I’m The King

Chapter 465: :hearsay

Tianhe County has always been a county directly under the jurisdiction of the Yan King's family. Jicheng is located in Tianhe County. The people of Tianhe have an arrogance that cannot be compared with other places. Although Luocheng is only a small place on the border of Tianhe County and Langya. The city, but its prosperous place is no less inferior to the remote Liaoxi city.

Langya, Tianhe was originally the most prosperous city in the Yan Kingdom, and Tianhe was better than Zhu Langya, but it has never suffered a military disaster. Like Langya County, it has suffered two major military fires in the past ten years. The two great families are in Langya, and Tianhe has disappeared. The people of Japan have never experienced such suffering.

Therefore, the people of Tianhe County are very wealthy. What is reflected in the urban architecture is the tall and gorgeous houses and the vast manor. Although it is only a county seat, the scale is huge. There are rows of rows on the streets. The business of the shops is excellent, and the beautiful bluestone streets are spotlessly clean.

At this time, if it were in the west of Liaoning, most people must have finished their day's work, and they are rushing to the house, carrying the copper money earned on this day in their shoulder belts. This is the meal of the family tomorrow. In Luocheng, the streets are full of people strolling leisurely gait. At this time, when the lights are on, it is exactly when the business of pubs, tea shops, restaurants, and brothels is booming.

The big man walked into a tea shop, chose a table in the corner and sat down, asked for a pot of tea, a dish of fried soybeans, and sat quietly. In this position, there is a window behind him, anytime he can He came out of the broken window and fell onto the blazing streets outside, making it easy to get out, and everything in the tea shop was clear at a glance.

Tea shops are naturally an excellent place to inquire about news. Countless true and false news will fly here. Although Luocheng is only a town on the edge of Tianhe County, the people here also have the habit of talking about the world with the arrogance of Jicheng people. It seems that everyone here can give pointers. country. Encourage text.

The big man was holding the teacup, sipping the tea slowly, staring at the tabletop in front of him, but his ears carefully sorted out what he wanted from the many high and light theories.

Some people are saying that General Zhengdong is lofty.

The person was obviously extremely angry. Say two or three sentences every time. They have to pat the table and yell at this bastard.

What he said was naturally official news. The fact that General Zhengdong passed Donghu Gaoyuanli, colluded with the enemy and trapped the army of the Yan Kingdom to death, followed his passionate tone. The people around him also became angry, and the table was slammed.

There was a sneer at the corner of the big man's mouth. Master Xun was really right. In this world, the right to speak is always in the hands of the higher-ranking people. As long as they are willing, black can be said to be white. The wrong can be said to be a pair. In order to achieve one's own goals, it is really unscrupulous.

Gaoyuanlitong Donghu? It is really Tianfang Yetan, I am afraid that only these people in Tianhe who have been living in the honeypot will believe it. In the border town area, the first reaction of those who heard the news was to spit on the ground, and then step forward to give these big-talkers an old punch.

"I heard that now the court has sent out an army to chase and suppress this traitor. He won't live long!" Someone proudly said: "We Tianhe County also sent an army to Fufeng in the west of Liaoning. This traitor will be able to Returning from the Donghu people, I can't escape the final stab."

"Master Wan, now our Dayan 100,000 standing army is trapped in Donghu, where is the army coming from?" Some people questioned, "We all know that there are 3,000 soldiers in Tianhe County, but I can listen. Say that the lofty army is fierce. Maybe these three thousand people are not opponents?"

The man known as Master Wan showed a smug smile on his face, but he didn't talk to him. He held up the teacup with **** and sipped his mouth, but his eyes looked at the crowd, and he looked like he was appetizing.

"Don't make a noise, listen to Lord Wan said that Lord Wan is in charge of clerks in the county mansion. These people are great, don't they know better than us?" Someone flattered.

The big man felt a little in his heart, he was just a book official, and he dared to pretend to be an adult, but this kind of person might actually come into contact with some high-level secrets.

"I can't say much about anything else. You just need to know that under the leadership of General Zhou Yu, my Dayan standing army has already had tens of thousands of people broke through. Now it is helping the wind to fight against the lofty men and horses. That's it. Part of it." Master Wan lowered his voice, said.

Hearing this news, the big man's body shook slightly, looking at the book official surnamed Wan with a rather playful look in his eyes.

After the book official of the surname Wan said these words, he refused to say more. The tea guests at the table were noisy and scolded for a long while. After a long time, they each made a bird and beast dispersal. The big man stood up, settled the account, and walked out of the teahouse. Sweeping his eyes to the left and right, he saw the figure of the thousands of scholars from the crowd, and followed him quietly.

In front of this group of regular old tea friends, Wan Shuli had a lot of face. He is not an official, let alone an adult. He is just a bookkeeper in the county government. Don't underestimate the role of a bookkeeper. Many important information and documents can be seen by such people. Wan Shuli didn’t have access to high-level secrets like Zhou Yu’s transfer of soldiers, but by chance, when he was in the mansion two days ago, he accidentally saw this at the desk of the boss, Lord Bo. Regarding the news about Zhou Yu and Tan Feng dispatching troops to the grassland, even though it was only a little bit of breath to go out today, it made a dry tea friend stunned. Seeing that his eyes became extremely reverent, he was particularly happy.

When he was happy, his steps became vain, and in the eyes of these tea friends, he seemed to have become extraordinarily tall. After drinking tea, no one will worry about accounting. With Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, Wan Shuli hums a little song, and walks leisurely towards his home.

Although Wan Shuli seemed to have a lot of face outside, he was really embarrassed at home. He was forced by his escort, and a few fees could not support the family. Today I had a good tea. After eating a lot of snacks, this dinner can be saved.

When I walked to my small courtyard, I was about to raise my hand to slap the door knocker. An arm suddenly stretched out from behind and gently squeezed it. Wan Shuli's eyes were already white, and Venus stared wildly. He wanted to yell. Where can a little sound come out. The arm behind him was so powerful that Wan Shuli was dragged to the corner of the temple like a little chicken. The body was pressed against the wall with a bang, and then he involuntarily turned half a circle, the whole person was pulled over, the neck of the neck left, and Wan Shuli immediately opened his mouth and opened his mouth. He breathed fresh air, although it was only a short moment, but at that moment, Wan Shuli felt that he was only so close to death.

With fresh air in the abdomen, Wan Shuli's next action was to open his mouth and shout. Not far from here, there were still many pedestrians. As long as he opened his mouth, he could attract the attention of others.

But he just opened his mouth, because there was a slight pain in his stomach, he lowered his head and saw a sharp dagger right on his belly. He might be able to call it out, but the next moment, this dagger must be drilled. Go into his stomach.

The visitor smiled and stared at Wan Shuli, holding a dagger in his right hand against Wan Shuli’s stomach, while holding a silver ticket in his left hand, slowly passing in front of his eyes, Wan Shuli’s eyes lit up immediately. It was a hundred and two banknotes, and I did it for a year, and I couldn't make that much.

"Hero guy, I'm just a small person, what do you want to know, as long as I know, I must say it, say it all!" Wan Shuli's voice was a little trembling. Seeing the knife and the bank note, Wan Shuli immediately understood that the other party was not robbing or seeking revenge, so the reason why the other party came to him was probably because of his identity.

The big man nodded in satisfaction. This is a wise man, and he doesn't need to spend much time talking.

"You said in the tea shop earlier that Zhou Yu has led tens of thousands of people to break out. Is this news true?"

"It's true, it's true. General Zhou Yu led his troops to join General Hu Yanchao to break through. They are now in Fufeng Niulanshan Camp."

"Zhou Yu sent troops to the grassland?"

"Yes, yes, it is true that General Zhou Yu took 10,000 horses and went to the grassland to ambush the general high and far east."

"Then what happened to Tan Feng's deployment of troops into the grassland?"

"Commander Tan sent people to chase Gao Yuan and stayed in the rest of Fufeng, but found that General Zhengdong Gao Yuan built a huge city on Jishi Mountain in the depths of the grassland, where more than 100,000 people gathered, so Commander Tan mobilized The soldiers from Tianhe County and Liaoxi County waited to Jishi Mountain, ready to break the city in one fell swoop and wipe out the rest of Gaoyuan."

"A new city?" The man was obviously taken aback.

"Yes, it's a new city with a huge scale!" Wan Shuli felt that the knife on his stomach had a tendency to move inward, and he was shocked. "The hero is forgiving, I have said everything I know."

Dahan was shocked at this time. How silently Gao Yuan built a city in the depths of the grassland. This is not a camp. The money, manpower, and materials needed are innumerable.

He took a deep breath, "Did you **** someone into the city today?"

"It is ~www.NovelMTL.com~ who sent it to Princess Langya, who was also the former head of our country, Lord Ye Tian Nan Ye."

"Where is Master Ye being locked up now?"

"It's in the post house."

"How many guards are there?"

"I don't know. Master Ye has a different identity. It was Yan Lingwei who escorted him, and the entire post was taken over by Yan Lingwei. Hero, I really don't know what's inside."

The big man nodded. It is impossible for this book official to know about Yan Lingwei's affairs. If only Yan Lingwei is in charge, his own affairs will be much easier. If there is Yan Lingwei inside, some county soldiers will surround him. If that happens, I'm really not sure about it.

He put away the dagger with satisfaction, and stuffed the banknote into Wan Shuli's arms, "Go home and sleep in your head. If you want to die, you can go to the official."

"No, no, I dare not report to an official, I dare not report to an official!" Wan Shuli shook his head again and again.

The big man chuckled, turned around, and disappeared into the distance between three or two steps.

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