I’m The King

Chapter 453: : The Truce

"The destruction of our army is a foregone conclusion!" There was a faint fire in Zhou Yuan's eyes, and his face looked stubborn. "I am responsible for this defeat. I can only pay death for it. The generals have followed me for many years, but Are you determined to die with me?"

Headed by Kumamoto, everyone stood up, "I would like to fight with the Taiwei to the death to repay the country."

"Okay, very good!" Zhou Yuan showed a rare smile on his face, "Death may be heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather, and it will be overturned. What I can do is to do it before I die. Dayan did the last thing. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

His gaze slowly passed in front of the generals, "The main force of the country of Yan is here. Although Zhou Yu led 30,000 to break out of the encirclement, I don't know what the situation is now. Even if they return to the country of Yan, they must be It hurts my vitality. Now the country of Yan is at its weakest. After the Donghu people defeated me, they would inevitably move their troops westward and offend the border of Dayan. At this time, our country has no power to resist. Therefore, in the last battle, I When you have to go forward, remember that if you kill one more Donghu, their westward strength will be weakened by one point. If we die, in exchange for the Donghu people’s inability to enter the south and offend my big swallow, it is I'm waiting for the last credit for Dayan."

"Desperately kill the enemy!" The generals responded loudly.

"Very well, each will obey!" Zhou Yuan pulled out his saber, smashed the big case in front of him, and cut the big case into two.

The tens of thousands of swallows trapped in Xiong'er Mountain were filled with an atmosphere of heroic death. Everyone was quietly wiping their swords, guns, bows and arrows. The moon tonight is very round and very bright, and a faint opalescence sprinkled on every soldier, covering them with a layer of silver armor.

This was their last night, and it was the last time they took a shower under the moonlight. Tomorrow, they will set foot on the battlefield and die generously.

Tonight, some people have no sleep. Some were weeping, some yelling, some scolding their mothers, and some lying high and sleeping.

Zhou Yuan walked slowly inside the camp. At this time, he was stumbling like a real old man, watching his soldiers as he walked.

There is indeed a shame in his heart, if he can be more careful. If it weren't for oneself who wanted to build up this splendid achievement, there would be no catastrophe right now.

This reminded him of a conversation with the kid who had emerged from Yuyang on his way back to Jicheng. At that time, Gao Yuan’s strategy of attacking Donghu was not to attack Donghu like this, but to use the method of cannibalization. Slowly, lay a ground and build a city. Immigration, it takes several years to build a stable base, and then move forward. But obviously, his opinion was not attractive to Zhou Yuan, who was already in the tomb. At that time, he even laughed at such a young general Gao Yuan, but his heart was even older than him.

I want to come now. How pertinent Gao Yuan's suggestions at the time were. Not to mention anything else, just a Niulanshan camp has pushed Yan State's control area forward by a hundred miles.

unfortunately. There is no regret medicine in this world.

Listen, watching the various reactions of the soldiers, Zhou Yuan's heart became heavier and heavier. Tomorrow, these graceful warriors will become a corpse on the battlefield. Weeds, even the bones can't be returned to their hometown.

"Taiwei, Taiwei!" Tao Qigong hurried over from behind as he shouted.

"What happened?" Zhou Yuan's heart sank slightly when he saw Tao Qigong.

"Taiwei, Donghu has sent a special envoy!" Tao Qigong lowered his voice and arrived with a voice that only Zhou Yuan could hear.

"Special envoy? Persuade to surrender?" Zhou Yuan sneered, "Who is it?"


"Sure enough, it is him!" Zhou Yuan chuckled, "It's actually an old acquaintance."

"Will Taiwei see him? If he doesn't, I will go and drive him away at the end!"

"No, see, why not?" Zhou Yuan sneered, "I, Zhou Yuan, have indeed fallen into the sun, but I can't tolerate people coming to bully me like this."

Tao Qigong led Tulu into the self-employed gate. Tulu only took two followers and entered with confidence. Now he is the winner. Naturally, he is not like he was in Jicheng, smiling to everyone. Bent over, at this time, he was full of spirits, with his head high and his chest high, passing through the rows of soldiers standing upright.

The old king Miranda and the new king Thorpe’s thinking were right. As they walked, Tulu turned around. Although he was surrounded, obviously, Zhou Yuan had no choice but to mobilize the morale that should have been low, and looked at the soldiers. Tulu couldn't help feeling a little frightened with his viper-like gaze.

These people don't want to live anymore, they want to work hard. Want to use his own life in exchange for the life of Donghu people.

Donghu people do not want to change their lives. Because the Yan people can afford to die, but the Donghu people cannot afford to die. Although Donghu won this battle, it was not without a price. Donghu’s own civil strife alone would have lost countless dimes. If it were not for Zhou Yuan’s wrong judgment, Anxious to win, but Pharaoh is strategizing, it's really hard to tell who wins and loses in this battle.

They wanted to work hard, but the Donghu people did not want to work hard. Tulu was here to dispel Zhou Yuan's desperate thoughts.

When people are in desperation, they will burst out with great power, but if there is still life, this power will disappear, and once the negative emotions are ignited, it is not easy to extinguish them.

Zhou Yuan's big tent is right in front of him, and Tulu tidied up, with a smile on his face, strode into the brightly lit big tent.

The generals of the Yan army lined up on both sides, Zhou Yuangao was standing at the desk, and everyone was staring at Tulu.

"Tulu has seen the lieutenant!" Tulu hit the ground. He often travels to the Central Plains, but he is very familiar with the etiquette of the Central Plains.

"You are very courageous, but you are not lucky. I just need someone to sacrifice the flag to boost my morale. You came when I didn't think of you. What I didn't even think was that it was you who came. Before the decisive battle, there is People of your status come to sacrifice my Wang Qi, and I want to let my soldiers kill more Donghu people!" Zhou Yuansen said.

Tulu smiled, "So the Taiwei has decided to commit suicide? Taiwei, as soon as the war broke out, in this camp, there are tens of thousands of soldiers and soldiers, can anyone still go home alive? At this moment around the Xiong'er Mountain, My Donghu has gathered one hundred thousand cavalry, if necessary, we can also gather one hundred thousand soldiers and horses."

"That's it!" Zhou Yuan laughed wildly, "That's it, my tens of thousands of troops, even if all of them die here, you Donghu people will have to pay a heavy price. If you want to come, you also understand that this price, I The Yan people can afford it, but you can't afford it. Within a few years, my Dayan will make a comeback. At that time, it will be the time when your Donghu tribe will be destroyed."

Turou nodded, "The Taiwei said, although the two sides are fighting. We may not have as many casualties as the Taiwei imagined, but I am kind and unwilling to commit more murders, and there will be more deaths and injuries, so let me go forward. Come, discuss the truce with the lieutenant."

"Truce? You want me to surrender? Don't even think about it!" Zhou Yuan sneered, "I would rather die than surrender!"

"No, it's not a surrender. It's a peace talk, a truce!" Tulu said lightly. "Lieutenant Zhou, you can't afford to die of these people. On this land, you are not the only country, Dayan. You are now surrounded, I am afraid that there is some news that you are not yet, Zhao Guo Zhao Mu has been appointed as Taili. Zhao Jun is moving towards the Sifang City. The whole city. If you want to come to Taiwei, what Zhao Mu wants to do. The four cities that Ye Xiang, Taiwei and others tried so hard to seize, if they are lost again. Then, between Yan and Zhao The offensive and defensive forces will change again. If Taiwei dies here, I wonder if Yan Guo can withstand Zhao Guo's offensive?"

Zhou Yuan was stunned immediately.

"It is not only Zhao Guo, but Qi Guotiandan is also beginning to gather people in Shancheng. At the beginning, Qi Guo helped King Yan ascend the throne, but after returning to China, the noble king kicked Qi away, leaving Tian Dan with nothing, and wanted to come to Tian Danbu. Would mind sprinkling a handful of salt on Yan's wound." Tulu smiled.

"It's easy to die, but after death, can Taiwei have the enlightenment that after you die, regardless of his flood? The destruction of the country of Yan is imminent, and Taiwei will not be moved by it?"

Hearing so much news, for a while, not only Zhou Yuan, but all the generals in the tent were also stunned. They were conscious of death and surrendered, which would only shame, humiliate, and even deprive their families of nobles. Qualifications, reduced to civilians, so they are willing to trade death in exchange for the name of a hero, in exchange for the safety of the family, but if the world really changes so drastically, I am afraid that Yan Guo will really overthrow and fall under the nest. There are no eggs!

Looking at the expressions of everyone in the tent, Tulu nodded in satisfaction, "So, the lieutenant, my lord is willing to negotiate with you. Both sides should go to the sword and get along with each other in peace."

"Why did Thorpe do this? Doesn't he want to take this opportunity to gnaw my big swallow? Kill me and wait, and then command his troops to march into the Central Plains." Zhou Yuan asked in a deep voice.

"No, no, no!" Tulu's head shook like a rattle. "A person is expensive to know oneself, and I Donghu has self-knowledge. There are very few people in my tribe, and even in the heyday, there are only 100,000 people who can control the strings. , And now, my clan has experienced civil strife and fought with your Dayan again. Although we have won, we have suffered heavy losses. If we think this way, we will not be far away from the scourge of genocide. Therefore, we are willing to cease the war. Use this low-handed victory in exchange for the peaceful coexistence between us. Even when Dayan is in need, my Donghu can send troops to help you Yan, and fight against foreign humiliation. Taiwei Zhou, this is our sincerity. Please. Taiwei Zhou thinks twice."

The generals' eyes all turned to Zhou Yuan.

"Okay!" Zhou Yuan stood up quickly~www.NovelMTL.com~ If you are really sincere, please let go of the road and allow our army to leave. "

"Taiwei!" Tulu smiled faintly, "This time your Dayan is here to invade my Donghu, not my Donghu to beat you."

"So, do you still have the conditions to get Luo?" Zhou Yuan said coldly.

"The conditions are naturally there." Turu said with a smile: "If Prince Zhou intends to negotiate a peace, then please send a special envoy to your king to discuss the details of the truce and peace with our king, and the two sides will sign a treaty. Only then can you leave, Taiwei Zhou."

Zhou Yuan looked up to the sky and laughed, "It's really ridiculous. You know that our army will be exhausted. Could it be that I am here waiting for my army to become hungry and become soft-footed crabs, so you can get what you want?"

"In order to show my king’s sincerity, as long as Taiwei Zhou agrees to make peace, then, after three days, my king will provide your army with food and grass every day. Of course, it will be one day. Your army should have four to five days of food and grass. !" Tulu is confident.

Zhou Yuan took a deep breath, and the Donghu people knew exactly how much grain and grass were left in his army. (To be continued...)

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