head to look at Ye Tiannan, "Ye Xiang, there will be something puzzled at the end, please also ask Ye Xiang to solve the puzzle.

"Please say!" Ye Tiannan spread his hands.

"Since the noble son has left, why does Ye Xiang stay here? If Ye Xiang wants to leave last night, I believe no one here can keep you!" Di Choufei was really puzzled.

"Feng'er isn't here anymore?" Ye Tiannan pretended to be surprised, "He is missing in your Yan Lingwei guard? It seems that Master Di needs to give me an explanation."

Di Choufei looked at Ye Tiannan who was a little proud, and sighed: "Ye Xiang, we little people don't understand those things in the courtroom. We are just following orders. Ye Xiang is a big person. Why wait for these little ones with me. Xiami is angry. I thought it was General Ye Zhongye who came last night, right? General Ye is really good at it. I only received the official document for arresting General Ye this morning, but General Ye has already been here, since he can pick it up. Your son, naturally can take you away, why don't you go?"

Ye Tiannan suppressed a smile, "Although you are not a big official, but you understand people, I don’t go, naturally there is a reason not to go. As for Ye Zhong and the others, you don’t have to bother to hunt down. You can’t find them. ."

Di Choufei nodded when he heard Ye Tiannan confessing the matter, "Since Ye Xiang is not leaving, I am relieved. Ye Xiang is a big man. If you want to go to Jicheng, there will be nothing wrong. If so, he will finally leave. Now, people who have fallen down a yard have to go to the aftermath."

"Director Di, please." Ye Tiannan flicked the sleeves of his robe and turned and entered the house.

Di Choufei stared at the closed door for a long while, before turning around and going downstairs.

"Command!" A subordinate came over, "Three dead. The others were either stunned by smoke or knocked to death, **** like rice dumplings."

Di Choufei said coldly: "Thirty old mothers collapsed the baby. Yan Lingwei was the best at this, but he was put in his own body by his own way, and he was ashamed and ashamed. Is Xu Yanmao dead? "

Xu Yanmao is an official from the Yanlingwei headquarters in Jicheng who is responsible for escorting Ye Tiannan and his party.


"The future of immortality is over." Di Choufei shook his head, "Wake them all up, the doctor should be invited to the doctor."

"Command, do you want to report to Princess Ji and transfer the army to search."

Di Choufei looked up at the sky and let out a long sigh, "The report is for reporting, but let’s search for a fart! Ye Zhong was the one who started, and who was that person? He followed Ye Xiang for ten. A few years old, not to mention his other abilities, this is the ability to hide and escape. Among us, Yan Lingwei, no one can compare to him. How to find him? Besides, as long as Ye Xiang is still there, Ye Feng escapes. Run away if you get there, a little kid, can you make a big wave."

"Understood, command!"

Seeing his subordinates hurrying away from the back, Di Choufei clenched his fists, then turned his head and glanced at the closed door upstairs. It was a good fate. If you really want to search, you may not be able to find it. But why bother myself, I didn’t take responsibility for this matter, I just wanted to do it for the sake of face, Gao Yuan’s achievements in Dayan’s battles were so great, now I’ve been splashed with dirty water, and I don’t have any help. But you don’t have to get into trouble. Besides, Gao Yuan doesn’t necessarily lose. If he wins~www.NovelMTL.com~, when he meets him in the future, he will have many ways to go. If he loses, a Xiaoye Feng and Ye Zhong, a bereaved dog, has also become a minor event.

A day later, Xu Yanmao turned pale and took Ye Tiannan and his wife on the road again, but this time, in addition to Yan Lingwei's people, he also recruited a thousand-man army from Tianhe County to surround him.

Even if Ye Tiannan was escorted to Jicheng smoothly, his future was over. He knew this very well in his heart.

On the way Ye Tiannan was escorted to Jicheng, a battle of offensive and defensive battles was unfolding in the depths of the grassland.

This time, Tan Feng devoted all his resources to the 20,000 Yan Nation Standing Army that had been repaired in the Niulan Mountain Camp, and countless siege equipment was also transported there. Under the Stone City, Tan Feng’s army has exceeded 30,000. The number, and the general who commanded the battle was also replaced by Hu Yanchao.

Hu Yanchao defended the Liaoning Guards. The Yan State standing army of less than 10,000 withstood the attack of the 70,000 to 80,000 Donghu troops. Above the defending city, he is naturally a man of great experience, who is good at defending the city, and naturally also good at attacking the city. Tan Feng knew this very well, so as soon as Hu Yanchao arrived, Tan Feng handed over the command to Hu Yanchao.

He has only one request, to break through the stone city.

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